«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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Авторлық бағдарлама Ағылшын тілі грамматикасы


Ағылшын тілінде кӛп қолданылатын модальды етістіктер: can = be able to, had better, may, must = have to, ought to, should, will, would, need. Олар істің істелуіндегі мҥмкіндікті, істей алушылықты, ықтималдықты және қажеттілікті кӛрсетеді.
Модальдың етістіктердің ерекшеліктері:
s‟ жалғауын жалғамайды.
She must study. (Right sentence: She musts study).




1. Қабілет

I can play the piano. He can finish his work next week

2. Ӛтініш және рҧқсат сҧрау

Could you help me with my English home work please?
Could I borrow your calculator?
Can I use your pen?

3. Мҥмкінділік ықтималдылық

You could win a million pounds!

4. Кҥмән, сенімсіздік

They can’t be strangers.
Can it be 10 o’clock already? – It can’t be 10 o’clock.

5. Кінә тағу

He could have invited us. You could be more polite.

Could‟ етістігі етістіктің негізгі формасымен (Infinitive) байланысып, істің ӛткен шақта істелу мҥмкіндігін кӛрсетеді. Ағылшын тілінде „сould‟ деген етістік сӛйлемде ӛткен шақты кӛрсетеді және істей алды, білді деп аударылады.
He could ski very well when he was very young




1.Мҥмкінділік ықтималдылық

One day all your dreams may come true.
It may rain later.
The lights are still on. Aigul may have forgotten to turn them off.

2. Ӛтініш және рҧқсат сҧрау

May I see the letter? – Yes, you may. May I take your photo? – No, you may not.

3. Болжам

It may be true, but we are not sure. They may have done the work.

4. Кеңес (might модальді етістігімен қолдынылады).

You might wait for me! There is a lot of time.
He might have warned us about it. Now it‟s too late.




1. Міндеттілік қажетілік

Car drivers must drive slowly in towns. I must find a hotel to stay at tonight.

2. Тыйым салу

You must not tell anyone what I said. You mustn’t park here.
You mustn’t play on the railway track.

3. Мҥмкіндік

He must know his address. Where is he? – He must be walking in the garden.

HAVE TO модальді етістігі



Істелінетін істің қажеттілігін міндеттілігін кӛрсету ҥшін

In England you have to drive on the left.
I had to take the pills three times a day for two weeks.

Have to модальді етістігі болымсыз және сҧраулы сӛйлемдерде
Do/does, did, shall/will кӛмекші етістіктермен қолдынылады Do you have to do shopping every weekend? – I don’t have to do shopping every weekend.
Did she have to walk to her school yesterday? – She didn’t have to walk to school.
Will they have to speak at the meeting? – They won’t have to speak at the meeting.

BE TO модальді етістігі



1. Міндет (келісім, жоспар бойынша)

The director was to sign the contract. – Директор келісім шартқа қол қою керек

2. Бҧйрық, тыйым салу

You are to report to the teacher.
You are not to come here! (Сіз бұл жерге келмеуіңіз керек).

3. Шарасыздық

It was to happen

SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER модальді етістігі

should + infinitive (to демеулігінсіз)

ought to + infinitive

You should help him. He shouldn‟t be so shy.

You ought to do your best. She ought to help her parents.



1. Кеңес беру, ӛзіндік пікір айту,
(басқа адамдардың алдындағы борыш)
(бұл мағынада should модальді етістігі ought to етістігіне қарағанда кӛбірек қолдынылады).

You should be friendly to people
You ought to / should revise for you test.

2. Кінә тағу, рҧсқау беру

He ought to help his parents. They should consult a doctor.

Past form - ӛткен шақта
Should have + Past Participle
I‟m feeling seek. I shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate. (= I ate too much chocolate)
Suggest, propose, recommend, insist, demand етістіктерінен кейін should модальді етістігі қолданылады.

