7 сынып
Communication and technology
(Writing an E-mail)
Electronic devices
Persönlichkeiten meiner Region
L’histoire de mon pays
The lost world – should be removed from learning the topic
(the context is not properly given, two extracts are not connected with anything, main text is given in a track)
Natural disasters
Musik und Literatur
La ville et le village
Space and Earth
(not connected with other subjects,
do not know astronomy)
Planets in the Universe
Beruf der Zukunft
La mode et le vêtement
8 сынып
Action and Protest
(Writing e-mails, freegans, vocabulary is not applicable to
everyday usage and life) Call to Action
Innovationen in der Welt Erfindungen, die die Welt verändert haben
Les masse-média,les
réseaux sociaux
Television (too complex terminology, too specific)
Internet technologies
Zeit der Friedenstiftung
L’héritage culturel
Future of food (too scientific, impossible to use in everyday life)
National Cuisine / Cuisine of
different countries
Der Mensch und sein
Temps de la paix et de la création