Quality group
Pleasant appearance (face, height, shape, weight), voice, good health, high efficiency,
energy, representativeness
Type of personality: extrovert, introvert. Temperament: phlegmatic, sanguine, chol-
eric. Authoritativeness, ambition, aggression, dominance, balance, independence,
courage, creativity, creativity, assertiveness, perseverance, courage
A high level of intelligence: intelligence, logic, memory, intuitive, encyclopedic
knowledge, breadth of vision, insight, originality, speed of thinking, education, pru-
dence, conceptual, sense of humor
Business skills: organization, discipline, reliability, diplomacy, thrift, flexibility,
commitment, initiative, independence, responsibility, risk-taking. Personal qualities:
kindness, tact, compassion, honesty, decency, alertness, confidence, alertness, socia-
The theory of the great people claim
that a person who has a certain set of personal-
ity traits is going to be a good leader regard-
less of the nature of the situation in which one
is at. If this theory is correct, then there must
be some key personality traits that make a per-
son a great leader and an outstanding leader.
Trying to find those key personnel
traits, psychologies held a number of special
studies. Surprisingly, it was found that very
few personality traits are directly related to
leadership effectiveness, and found the rela-
Вестник КАСУ
tionship is usually quite weak.
Here are some of the relationships
found between the individual personal charac-
teristics and leadership.
1. Leaders tend to have slightly higher
intelligence than their followers. But not by
much. Candidate for the leadership in any case
can not be separated from the average intellec-
tual level of his followers.
2. Many leaders are driven by a strong
desire for power. They have a strong focus on
self person, care about prestige, ambition, ex-
cess energy. Such leaders are generally better
prepared socially, show greater flexibility and
adaptability. Love of power and the ability to
intrigue help them to stay "afloat" for a long
3. The study of historical records
showed that among the 600 known most fa-
mous monarchs were either very high moral or
extremely immoral people only.
4. There is a slight positive correlation
between the height of a person and the likeli-
hood that he/she will become the leader of the
group. Thus, almost all elections in the United
States won a high candidate, with the excep-
tion of only two cases. In 1992, Bill Clinton
was about 4 inches (10 cm) above George W.
Bush. In 1996, he was only half an inch (about
1.5 cm) above the Robert Dole. It can be ar-
gued that the tall man a little more likely to
become a leader, but we should not forget that
the greatest leaders were Napoleon, Hitler,
Lenin, Stalin, and many others who were not
tall at all.
5. Oddly enough, there is very little evi-
dence that traits such as charisma, courage,
and a tendency to dominate or self-confidence
are the performance indicators of human activ-
ity as a leader.
Hence, some modest relationship be-
tween personal characteristics and leadership
skills can still be detected, but in general it is
very difficult to predict how a person is a good
leader solely on the basis of ones personality
traits. Therefore, over time, the researchers
were inclined to the opinion that it is insuffi-
cient to consider only some personality traits.
It is necessary to take into account the situa-
tion in which these traits are manifested. This
does not mean that the individual characteris-
tics do not affect the chances of becoming a
leader. It is just important to observe the per-
son's personality as well as the character of the
situation in which he or she has to play a lead-
ership role. According to this view, a person to
become an effective leader does not have to be
a "great man". Rather, he/she needs to be the
right man in the right place and at the right
The specificity of functions of a leader
changes due to the peculiarities of a group,
which he/she directs.
1. The leader as an administrator
Regardless of whether he himself de-
velops the main directions of business policy
or they are prescribed to him from above, the
scope of his responsibility is consistently
ranked surveillance function of the execution,
and the essence of administrative functions is
not independent performance of work, but the
delegation of it to the group members.
Sometimes an individual, being in the
role of administrator, suffers from its inability
to shift some of the responsibility and author-
ity to others, it seems to him that his personal
involvement is necessary. As a result, it de-
prives subordinates a sense of responsibility
and prevents their involvement in the work of
the group.
2. The leader as a planner
The leader often assumes the duties of
the developer of methods and means by which
the group reaches the goals. This function may
include the definition of immediate steps, as
well as developing of long-term business
3. The leader as a politician
One of the most important functions of
a leader is to set goals and the main line of
group behavior. Definition of group goals and
methods of achieving them is a mandatory
feature of the leader.
4. The leader as the group representa-
tive in the external environment
The leader of the group is an official
acting in the environment on behalf of all.
Therefore, members of the group do not care
who and how they will be, a leader in this case
identifies all members of a group, their collec-
tive wisdom, will, etc.
