Доклады казахской академии образования Ежеквартальный журнал издается с 2008 года

participation and presentation at methodical meetings / sessions, methodical

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participation and presentation at methodical meetings / sessions, methodical 
sections, etc. 
3. Research work, in which there is participation in scientific and 
practical conferences, writing and publishing scientific articles, work on a 
research problem, the desire to improve the scientific level within the 
framework of postgraduate education ( master's / doctoral studies). 
The study in the area of "educational and methodical work" showed, 
that young teachers are more focused on the development of educational and 
methodological documentation, in particular on the educational and 
methodical complex of the discipline: a working curriculum (syllabus), 
methodological recommendations for the implementation of practical classes, 
methodological recommendations for the implementation of the independent 
study of students, a course of lectures, at a time when writing of training 
manuals. is viewed with some concern, showing uncertainty in their own 
capabilities and abilities. 
We can observe passivity in the development of scientific and 
pedagogical potential, which slows down the process of active formation in 
young teachers of a conscious need and skills for development and self-
development. Young university professors are much more limited to 
researching on the Master's degree. In general, the result is that the percentage 
of the teachers with an academic title in the university, has a tendency to 
Planning of publication activity showed that the preparation and 
publication of the articles are carried out in collections of academic 
conferences, representing 88 per cent of the total; 4 per cent of the articles are 
planned to be published in the scientific journal ‘Vestnik of M.Kozybayev 
North Kazakhstan State University’; 7 per cent of the articles are planned to 
be published in electronic publications and only 1 per cent of young teachers 
planned to publish articles in the journals with a non-zero impact factor. 
Publications in recommended journals by the Monitoring Committee on 
Education and Science are not planned. 
The relevance of the study was determined by the following factors: 
- a young teacher of the university does not realize the fact that self-
development and self-realization should have forward-looking nature in 
relation to the training of future specialists trained by them; 
- the need for continuous scientific and pedagogical self-development 
for the vast majority of young teachers is not a goal in itself and the norm of 
professional life; 

- low level of academic mobility, which reduces the possibility of 
exchange of ideas;
- the implementation of their own initiatives in professional self-
determination are not fully used; 
- the process of developing the scientific potential of a young teacher in 
higher education is spontaneous and pragmatic. 
The measures adopted the aim towards overcoming the contradictions: 
- between the need for invigoration of the development of the scientific 
and methodological potential of a young teacher and his lack of skills in 
reflective understanding, dynamic enrichment and professional development; 
- in the current context of modernization of higher education in 
- between the growth of the social significance of the development of 
the scientific and methodological potential of the personnel in postgraduate 
education and the inefficient use of the organizational and methodological 
conditions of such development. 
Our study explores the identification of the organizational and 
pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of young teachers in the 
higher education. 
The purpose of the study is to prove that using active forms and methods 
in the process of advanced training of young teachers will contribute to the 
development of their critical thinking and, as a result, to the improvement of 
their professional level. 
One of the conditions for invigoration of the development of the 
scientific and methodological potential of a young teacher in the current 
conditions is advanced qualification courses.
Updating of the education content should take place with the qualified 
personnel support, and it means that the system of training, retraining and 
advanced training of teachers should be reviewed. The retraining courses for 
young teachers should give students orientation on pedagogical methods that 
can help solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of the pedagogical 
process. It is therefore necessary to carry our research in the field of 
education, in which various teaching methods and the effectiveness of 
alternative approaches to learning should be studied. Updating of the 
education system depends on different factors. One of the fundamental ones 
is changing the role of the teacher in our modern society.
The current stage of the development of education is characterized by 
an intensive search for new things in theory and practice. This process is 
caused by a number of contradictions, the main one being disparity of 
traditional methods and forms of teaching and education with the new trends 

in the development of the educational system to the current socio-economic 
conditions for the development of society, which has generated a number of 
objective innovative processes. 
One of the most important tasks for a young teacher is the achievement 
of such a level of education that would be sufficient for an independent 
creative solving of theoretical and applied philosophical problems. 
The activities of the courses for young teachers are aimed at: 
- the development of professionally significant personal qualities of a 
teacher, which are the basis for the development of professional competence; 
- the formation of methodological competences to improve 
professional, pedagogical and scientific activities; 
- the development of creative potential and its readiness for innovation; 
- the development of critical thinking. 
It has been suggested to us that the successful establishment of a teacher 
at higher educational institutions will be facilitated by the created 
organizational and pedagogical conditions, which include: 
- organizational and pedagogical conditions, the creation of a 
"pedagogical studio" for young teachers;
- psychological and pedagogical conditions, the diagnosis of existing 
difficulties in scientific and pedagogical activity; 
- continuous methodological support for the process of improving the 
professional competences of a young teacher. 
Creating the program of the courses, we took into account the 
requirements for a teacher in higher education, who must ensure the use of 
various forms and methods of teaching and learning in order to successfully 
master educational programs for students. 
The content of the courses included the implementation of a student-
centered approach. Since a change in the approach to the organization of the 
educational process (from the transformation of knowledge to the formation 
of professional competences) entails a different approach to the choice of 
teaching methods, because the emphasis is shifting towards the choice of 
innovative methods. 
The need for innovative forms is also determined by the following 
- the complexity and novelty of solving the problems of higher 
education related to the updated content of education in secondary schools, 
which require activation and integration of the creative potential of a young 
- the inability of traditional teaching methods to form professional 
competences of students. 

