M.T. Ilipov, N. BolatulyБайланысты: 3-106-2015-1-chastM.T. Ilipov, N. Bolatuly
Elite both political power of the USA and elite of the Soviet party nomenclature
In article the review of formation of the political power and elite of the USA is made. Theories of a political
plyurializm and classical works on problems of plyurialistsky democracy (D. Truman, D. Rismen, R. Dahl) and
theories of neoelitism (T. Dai, X. Tsaygler, U. Domkhoff). The author in detail stops on a pyramid U.S. authorities on
D. Rismen’s sample and on a sample of political structure of R. Mills. Instead of with it the nomenclature elite of the
Soviet period is analysed.
Key words: Political pluralism, neoelitism, hyper democracy, nomenclature, communist, Lenin guard, emigres.
Редакцияға 05.02.2015 қабылданды.