5. The leader as a regulator of relations
within the group
In some groups, all information passes
through the leader, sometimes in a group,
there are close to the leader of a person that
Вестник КАСУ
close to the network itself, there is a type of
group where the leader is "one of all."
6. The leader as a source of rewards and
A particularly important factor in terms
of a member of the group, is a system of re-
wards and punishments, which the leader uses
to monitor the activities of the group mem-
bers. This feature makes high demands on the
personal qualities of a leader, especially in
groups where more attention is not paid to the
material and moral factors. The leader must
know the motivation of each individual mem-
ber of the group to tailor the force of impact of
incentives in relation to each of the group
7. The leader as a role model
In some types of group leader can serve
as a model of behavior for the rest of the
group, providing them with a clear indication
of who they should be and what they should
8. The leader as a symbol of the group
The leaders, being the core of a group,
begins to perform the function of a symbol:
their names are assigned throughout the
movement, in particular the industrial world
business owners themselves engage in such
symbolization, considering his work as an ex-
tension of their personality, religious groups
and sects continue to be named its founders
very long time, etc.
Nevertheless, in each group he/she leads
there are specific roles a leader has to perform
during the relation and communication proc-
First, it is a coordinator role, connecting
one group to another and simplifying the dia-
logue between them. This role (image and rep-
resentation to the external world) can actually
play the nominal head of the firm, who pro-
vides activities and inspires people to achieve
the objectives of the firm. He is a communica-
tor, which creates the possibility of reliable
continuous contact between the employees.
Secondly, it is the role of the informer,
providing reception, transmission and process-
ing of various types of information. He is a
representative, explaining the meaning and
nature of the problems to other departments or
Thirdly, it is the role connected to the
adoption of decisions, played by entrepreneurs
seeking new ways to achieve the goals and
taking full responsibility for the risks associ-
ated with them.
Manager should be a man of principle,
be able to withstand the pressure of a "top"
and "bottom", consistently and stand firmly on
what he thinks is right for the company and its
people. He should not conceal his views and
must defend to the end the values that he pro-
fess, and helps others to accept these values by
his own example.
Good health is an important personal
quality for managers, which generates energy
and vitality and helps them to cope with stress.
Constant training and balancing of workloads
are needed to maintain good physical health.
However, a physical health for a manager is
not enough. He should be emotionally healthy,
otherwise he will not be able to cope with fast
changing environment around him in an or-
A manager should ahead of time form
positive emotions within himself: compassion
- making a person a human being, excitement -
stimulating activity, interest and curiosity
helping move forward and develop new direc-
tions and confidence that adds solidity.
Management decision making requires
managers more than just professional skill, but
also the emotional maturity, which is ex-
pressed in the ability and willingness to deal
with an acute situation, do not create the trag-
edy of a defeat, that are inevitable in the life of
any manager.
The modern managers must actively
fight against their own shortcomings, create a
positive attitude to life and work as well as a
"healthy" environment through the promotion
and education of people by opening their abili-
ties and talents, without the fear of losing
credibility - in most cases employees pay back
with recognition and gratitude.
Another group of qualities that are es-
sential to any manager are professional skills
and abilities. It is competence - system of spe-
cialized knowledge and practical skills. First
of all, a modern manager sets a good knowl-
edge of reality, both internal and external, un-
derstands the goals of the company and its
units, he has an ability to see the problems,
and be receptive to innovations and changes.
This is not possible without the ability to ana-
lyze a situation, create and critically evaluate
Вестник КАСУ
the various plans and programs, make deci-
sions, take responsibility for their implementa-
However, the manager must not only be
well-prepared and highly educated, but also
creative. It is required not only to believe in
their creativity, but also to value these abilities
in others, to be able to mobilize and use them
in other people, overcoming all the obstacles
along the way. Managers must be persistent,
feel the need for change, be brave enough to
break useless tradition and accept new ideas
and innovative solutions.
Creativity is impossible without the
ability to find information and share it with
employees, listen to others, regardless of who
they are, seek feedback, do not retreat from
whatever threatens the settled view of the
world, and question everything , understand
the position of others, and everywhere find
people that will be of any interest for the com-
But the most important for the manager
is to be quick on the uptake, to link the newly
acquired knowledge with the old, have the
skill and the ability to learn at work and out-
side of it, increase competence, and avoid one-
sided specialization. This process usually be-
gins with the first day of being a manager and
never stops.
Another group of managerial skills that
define a manager are the organizational and
business skills.
They reflect the level of organizational
culture of a manager and the level of knowl-
edge of management technology. Dedication
or commitment to work is of the organiza-
tional qualities that is a must for any manager.
