Байланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastB. Dinayeva, S. Sapina
The necessity of developing the skills of academic writing and reading
This article discusses the issues of academic literacy in the preparation of specialists in the country in the twen-
ty-first century, describes the academic writing and reading. Academic writing is aimed at developing problem-solv-
ing skills related to written communication. In connection with this analysis of goals and objectives, competencies,
formed as a result of the development of a practical discipline “Academic Writing and Reading” at the Kazakh
Humanitarian and Law University. As a result of the development of the subject “Academic Writing and reading” stu-
dents formed the professional skills of reading and academic writing. Comprehensive study carried out by academic
writing skills of students to join in the discussion, prepare presentations, develop listening skills and the ability to ask
questions and answer questions, and to critically evaluate and interpret any information.
Key words: academic literacy, academic reading, academic writing, scientific text, science project, compe-
Редакцияға 09.12.2014 қабылданды.