As part of the theoretical block of the program, we presented the series 
of thematic seminars, integrating some problems of methodology, the theory 
of modern didactics, and innovative technologies. 
The practical block was carried out in the form of the methodological 
studio “Innovative technological support of the modern educational process”, 
the task of which was to justify the choice of methods and technologies that 
implement the competence-based approach to teaching in higher education. 
In the methodological studio, young teachers tested innovative teaching 
methods such as: the case method, debate, discussion, “student platform”, 
“take a position”, the “focal object”, “brainstorming” method, portfolio, etc. 
The young teachers analyzed all methods on the following aspects: the 
positive aspects of the method, possible risks, the adequacy of the use of the 
method, effectiveness. This type of work allows to realize the possibilities 
and effectiveness of innovative methods in accordance with the topic, content, 
specific educational tasks of the discipline, features of the teaching 
methodology of the discipline, personality characteristics of the youngest 
teacher. For its part, it gives a young teacher some confidence in the choice 
of methods, motivates self-improvement, creative self-realization. 
An additional argument in favor of the need for a regular holding of 
such a studio is the results of a sociological study by I. Koshcheyeva and Ye. 
Shuklina, described in their problematic article “The quality of non-
governmental higher education in students and teachers' assessments” [3]. 
To develop the critical thinking of young teachers, we have developed 
the training the purpose of which is a comprehensive deep understanding by 
young teachers of the nature and essence of critical thinking as a determining 
factor in the situation of success and the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. 
To achieve this goal, we have held sessions aimed at increasing the level of 
conceptual understanding of the development theory of critical thinking, 
professional knowledge and improving the skills of developing critical 
Following the result, young teachers developed group lesson plans 
using the three-phase structure of the lesson – the stages of challenge, 
comprehension, and reflection.
In the final part of the training, students did “terminological exercise”, 
aimed at identifying the level of understanding of the methodology for 
developing critical thinking (understanding the essence of methods for 
developing critical thinking). Further, using the “balloon” technique, the 
students summarized the results of the training, evaluating the results, 
advantages, difficulties, risks, the necessary skills of the teacher and students 
for the development of critical thinking, as well as the prospects for self-

development in this direction and the development of the practice of critical 
thinking [4, 79 р]. 
Young teachers drew a conclusion that in order to put into practice the 
methods of developing critical thinking, it is necessary to acquire additional 
theoretical knowledge and practical skills (knowledge of the theory of 
constructivism, creation of a collaborative environment, the application of 
Bloom's taxonomy, and the use of the methods for developing critical 
thinking). The participants noted that the knowledge and skills which were 
gained during this training would help them in further practical activities, in 
research activities [5, 61 р]. 
To create a collaborative environment, the following methods can be 
used: "snowball", "tell me about me." Working in groups, students start with 
the words they associate with their names, after that, in pairs they report 3 
interesting facts about themselves. It helps participants to get to know each 
other and to establish business communication quickly. Such work 
contributes to a collaborative environment, which would eventually influence 
the effectiveness of the learning material. It is important to develop 
regulations for cooperation and interaction, rules for working in the 
interactive mode in groups. The regulations, generated by the participants 
themselves become personal and significant. 
Undoubtedly, the course content should take into account the lack of 
demand among young teachers for advanced training in the fields of
monitoring the education quality, determining the scientific and 
methodological basis for the development of the curriculum, the development 
and implementation of the educational and methodological complex, and 
formation of the main content of the subject. 
For us as organizers, the effectiveness of the courses is determined by 
the activity of the analytical and reflective activities of young teachers, the 
statement of their new needs related to the scientific and pedagogical activity, 
the expansion of questions on the methodology, the emergence of 
constructive ideas for implementing innovative approaches in it, in short, so 
that gives an impetus to professional self-development and contributes to the 
formation of the professional-pedagogical culture, improvement of 
professional competences. 
The reform of the content of education makes it necessary to strengthen 
the practical training of future teachers, makes it necessary to strengthen the 
focus of the educational process on the active comprehensive development 
and self-development. The key task of modern education is to educate the 
citizens who are able to think, independently “discover” knowledge, quickly 
navigate in the information flow, who can find the right solution in a situation 

of choice. The growing role of the human factor in the modern world brings 
to the fore the study of the reserves and resources of human development. 
These recourses influence the success of studying and productivity in 
various activities, including the processes of creativity, the pace of 
advancement and improvement in science and practical affairs, the mastery 
of new professions, acceleration or, on the contrary, deceleration, lagging of 
a person’s mental growth and formation of his personality. In the current 
conditions, such personality traits as the ability to change the style of 
behavior, the ability to sensitively respond to changing social requirements, 
the ability to engage in professional relations are especially valuable
[6, p. 112]. 
After our series of classes, we concluded that the implementation of the 
strategies of critical thinking allows to make lessons more active, exciting and 
emotional, in turn, this allows students to open up, to feel more confident in 
the group [7; 8]. Working with the text students become more interested and 
more thoughtful as they understand that the result of the whole group work 
depends on everyone. For its part, it influenced the understanding and 
memorization of information. We suppose that the implementation of the 
strategies such as “Jigsaw” and “the Messenger” made it possible to 
understand the material and the main thing in the text and share information 
with other students. Such techniques as building of clusters and drawing of 
posters helped students systematize the studied material, identify terms and 
keywords [9, 26 р]. 
One of the main goals of critical thinking is to create an atmosphere of 
cooperation. Students feel like being part of the learning community when 
problems are resolved and understanding develops through collective and 
cognitive actions.
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