The nature of modern life requires the man-
ager to set clear and reasonable goals. Without
them, he may lack the firmness and determina-
tion, miss a good opportunity and simply waist
time. The world changes every day, and to
stay afloat the manager should adjust these
goals. Therefore, true commitment is not only
goals setting, it is striving and working hard to
achieve them. This is what distinguishes the
manager from the other workers.
Another organizational quality that
should be inherent in managers is efficiency. It
is the ability to accurately and timely set goals,
make decisions, monitor their performance,
and be prompt in administrative actions if
Managers must be disciplined and have
self-control. They will neither be able to disci-
pline others or monitor their activities without
it. Therefore, the manager must control their
emotions and feelings, explore the emotions of
others and control the discipline of the subor-
A distinctive feature of a manager
should be improved efficiency - the ability to
work hard, however, without becoming a
Another important feature of a manager
is realism. He should be able to correctly
evaluate his own capacity, and capacity of his
employees and their actions.
A good manager is characterized by
healthy optimism and confidence. It is impos-
sible to manage people without confidence.
People with confidence know exactly what
they want. They never use the roundabout
ways. Their views on the problems always
crisp and clear, and they strive to ensure that
all of these views are known, and therefore
they are free to express their point of view,
seeking to be heard and understood, but at the
same time they respect others and their opin-
A good manager must be able to ensure
the involvement of other employees into the
work. To encourage people to do the work it is
important to convert any even the most boring
job in an exciting game, look for innovative
approaches and flavor their actions with a cer-
tain degree of adventurism for a greater ap-
The most import is that a manager
should have the ability to lead, organize and
support the work of the team and be ready to
take actions and risks. He should be able to act
independently of higher management, encour-
age people to obey, get rid of the ballast, and
more importantly - do not press other people
down under himself. To do this, the manager
must have a tolerance for human weakness
and intolerance to anything that hampers the
successful tackling of problems by the team.
It is a good trait to strive for perfection,
but there is always something to keep in mind
- a manager with a universal abilities and
skills that is equally effective in any action
and situation simply does not exist.
Вестник КАСУ
2. Трэйси Б., Шеллен Ф. Личность лидера.
– М., 2010
3. Максвелл Д. 21 обязательное качество
лидера. – М., 2004
УДК 005
Чернякова Е.А.
Наука управления содержит в себе
много фактов, которые способствуют воз-
никновению причин, отражающихся в про-
цессах управления как реальные проблемы
и предпосылки возникновения проблем
различной степени сложности. Эти причи-
ны связаны, как правило, с различными
аспектами деятельности предприятий. Сре-
ди большого количества причин необходи-
мо отметить основные и актуальные в на-
стоящее время, так как рыночные отноше-
ния требуют особого восприятия и разре-
шения этих причин. Компетентность со-
трудников, а также выбор направления раз-
вития деятельности показывает на сколько
предприятие готово конкурировать и со-
трудничать с зарубежными партнерами и
партнерами в рамках государства. В связи с
этим можно определить следующие причи-
ны: коммуникационные сложности, про-
блема качества управленческих кадров,
коррумпированность экономических отно-
шений, избыточная численность управлен-
ческих кадров, различные конфликты, за-
трагивающие все стороны деятельности
компании, осуществление функции кон-
троля в системе управления, что не всегда
является эффективным действием со сто-
роны управленческого аппарата или самих
работников. Для того чтобы глубже понять
актуальность каждой проблемы, необходи-
мо рассмотреть ее влияние на деятельность
С позиций науки управление пред-
ставляет собой целенаправленную перера-
ботку информации. Для того чтобы исполь-
зовать управленческую информацию, ее
нужно передавать, перемещать с одного
объекта на другой, организовывать взаимо-
связи между этими объектами. То есть речь
идет о коммуникационных навыках, кото-
рые проявляются каждодневно при выпол-
нении различных команд и полномочий.
Эффективный обмен информацией
необходим на всех этапах деятельности и
во всех подразделениях организации для
достижения намеченных целей, а также
является важнейшим условием принятия
обоснованных решений, играет огромную
роль в межличностных отношениях и фор-
мировании имиджа организации. Процесс
передачи информации и средства для этой
передачи носят название коммуникации.
Короче говоря, обмен информацией - важ-
нейшая составная часть практически всех
видов управленческой деятельности. Не-
удивительно поэтому, что большую часть
своего рабочего времени менеджеры всех
уровней тратят на коммуникации.
Коммуникации занимают важнейшее
место в жизни организации и оказывают
огромное влияние на индивидов и групп.
