Атты Халықаралық ғылыми-əдістемелік конференция материалдары


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This article deals with the problem of developing the dialect corpus of the Bashkir language, 

the principles of collecting and processing expedition materials in the eastern dialect.

In the case, the fi eld material recorded as an audio recording on the recorder will be transcribed, 

presented in a literary form and translated into Russian. Equipped with extralinguistic marking, the 

corps will provide information on dialect (dialect, govor), informant (name, sex, age, nationality, 

education, etc.), topics of conversation, recording (recording time). The variety of dialect texts from 

the point of view of the age, social, professional composition of informants will allow us to observe 

the modern state of speech of a dialect or dialect of the Bashkir language.

Каждый говор, каждый диалект является важнейшей частью башкирского языка. Од-

нако сегодня влияние литературного языка на диалекты очень сильное, что проявляется, 

прежде всего, в активизации процесса исчезновения диалектных особенностей языка. Сле-

довательно, одной из основных задач языковедов является не только сбор диалектных ма-

териалов, но и сохранение данного пласта языка.

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