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  • Example
Example: “Did the Higher Regional Court uphold the decision on the appeal?” he asked. – He 
asked whether the Higher Regional Court had upheld the decision on the appeal. 
3. Вопросы, начинающиеся с вопросительного слова или группы слов: who, which,whose, when, 
why, how many, how much, how long, называются специальными вопросами и при 
преобразовании в косвенную речь превращаются в придаточные предложения, где данные 
слова становятся союзами и служат для присоединения придаточного предложения к 
Example: The deputy minister asked, “What law enforcement bodies will take part in this 
operation?” –The deputy minister asked what law enforcement bodies would take part in that 
Example: Mr. Brown asked, “How many justices of the peace will be trying this case?” – 
Mr. Brown asked how many justices of the peace would be trying that case. 
8. Замените вопросительные предложения в прямой речи на предложения в косвенной 
речи, произведя необходимые изменения. 
1. The professor asked, “Is English law based on common law tradition?” 
2. The first-year student asked the professor yesterday, “Do barristers give expert opinions on legal 
3. Tom Brown asked his groupmate, “Why is it important for judges to be independent of the 
4. The correspondent asked last week, “How long did it take the FBI experts to perform these scientific 
5. The defence counsel asked the prosecution, “How many defendants were convicted of illegal 
weapons possession?” 
6. The clerk of the court asked, “Did the defendant plead guilty to any charges?” 

7. The head of the court’s press service was asked, “Has the appellate panel found any procedural 
8. Tom Brown asked his lawyer, “Who backed a request for bail?” 
9. The judge was asked at the press conference, “Why was the charge of murder reduced to 
10. The Federal Security Service officer was asked, “When was an explosive device found on board a 
passenger jet flying from Moscow to Grozny?” 

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