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УДК 004.91
Orynbetov Z.
Computing System and Software Department
Suleyman Demirel University
Abstract. Nowadays mobile phones plays important role in our life. Technologies are getting smaller,
and keyboard respectively gets smaller. That is why keyboards need improvements, because small
keyboards are harder to use without additional features. Apparently there are some solutions covered by
bluetooth keyboards, joysticks, voice recognition. Each year voice recognition is getting better, however
the most used keyboard type is screen keyboard. But users who are typing in kazakh language on iOS
devices(iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), have some inconvenience. There are only few keyboards on the
market, and the are too primitive. In this paper we are introducing the next step of writing in kazakh
language, using a lot of modern algorithms, such as word completion, word suggestion, and
There are a lot of great algorithms which can accelerate typing speed, or to help people with
motor disabilities to type a text. This algorithms help to decrease the number of keystrokes, and distance
overpassed between keys on the keyboard.
Word completion (Fig.1.) is a feature which can predict the word, that user wants to type. If user
starts typing a letter, or letters of a word, the application can suggest a list of words, so the user just taps
it. If the word user wants not shown yet, he continues to type a word, until desired one appears.
Word suggestion algorithms (Fig. 2.) can suggest words or phrases you will probably type next,
based on your typing style. Typing style can be not only one, but for the different contexts, it may use
multiple your typing styles. For example chatting and typing in documents are very different typing
styles. This algorithm may let you talk just tapping on words that are appearing on top of the keyboard.
Autocorrection is an algorithm, which seeks for misspelled words, and corrects them as they
most likely to have been intended. Autocorrection algorithms easily can correct common mistakes, e.g.
“thme” for “them”. However, that is not it for autocorrection algorithms, because mixing up letters
between each other is not the only problem. Some users may type too fast, and stroke for the very
different letters, e.g. “jekko” may should be “hello” according to the neighbour keys of each letter in the
word, on qwerty keyboard.
In this section we will review some smart keyboards which are using English as a primary
language. Recently a keyboard was developed to aid people with motor disabilities to type a text quickly.
The keyboard is called Dasher (Fig. 3.).[1]
They reached the goal of fast typing via the word prediction algorithm. Dasher highlights letters
with certain colors, To help visually orientate intuitively. However this typing application requires very
fast reaction and holds user in tension. Another great research was made to upgrade existing Cirrin
keyboard (Fig. 4.).[2] Cirrin keyboard arranges letters inside the perimeter of circle. The letters of cirrin
keyboard are arranged due to the frequently used diagrams, so the distance traveled from letter to letter
is shorter. The research made to improve the Cirrin keyboard by adding some colors to letters, giving
some visual cues, and changing size of the letters according to probabilities.
Personalized-adaptive Cirrin made research also for the usage of dictionaries, to use for the word
prediction. They used BNC(British National Corpus) dictionary as a common dictionary. They found
out that by adding personalized dictionary to common dictionary, makes word prediction algorithm
much better. There may be several dictionaries in personalized dictionary database. Depending on
Fig. 1. Word Completion
Fig.2. Word
context, keyboard can use different personalized dictionaries, one for chatting, and quite different for
writing some documents.
Users experiencing word completion features are facing some difficulties. For example user
wants to type “approach”. By typing “ap”, keyboard may suggest “application”, “approve”, and to get
desired word, user should continue typing. There is no option to get desired word, user can only select
the whole word. The problem can be solved using Word Tree algorithm (Fig. 5.).[3] This algorithm
decreases the number of keystrokes, and makes it easier to autocomplete the word. By typing “ap”, if
desired “approach” not appeared on screen yet, the used can select the certain letter in suggested word
“appRove”, and application will suggest next words based on “appr”.
Kazakh smart keyboard
Nowadays users of iOS devices experiencing some difficulties in
typing Kazakh. Since Apple introduced third party keyboards in
iOS 8, obviously few Kazakh keyboards appeared on the market.