Коммуникационный процесс сложен. Он
состоит из ряда этапов, которые взаимосвя-
заны между собой и взаимозависимы. Каж-
дый из этапов необходим для того, чтобы
мысли и идеи одного индивида стали по-
нятны другому.
Поскольку в нашей стране появление
и становление коммуникаций в управлении
произошло не так давно, то огромную роль
в дальнейшем их развитии играет правиль-
ный подход к изучению опыта зарубежных
Если раньше управление предпри-
ятием в основном заключалось в том, что
от руководства к подчиненным поступали
приказы, которые нельзя было не уточнить,
не обсудить, инициативность наказывалась,
а сообразительные работники не могли
продвинуться по службе, то сегодня руко-
водители предпочитают другой подход к
Вестник КАСУ
организации работы с подчиненными.
Инициативность теперь приветству-
ется, проводятся общие коллективные соб-
рания, на которых обсуждаются проблемы
развития фирмы, выслушиваются просьбы,
предложения подчиненных, применяются
не только моральные, но и материальные
поощрения, что способствует более пра-
вильной работе и четкому и своевременно-
му выполнению обязанностей со стороны
Так и сейчас существуют фирмы, где
организация руководства находится на
низком уровне, ошибочно построены ком-
муникации. Пожалуй, с такой проблемой
сталкиваются почти все предприятия пост-
советского пространства. Коммуникации
как это было уже замечено – это процесс
передачи информации, поэтому как она
будет передана и кем, а самое главное как
будет воспринята и какой результат будет
получен в итоге от проделанной работы,
будет свидетельствовать об эффективности
коммуникаций. Если лицо не достаточно
компетентно в определенной области и ин-
формация не подтверждена достоверными
источниками, то есть риск потерять время
и тем самым упустить выгоду. Поэтому
отправитель сообщения должен быть уве-
рен в передаваемых данных и быть надеж-
ным источником. Также следует отметить
степень понятности передаваемого сооб-
щения. В зависимости от того кому сооб-
щение будет передано, оно должно быть
понятно адресату, в противном случае со-
общение теряет свою актуальность, что
приведет к остановке процессов деятельно-
сти. Следующим элементом в процессе
коммуникации является канал передачи
сообщения. При выборе канала передачи
следует учитывать удаленность адресатов и
степень надежности канала. Если при пе-
редаче происходят нарушения, то следует
отметить в будущем степень надежности
данного канала. И последним заключи-
тельным элементом в коммуникационном
процессе является получатель, который, в
свою очередь, является исполнителем или
лицом, которое должно отреагировать на
данное сообщение.
В настоящее время на всех предпри-
ятиях разрабатывают рациональные систе-
мы коммуникаций, так как в сложных ор-
ганизационных структурах с большим раз-
ветвлением организационных связей необ-
ходимы внутренние программные системы,
которые обеспечивают бесперебойные ка-
налы передачи сообщений. Данные систе-
мы могут предназначаться например толь-
ко для определенных подразделений или
предприятий, так как для них разрабатыва-
ется специальная классификация или коди-
ровка. Это помогает быстро передавать и
сокращать большие массивы данных [3].
Вторая главная проблема менедж-
мента - проблема качества управленческих
Это связано с тем, что мало людей,
имеющих реальный опыт управленческой
работы в условиях рыночной экономики.
При командно – административной эконо-
мике большинство руководителей занима-
лись выполнением команд и при этом при-
нимали решения, которые касались только
узкой направленности действий, что лиша-
ло их возможности в действительности
брать на себя большую ответственность. А
при рыночных отношениях управленцы
должны оперативно принимать решения и
быстро реагировать на сложившуюся си-
туацию, что характеризует руководителей
как умных людей и компетентных руково-
дителей. В то же время общепризнано, что
менеджмент – это и наука и искусство, и
что овладение знаниями в этой области не-
возможно без получения соответствующих
практических навыков. Поэтому большин-
ство руководителей проходят курсы повы-
шения квалификации и зарубежный опыт,
который передают иностранные партнеры.
Эта практика помогает развивать систему
менеджмента в странах, где данное направ-
ление не до конца изучено.
Третья главная проблема менедж-
мента – коррумпированность современной
экономики на всех уровнях. Здесь можно
разделить менеджеров в государственных
экономических структурах и менеджеров
частных компаний.
В западных странах государственные
управленцы, чиновники, в большей степе-
ни отделены от материальных благ и их
распределения, их роль с точки зрения
взаимодействия с менеджерами частных
компаний сведена к минимуму.
Особенность системы управления,