  1. My parents insisted that we should have dinner with them.

  2. I demanded that he should apologize.

  3. What do you suggest I should do?

Had better
Белгілі бір ситуацияға қатысты қолдынылады. Егер ережеге немесе қҧралға бағынбаса, нәтижесі жаман болатындығы кӛрінеді.

    1. The neighbours are complaining. We‟d better turn the music down.

    2. The film starts at 8 o‟clock. You‟d better go now or you‟ll be late.


1. Answer the following questions using mayn‟t, mustn‟t, needn‟t.
1. Must I do the room? – No, you … . It is clean. 2. Mother, may I play with matches? – No, you … . 3. Must we go there at once? – No, you … . 4. Shall I meet you at the University after the evening classes? – No, you … . Peter promised to see me home. 5. May I take your bicycle for a run in the country? – No, you …, because it is out of order. 6. Must I go through this text now? – No, you … , you can do it tomorrow.
2. Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets.

  1. Don‟t phone Ann now. (she might / have / lunch) … She might be having lunch….

  2. I ate too much. Now I feel sick. (I shouldn‟t / eat / so much). …

… …

  1. I wonder why Tom didn‟t phone me. (he must / forget) … ….

  1. Why did you go home so early? (you needn‟t / go / home so early) … … …

  2. You‟ve signed the contract, (it / can‟t / change / now) … … ….

  3. “What‟s Linda doing?” “I‟m not sure.” (she may / watch / television) … … …

  4. Ann was standing outside the cinema, (she must / wait / for somebody) … … …

  5. He was in prison at the time the crime was committed, so (he couldn‟t / do / it). ……….

  6. Why weren‟t you here earlier? (you ought / be / here earlier)

…. …….

  1. Why didn‟t you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you) …


  1. I‟m surprised nobody told you that the road was very dangerous, (you should / warm) …….

  2. George was in a strange mood yesterday. (he might not / feel / very well) … … …

3. Fill the following sentences with modal verbs: must, have to, need.

  1. Oh, I … remember to get some potatoes on the way home tonight.

  1. Jason …. see the headmaster during the next break. I wonder what it‟s about?

  1. We … light lot of candles during the power cut two nights ago.

  2. I‟ll …. start doing my Christmas cards soon. It‟s nearly December.

  3. Carl, you … run into the street like that without looking first. it‟s dangerous!

  4. People with solar-powered cars …. worry about the price of petrol.

  5. I wouldn‟t like to … get up five o‟clock every morning.

  6. We … do any washing-up after the picnic because we‟d used disposable plate and cutlery.

  7. Do professional musicians … practice every day?

  8. I … have bothered cooking all that food, they‟d eaters before they arrived.

4. Choose the right variant.

  1. There‟s someone at the door. It can/must be the postman.

  2. Don‟t worry, you don’t have / mustn’t pay now.

  3. I think you had better / would better take a pullover with you.

  4. Jones could / must be president if Smith has to resign.

  5. Sorry. I can‟t stay any longer. I have to / might go.

  6. It was 5 o‟clock an hour ago. Your watch can’t / mustn’t be right.

  7. It‟s a school rule6 all the pupils have to / must wear a uniform.

  8. I suppose that out team must / should win, but I‟m not sure.

  9. Let‟s tell Diana. She could / might not know.

  10. In my opinion, the government, might / should do something about this.

5. Insert appropriate modal verbs and give reasons for your choice:
1. You … hardly find a grown-up person or a youngster who is not enthusiastic about sport. 2. She will hardly … go there again.
3. Every school … have good sports facilities. 4. I think it … rain today. 5. How … he say such things about me! 6. … I come to see you next Saturday? 7. We … have a five minutes‟ interval now because I am tired. 8. Mother thinks he … come tonight. 9. He … be more careful. 10. … carry your bag for you? 11. … we get up early to meet him? 12. … I ask you to close the window? 13. You … eat less bread and potatoes not to be fat. 14. She … know her because she is also a member of a Dynamo team. 15. No one … ask him about the accident. 16. We … all work hard so that our country … be prosperous.

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