However they are too primitive, and are not using any algorithms
to improve convenience and speed of typing process. In this article
we are introducing better solution for Kazakh keyboard:
A lot of users typing in Kazakh language prefers using English
layout. However when using English layout, there is no additional
featured algorithm like autocorrection, word prediction, and so on.
Moreover, there are some rumors about crossing Kazakh keyboard
from Cyrillic to Latin layout officially. Therefore presenting both
Cyrillic and Latin options is foreground goal for this application.
Currently in the market there is no autocorrection option directed for mobile systems. Adding
autocorrection to my keyboard, we will solve two problems at the same time. First of all, surely it is
great to allow yourself to be less accurate and type too fast, relying on autocorrection option. Secondly,
we are not planning to add Kazakh unique letters onto keyboard. Instead of typing “Қ”, user will press
common “К”, instead of “Ғ”, user will enter “Г”, and so on. Using general autocorrection algorithms,
we are going to cover this feature also. For example to get “алмұрт”, user should type “алмурт”, which
is much easier due to the familiar йцукен keyboard.
On of the most important features of the keyboard will be autocompletion. This feature requires a lot of
effort. First challenge is about collecting database of words. We need to parse a lot of texts, and
determine suffixes and prefixes in the words. Secondly, this feature requires
to using machine learning algorithms, to learn user’s unique typing style, to
suggest the most used words for autocompletion.
Last but not least important feature is word prediction. This feature is similar
to word prediction, because of learning user’s unique typing style. The
Fig. 4. Cirrin keyboard
Fig. 3. Dasher
difference is that word prediction should remember the sequence of words, that user is typing most often,
and also relying on context.
Future work
Currently we are collecting database of Kazakh words by parsing big texts, and we have simple
design. In future we will add all the features introduced in this paper and add some new:
Voice recognition
Intuitive gestures
Additional interface features
Currently application is in very early stage of development. The keyboard will be finished and available
for download in early 2016.
Smart screen keyboards are growing very fast, therefore it is perspective area for developers, and
in Kazakhstan this area is surely needs a lot of research. In this article we are trying to investigate in
keyboards area, because it is strictly needs development. We hope that our research on keyboard will be
fruitful and will satisfy users.
[1] David J. Ward, Alan F. Blackwell, David J.C. MacKay. Dasher - A Gesture–Driven Data Entry
Interface For Mobile Computing.
[2] Siska Fitrianie and Leon J.M. Rothkrantz. An Adaptive Keyboard with Personalized Language-
based Features.
[3] Georges Badr and Mathieu Raynal. WordTree: Results of a Word Prediction System Presented
Thanks to a Tree.
УДК 004
Dyussengulov A.M.
course IS Department, Suleyman demirel university
The work has a goal to introduce the development of application and WEB site, which help to
find favorite book and exchange with others. In the first part of this work refers to the goals and
Fig. 5. Word Tree
objectives of the project, describes the social meaning and specificity of the bookcrossing movement.
The rest parts are devoted to planning, developing applications, user interface design, releasing the
product. In addition, this work provides information about the process of programming associated with
mobile application.
Бұл дипломдық жұмыс ұнаған кітапты жеңіл табып және басқа пайдаланушылармен
ынғайлы айырбастаудын бағдарламасын жасауға арналған.
Жұмыстың бірінші бөлімінде мақсаты мен міндеті жайлы, сонымен қатар әлеуметтік маңыздығы
және буккросингтың ерекшелігі туралы айтылған. Қалған бөлімдері бағдарламаны жоспарлауға,
жүзеге асыруға, пайдаланушылар интерфейс дизайнын өңдеуге және іске қосу жүрісі туралы
жұмыстарға арналған. Бұл жұмыс мобильдік баздарлама байланысты жазу жайлы ақпарат береді.
Keywords: bookcrossing, site development, mobile application, project releasing.
BookCrossing is the practice leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others,
who then do likewise. The ‘crossing’ or exchanging of books may take any of a number of forms,
including leave the book in public place, direct swaps with other members of the website, or “book ring”
in which books travel in a set of order to participants who want to read a certain book. All of these needs
for encourage people to read and make the whole world library.
