nasal occlusive sonorants [m, n, ŋ ].
They differ from oral plosives in that the soft palate is lowered allowing the escape of
air into the nasal cavity.
There is another problem of a phonological character, the problem of affricates,
that is their phonological status and their number. This problem is a point of
considerable controversy among phoneticians. According to Soviet linguists in
English phonetics there are two affricates, they are: [t∫] and [d
]. Some foreign
linguists point out more of them, for example, referring to them [ts, dz, tr, dr, t
, dð].
UNIT 4. THE SYSTEM OF ENGLISH VOWELS Vowels in any language unlike consonants are produced with no obstruction to
the stream of air. It would be interesting to know that a minimum vowel system of a
language is likely to have only three basic sounds: [a, u, i]. In the matter of the
English language it would be fair to mention that due to various reasons it has
developed a vocalic system of a much larger number of phonemes.
The quality of a vowel is known to be determined by the size, volume and shape
of the mouth resonator. The resonator is modified by the most movable speech organs
– the tongue and the lips. Moreover, the quality of a vowel depends on whether the
speech organs are tense or lax and whether the force of articulation weakens or is
stable. The positions of the speech organs in the articulation of vowels may be kept
for a variable period of time. All these factors predetermine the principles according
to which vowels are classified:
a) stability of articulation
b)tongue position
c) lip position
d) character of the vowel end
e) length
f) tenseness
Let‘s consider some of them:
Stability of articulation. Here are two possible varieties: a) the tongue position
is stable; b) it changes, that is the tongue moves from one position to another. In the
first case the articulated vowel is relatively pure, in the second case a vowel consists
of two clearly perceptible elements. There exist in addition a third variety, an
intermediate case, when the change in the tongue position is fairly weak. So
according to this principle the English vowels are subdivided into: a) monophthongs,
b) diphthongs, c) diphthongoids.