Тақырыбы: Lexical aspect of the gender classification
Сағатсаны: 1
Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:
1.Kinship names
2.Taboos and euphemisms
3.Household vocabulary
In the system of names in the language masculine, feminine concepts, man and woman speaking actions are various in accordance with the established norms in certain culture which mean that each culture can be distinguished types of gender relationships. Gender classification is often evident in lexics.
а) Kinship names. The structure of gender lexics differs by genderlects which related with the system of relativeness. They vary by the speaker's sex, age and relative relations (sister, older sister), it is the habit not to call elder`s name, etc.
b) Taboo and euphemisms. The gender lexical features are clearly expressed through taboo words. One of the full range of prohibitions are divided by gender difference is only for men or only for women. There are many prohidited words, veiled, hidden speech about human`s names.
In the Turkic languages woman signs there are many taboo words and euphemisms related with tradition of choosing names. They must be systematized in the future.
Every nation`s women language often inherent gender differences in customs and traditions. "the ethnographer A.N.Samoylovich scientifically proved that the tradition of choosing names is not only characteristic to the Kazakh and Kyrgyz women, as well as Turkmen, the Crimean Tatars, Ottoman Turks, karagas (tofa) and Altai Turks, in particular, teleut, sagai, koybal, shor, telengit, soyot (телеут, сагай, қойбал, шор, теленгіт, сойот). The scientist said that the Altai women lexica is called by the terms naj or najla, and a woman who use this lexica is "najlan-jat" (tied), the turcologist N.A.Baskakov said that in modern Altai language taboo words are related with professional lexica of hunting, euphemisms in women language related with tradition of choosing names, and both of them are called байсөс, байлағансөстер[Akhmetov, 1995, p. 40-42].
1.What is the gender lexical description of names of relatives?
2.Define gender linguistic sings of everyday lexics.
3.Describe gender classification of taboo and euphemisms.
4.Give the description of gender antrophonyms.
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