In the beginning, this phenomenon did not start out just as a reading club, but as a source of
entertainment center around books. The magic of reading has modified the idea of the Bookcrossing and
the main objective. Initial idea and original objective of BookCrossing was following a book as it passed
through different places. Also, liberate books from bookshelves, and leave them somewhere for new
readers. Nowadays, it has also become a way of meeting people from different places with different
interests. The importance of effects of reading changed it into a forum for opinions, discussion and
literary criticism, which complement BookCrossings primary aim.
Bookcrossing uses new technologies, which helps to break the barriers of time and space, and
reading and imagination accompany the new era. It is now possible. Thousands of people, who in
different corners of the planet can interact through a common interest, reading, can now share it without
worrying about space and time constraints. Mobile technologies allow users access the website primarily
with mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. Mobile technology improved people’s lives in
many different aspects. Firstly, it makes people become much closer with each other through texting,
social networking apps, video or voice phone calling and any other social activities. It provides users
various contact ways to satisfy different needs. Secondly, mobile technology also can relax people in
their spare time by providing them various entertainments.
Bookcrossing helps to promote the popularization of reading literature, interconnection people with
the same interests. Reading books gives your brain a workout like most modern technology never could.
Whether you are into novels or non-fiction, horror or romance, paperbacks or digital readers, the act of
reading makes your mind work in a different way.
Ron Hornbaker conceived the idea that we know as Book Crossing in March 2001. He launched the
[1], which has grown throughout the world. By April 2003 the website
had over 113,000 members, and in 2004 the Concise Oxford Dictionary included the word “book
crossing”. There are currently 1,336,050 BookCrossers and 10,627,825 books travelling throughout
132 countries. In July 2007 Singapore became the first official Book Crossing country in the world.
First, giving books instead of letting your old favorites collect dust - pass them along to another
reader. Online archival and tracking system allows members to connect with other readers, journal and
review literature and trade and follow their books as lives are changed through “reading and releasing”.
Users are able to tag and track their individual books by marking them with BCIDs (BookCrossing
Identity Numbers). Each BCID is unique to each book – once it’s registered on our site, the book can
then be followed and journaled forever. BookCrossing is free to join and free to play.
Essentially each BookCrossing member:
Registers on the website, providing location, name and age.
Picks up a book, reads it and assigns it a rating on the website
Releases the book to the next user
BookCrossing.com has a great deal of data on book ratings across genres and geographies and basic
demographic / geographic information (location and age).
The principal of site is based on three Rs. The basic rules to follow in the BookCrossing community
are very simple and retain their original English names: Read; read a good book, Register; register it
along with your comments in the websites journal. In order to do this you will first need to obtain a
BCID, that is, a BookCrossing ID Number, as well as a book label. The final R is the most magical,
Release; release it. This last phase is about sharing the book with more people. Give it to a friend, leave
it on a park bench, forget it in a coffee shop, etc..., always recording where you have left it on the contact
page of the community you belong to so that someone else can retrieve it and enjoy reading it. Likewise,
if you write release notes about the book, other people can go hunting and repeat the process.
In reality, if we leave a book on a park bench, nobody really knows what will happen to it. For this
reason, we use a label featuring the BCID (BookCrossing ID Number). This number allows the person
who finds the book to enter the BookCrossing web page and record this catch in the journal if they so
wish. However much effort we go to at the time of releasing a book to ensure that it will be caught and
recorded in the journal: clearly visible BCID; secure labels; something to attract the publics attention
and a carefully chosen place it is normally caught but not entered in the journal.
It is very simple, you only have to enter the BookCrossing web page and make an entry in the journal,
recording the BCID and leaving a brief note so that other people know what has happened to the book.
If you are not interested in reading it, it is not compulsory; you can even write that openly in your note.
Finally, once you have finished with the book, you continue the chain by passing it on to a friend or
releasing it "into the wild" so that someone can enjoy it.
My first aim of this work is connecting people through books by sending literature in SDU;
The second aim is propagandize book reading among the students.
