Английский язык для юристов

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

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6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
1. What is international law in its widest sense? And its narrowest? 
2. What does public international law govern? 
3. What are the three main sources of public international law? 
4. How is an international treaty defined? 
5. What forms may it take? 
6. What is the role of international institutions and international organizations today? 

7. What international organizations do you know? 
8. What does private international law deal with? 
9. Why is it distinguished from public international law? 
10. What is a supranational legal framework? 
7. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки. 
supranational, non-governmental, inter-state, bilateral, customs-union, charter, legal 
framework, conflict of laws 
1. A … organization is a legally constituted organization created by private persons or organizations 
with no participation or representation of any government. 
2. The EU is a ... organization that creates, implements and enforces policies for its members. 
3. The International Court of Justice has been criticized for its failure to resolve … disputes. 
4. Russia and Armenia have concluded a … agreement on trade and economic cooperation. 
5. A … is a group of nations who wish to remove customs barriers between them. 
6. …refers to the body of law dealing with disputes between private persons who live in different 
7. A ... is, in essence, a broad system of rules. 
8. A ... is an agreement by which rights are granted to an international body by the signatory nations 
to the agreement.
8. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 
1. Public international law has three principal sources: international treaties, custom and general 
principles of law. General principles of law are those commonly recognized by the major legal systems 
of the world. 
2. In some cases the Security Council can adopt resolutions related to threats to peace which are 
legally binding under international law and can be followed up with economic sanctions and military 
3. International legal theory is aimed at elaborating theoretical frameworks and instruments to analyse 
the existing norms and to make suggestions on how to improve them.
4. The concept of the sovereign nation-state consists of a nation controlled by a centralized system of 
5. Several democracies including India, Israel and the United States take a flexible, eclectic approach 
recognizing aspects of public international law such as territorial rights as universal whilst regarding 
other aspects as arising from treaty or custom as not being subjects of public international law at all. 
6. Democracies in the developing world due to their colonial past often insist on non-interference in 
their internal affairs but strongly support international law at the bilateral and multilateral levels such 
as the United Nations. 

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