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Was/were + Past Participle

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Was/were + Past Participle The reports were written.

Past Continuous

She was writing the reports.

Was/were +ing+ Past Participle

The reports were being written.

Present Perfect

She has written the reports.

Have/has + been + past participle
The reports had been written.

Past Perfect

She had written the reports.

Had + been + Past Participle The reports had been written.


She will write the reports.

Will+be+ Past Participle The reports will be written.


She will have written the reports.

Will+have+been+ Past
The reports will have been written.

Modal verbs

She may write the reports.
She should have written the reports.

Modal verbs + be + Past
The reports may be written.
The reports should have been written.

Be going to

She is going to write the reports.

Is/are going to+be+ Past
The reports are going to be written.

Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous шақтары ырықсыз етісте (пассивте) қолданылмайды.
Wrong sentence: The restaurant has been being built for 4 years.
Right sentence: The restaurant has been under construction for 4 years.
Active: A friend gave my sister this cookery book.
Passive: My sister was given this cookery book by a friend. This cookery book was given to my sister by a friend.
Have something done” конструкциясы
“Have something done” конструкциясында іс-әрекет айтушыға қатысты, бірақ ол іс-әрекетті ӛзі емес басқа адамның тарапынан жасалғандығы кӛрсетіледі.

Have + object + Past Participle



the roof



are having

the house



did you have

your hair




his suits


It + passive verb + clause
Сӛйлеушінің кім екенін керек етпеген жағдайда осы констуркцияны қолданады.
Nurzhan works very hard.
It is said that he works 16 hours a day = He is said to work 16 hours a day.
The police are looking for a missing boy.
It is believed that the boy is wearing a black pullover and blue jeans.
The boy is believed to be wearing a black pullover and blue jeans.
Ырықсыз етісте қолданылмайтын етістіктер.
Кейбір етістіктер ырықсыз етісте қолдынылмайды. Оларға: - die, arrive, fit, have, lack, suit, resemble, agree және басқалар жатады.
For example:
They have a nice house. (But not: A nice house is had them).
My shoes don‟t fit me. (But not: I‟m not fitted by my shoes.
Everybody agreed with me. (But not: I was agreed by everybody.)


1. Practice in using the Passive Voice. Change the following statements into their passive equivalents.

  1. Somebody cleans the room every day. The room __________ .

  2. People cancelled all fights because of fog. All ____________ .

  3. Somebody accused me of stealing money. I ____________ .

  4. People don‟t use this road much. _______ .

  5. How do people learn language? How _________ .

  6. Somebody has cleaned the room. ___________ .

  7. They have postponed the meeting. __________ . 8. I didn‟t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. I didn‟t realize that ______ .

  1. When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game. We found that ____________ .

  1. They are building a new ring road round the city. A new ring road ________ .

2. Practice in using the Passive Voice. Change the following statements into their passive equivalents.
Example 1. They know Tokyo is a huge city.
It is known that Tokyo is a huge city.

  1. They believe doctors are always ready to help people who are ill.

  1. Everyone expects the new discovery will bring positive results.

  1. People say that New York was discovered by an Italian navigators.

  2. They say that according to Russian tradition honored guests are welcomed with bread and salt.

Example 2. They offered me a cup of tea.
I was offered a cup of tea.
A cup of tea was offered to me.

  1. They gave me a form to fill in.

  2. They granted me a visa. 3. We‟ll offer him by all means.

4. He has just told us a very amusing story.
3. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

  1. 1.They often invite me to their parties. 2. People speak English in different parts of the world. 3. One uses milk for making butter. 4.

We form the Passive Voice with the help of the auxiliary verb “to be”. 5. They build a lot of new houses in this district every year.

  1. 1.They built this house in 1950. 2.Somebody locked the front door. 3.Someone broke my pen last night. 4.They punished the boy for that. 5. They finished their work in time.

  1. 1. People will forget it very soon. 2. They will translate this book next year. 3. They will tell you when to come. 4. Where will they build a new library? 5. Someone will ask about it.

4. Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.
M o d e l: They laughed at him.
He was laughed at.
1. People speak much of him. 2. They will look after the children well. 3. People will laugh at you if say it. 4.They sent for the doctor immediately. 5. Everybody listened to her attentively. 6. They always wait for me after the lessons. 7. Nobody took notice of this little boy.
8. Everybody lost sight of the boat in the fog. 9.Why are they laughing at her? 10. I wonder whether they will listen to him. 11. Students often refer to these books. 12. Nobody has ever spoken to me in such a way. 13. If they send for you don‟t refuse to come. 14. They have not referred to that incident since then.
5. Put the given words in the Passive Voice, making necessary changes.
1. She took a long time to write the composition, but at last she wrote it. 2. Don‟t put the cup there: somebody will break it.

  1. Why weren‟t you at the birthday party? - They didn‟t invite me.

  2. We met many difficulties, but all the same we finished the work in time.

  3. We shall leave you behind if you are not quick.

  4. I spent all my money on books last month.

  5. I don‟t think we shall do all this work today: there is too much of it.

  6. It‟s a very funny thing that when I start doing this, somebody always stops me. 9. Don‟t leave these sweets on the table: somebody will eat them.

  1. The elephant broke the branch of the tree.

  2. The bees attacked the bear when it tried to take their honey.

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