«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы


1. Choose the right variant:
I _____ start a new life tomorrow.

  1. to be going d) is going

  2. am going e) were going

  3. shall go

2. Choose the right variant:
Mark _____ into the army next year.

  1. was going d) would go

  2. will go e) will be go

b) goes
3. Choose the right variant:
They ____ dinner at this time tomorrow.

  1. have d) having had

  2. are having e) will be having

  3. will have

4. Choose the right variant:
– What‟s happened to your hair? Your mother _____ .

  1. didn‟t like d) would like

  2. liked e) won‟t like

  3. liked

5. Choose the right variant:
Who ___ for a walk tomorrow?

  1. go d) doesn‟t go

  2. will go e) went

  3. didn‟t go

6. Choose the right variant:
They _____ their English exam at this time tomorrow.

  1. will take d) is taking

  2. will be talking e) take

  3. would take

7. Choose the right variant:
My boss ____ some VIP‟s tomorrow.

  1. will be received d) receive

  2. is receiving e) has received

  3. will have received

8. Choose the right variant:
Ask him when the engineers _____ finish the talks.

  1. will d) have

  2. would c) had e) do

9. Choose the right variant:
This time tomorrow we ______ probably _____ fishing.

  1. are / will d) shall / -

  2. - / shall e) do / are

  3. shall / be

10. Choose the right variant:
What ___ you ____ at 6 tomorrow?

  1. will / do d) is / doing

  2. was / doing e) will / have done

  3. will / be doing

11. Find the right variant
I _______ for ten minutes before the police came.

  1. Is waiting d) Was waiting

  2. Am waiting e) Had been waiting

  3. Will be waiting

12. Choose the right variant:
I … the radio for 10 minutes before the car turned over.

  1. Played d) Had been playing

  2. Is playing e) Has been playing

  3. Was playing

13. Choose: Present Perfect Continuous:

  1. I have ever been in London.

  2. I‟ve been talking to Tom about your problem.

  3. Jim has gone to Canada.

  4. Don‟t forget to post that letter.

  5. He has already started his work 14. It … since early morning.

  1. Raining d) Has been raining

  2. Rained e) Have been raining

  3. Had rained

15. You are a good football-player. Since when … you … football?

  1. Has … been playing d) Had… been playing

  2. Have … been playing e) Have … been played

  3. Did … play

16. My brother … music lessons for three years now.

    1. Have taking d) Took

    2. Have taken e) Had

    3. Has been taking 17. My friend … on the ship for fifteen years by next year.

    1. Is served d) Was serving

    2. Will have been serving e) Had served

    3. Have served

    1. … they … in the mountains for a month by July?

    1. Will … travel d) Will … be travelling

    2. Shall … travel e) Shall … be travelling

    3. Will … have been traveling

    1. By two o‟clock the students will … the test translation for two hours.

    1. Be d) Has been

    2. Be doing e) Do

    3. Have been doing

    1. The war broke out in 1914. The European ruling classes … for it for twenty years.

    1. Preparing d) Had been prepared

    2. Prepared e) Had been preparing

    3. Has prepared

    1. The European experts … long … that the arms race would lead to war.

    1. Was … warning d) Would … be warning

    2. Were … warning e) Will … warning

    3. Had …been warning

    1. It was pointed out that the patient … treatment for heart problems for a year.

    1. Has d) Would have been

    2. Had been having having

    3. Had e) Will have been

    1. It was reported that a plane from the air field … since the previous morning.

    1. Missing d) Has been missing

    2. Was missing e) Have been missed

    3. Had been missing

24. ___________ English since last December.

  1. Would be learing d) Have been learning

  2. Will be learning e) Learn

  3. Am learning

25. I am very tired. I _________ for three days.

  1. Travelling d) Had travelled

  2. Travel e) Have been travelling

  3. Travelled


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