Generally, I want to do special library for all students with student’s book.
1.3. Market Analysis
1.3.1 Customer Analysis
At the word reader, we illustrate image of a man with a book in his hands but it is just an image,
association, representation, and what is he really the reader with you our modern times?
Let us start with a little history. Previously, an increase in thrust people contributed to the book:
lean range, the lack of good books, censorship, ideological preferences of various authors. Now is a
continuing need in the book is in the past. Today, the modern reader is considered a little reading,
preferring the TV and the computer. There is nothing easier than to click on the monitor and get an
answer to a question. If the reader is drawn to the library and is mainly associated with its request seeking
information from studies or professional activities.
It turns out that there are still readers who prefer not only a TV or computer, but also happy to
read books. For example, a book that has won a huge number of fans of all ages and countries - "Harry
Potter." This book describes all: friendship, love, hate and betrayal, relationships with family, choice of
life ... Well, tell me how you can remain indifferent to this book and can not be overcome with Harry
all the difficulties?
No less interesting are the modern reader and genres such as the detective novel female, domestic and
foreign classics. Many in the library, the desire to read what they saw on the screen. Get at least a
sensational film adaptation of "The Master and Margarita" Bulgakov or "Admiral" about life and love
Alexander Kolchak and Anna Timireva. Very often directors derogating from primary sources or using
them as variants TV versions.
Summing up their suspicions, try to draw a conclusion. Despite the fact that the daily, hourly
develop information technology, the modern reader to part with the book is not intended. There are
computer games and movie theaters with the volumetric image and a lot of that is able to overshadow
the book. The readers continue to read and interested in literature. Every time he took the book in his
hands, he did not just immersed in the story, and dreams, dreams, traveling, living someone else's life.
Libraries remains the most difficult to justify the confidence of the reader, it's not always staffed fund
of the literature, which is close and interesting to the reader, so it's important to keep a hand on the
"pulse" of reader demand. The modern reader to find information more often prefers the Internet, the
library should be a kind of guide to information resources. In addition, do not think about the modern
reader as "clicks generation." Simply changing times, changing the reader, and therefore it needs, and
the library must develop and respond to these requests.
1.3.2 Similar Products in the Market
BookCrossingApp is a real world, outdoor book hunting and sharing game
using GPS-enabled devices. Participants hunt books by navigating to more or less
wide set of GPS coordinates to find or share a book. Sharing books, even if it is a brand new book for
the community or it is just hunted and read one, is about finding a save location for the book to be
released and be as explicit as you can about the information on where to find it. The app will locate it
using the gps info on your device in the moment you release it. All starts by searching a book you like
in the map section of the app. Choose one and start the hunt. With the map you will get an
approximate idea of where the book and together with the instructions of the sharing user wrote you
can go an attempt to find it. It can be very easy and be in a shelve of a coffee place or might be hidden
in a tree hollow.
Stevens Book Exchange is a book-trading app designed for students at Stevens Institute of
Technology. Stevens Book Exchange provides an easy way for students to sell and purchase books
from other students.
Yii - a high-performance, component-based structure of PHP-framework for rapid development of large
Web applications. It allows you to apply the concept of maximum code reuse and can significantly
accelerate the process of web development. Name Yii (pronounced as Yee or [ji:]) is a simple (easy),
effective (efficient) and extensible (extensible)
Yii - is a framework for web programming, general purpose, which can be used for the development of
virtually all web applications. Due to its lightness and the presence of advanced caching, Yii is
particularly suitable for developing applications with high traffic, such as portals, forums, content
management systems (CMS), e-commerce and others.
Like most other PHP-frameworks, Yii - it's MVC-framework. Yii superiority over other frameworks is
efficiency, opportunity and quality documentation. Yii originally designed very carefully to meet all the
requirements in the development of serious web applications. Yii is neither a byproduct of some project
or assembly of third-party solutions. It is the result of a large experience of the authors in the
development of web applications, as well as their research the most popular web frameworks and
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