Кілт сөздер:дене шынықтыру; тереңдету; қозғалтқыш режимі; жетілдіру;
морфологиялық және функционалдық көрсеткіштері. Boztaeva Saltanat, Abishev Asylkhan, Estemesov Ulan, Khabirov Rafael, Kaldybaeva Aiman DYNAMICS OF PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF GIRLS OF INDIGENOUS NATIONALITY DOING SPORTS (total body sizes) Annotation. The main task of the physical culture movement, the entire system of physical education is to contribute in every way to strengthening the health of the people of our republic, increasing their working capacity and labor productivity, readiness to defend the Motherland, the formation of high moral qualities, good spirits, strength and endurance, and the upbringing of a healthy and cheerful younger generation. The successful use of physical culture for the harmonious development of the personality and the formation of an active life position is closely connected with the application of scientific achievements
БҚУ Хабаршысы 2 (82) – 2021
Вестник ЗКУ accumulated in sports morphology. It is very important to differentiate the volume of motor loads for different age groups of the population living in different regions of Kazakhstan. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the change in morphological and functional indicators when practicing various types of physical culture and sports in relation to individual age-sex, ethno-territorial and professional groups of the population. However, today we have few relevant standards for indigenous children. The purpose of our research is to establish the influence of a differentiated motor regime on the formation of anatomical and anthropological indicators in schoolgirls' children aged 8-17 years old girls of indigenous nationalities and to outline the ways of harmonious development of the younger generation. Based on the target setting, the particular tasks were: The study of anthropometric data in children with an active motor regime (children involved in schools with a sports bias). From sports specialization, football players, volleyball players and swimmers were examined. All specializations are related to mass, widespread sports. As well as children with a passive motor regime, children of a general education school, who are engaged in general physical education according to the school program. The pace of the classes combines a low and medium intensity exercise according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Keywords: physical culture; deepening; motor mode; improvement; relevance; morphological and functional indicators.