Бүгінгі таңда тіл білімінде әр түрлі тілдердің грамматикалық құрылымының салыстырмалы-типологиялық зерттеулеріне көп көңіл бөл

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Өкініш және қайғы сезімі
Oh, Harry, how I loved her once! She was everything to me. Then came that dreadful night-was it really only last night? When she played so badly, and my heart almost broke. And now she is dead. My God! My God! Harry, what shall I do? [100,84].
If you had married this girl, you would have been wreched. Of course, you would have treated her kindly. One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing. But she would have soon found out that you were absolutely indifferent to her. And when a woman finds that out about her husband, she either becomes dreadfully dowdy, or wears very smart bonnets that some other woman’s husband has to pay for [100,84].
Ой түю және сенімділік
Yes, life had decided that for him-life, and his own infinite curiosity about life. Eternal youth, infinite passion, pleasures subtle and secret, wild joys and wilder sins-he was to have all these things. The portrait was to bear the burden of his shame: that was all [100,89].
Үлгі тұту және тамсану
Dorian, from the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. I was dominated, soul, brain, and power, by you. You became to me the visible incarnation of that unseen ideal whose memory haunts us artists like an exquisite dream. I worshipped you. I grew jealous of every one to whom you spoke. I wanted to have you all to myself. I was only happy when I was with you. When you were away from me, you were still present in my art … of course, I never let you know anything about this [100,96].
Қорқыныш және көз жеткізу мен таңғалу
God heavens! It was Dorian Gray’s own face that he was looking at! The horror, whatever it was, had not yet entirely spoiled that marvelous beauty. There was still some gold in the thinning hair and some scarlet on the sensual mouth. The sodden eyes had kept something of the loveliness of their blue, the noble curves had not yet completely passed away from chiseled nostrils and from plastic throat. Yes, it was Dorian himself [100,131].

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