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Сборник студ конф 22-23г

Bizhan A.E. 
Academic supervisor: Kylyshpayeva M.Kh., Master of pedagogical sciences, teacher-lecturer 
Zhetysu University named after I.Zhansugurov, Takdykorgan
We are currently witnessing rapid changes in the field of information and communication 

technology. What until recently was considered the latest achievement in science and technology has 
become a commonplace, widespread phenomenon. In this regard, changes and requirements for the 
modern teacher, the level of qualification of which today is determined not only by the level of 
teaching skill and knowledge of the subject, but also by how effectively he/she can use new 
technologies in the learning process. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, information and 
communication technologies (ICT) have taken an increasingly significant place in the process of 
teaching a foreign language at school, especially in the upper grades. Accumulated practical 
experience of teachers shows that they have many advantages over traditional methods: an increase 
in the level of individualization of learning, intensification of independent work of students, 
increasing cognitive activity [1]. At the same time, it should be noted that ICT-assisted instruction is 
a constantly evolving phenomenon in need of further study and analysis. Today's students are 
becoming more and more involved in the field of information technology every year. "Nowadays, the 
computer has firmly entered all spheres of life and activities of society. Modern students perceive it 
as naturally as the simplest household appliances. For many of them, it's much easier to work with a 
keyboard and a display than with a pen and paper," notes T. V. Kozhevnikova [2, p. 126].
The use of information and communication technologies in education allows a new 
perspective on teaching, as it has a significant impact on the content of education and management 
of the educational process (planning, organization, monitoring, forecasting, etc.). A wide variety and 
versatility of information Internet resources (electronic courses, manuals, textbooks, training Internet 
sites, etc.) provides greater freedom of access for all participants in the educational process to rapidly 
changing information funds, contributes to the individualization of the educational process, provides 
an opportunity for students to enter into a unified educational space. Thus, the active use of 
information Internet resources provides a lot of opportunities for the development of independent 
work skills and creative abilities of students, which, in turn, plays a significant role not only in the 
development of professionally significant skills and abilities, but also in increasing motivation for 
learning a foreign language. The focus of teaching to intensify students' independent cognitive 
activity also changes the role of the teacher, he or she becomes a leader, consultant and coordinator 
of the learning process. Information resources allow us to use them to teach various types of speech 
activities: reading, writing, speaking, listening, as well as to communicate with native speakers
which, in turn, contributes to the formation of socio-cultural (country-specific) competence.
The value of such teaching tools is in visibility (they have all the advantages of multimedia), 
simplicity of use, compactness of the material provided. The advantages can also include quick 
feedback, the ability to work individually, regularly adjust these learning tools with new data. In 
addition, it should be noted that informational learning tools are learning materials of a special type 
and have a number of inherent characteristics, among which it is necessary to note, first and foremost, 
the following: a) interactivity, ie, the ability of the training program to dialogue with the user, respond 
to requests and commands. A large role is played by a user-friendly and accessible interface. 
Interactive communication helps students to achieve greater autonomy in self-education, motivates 
to carry out communication in a foreign language and contributes to the development of professional 
communication skills and abilities. b) multisensory, i.e. using a set of tools to provide information - 
text, sound, graphics, animation, video, which promotes a better presentation of educational material, 
increasing motivation to learn a foreign language, and consequently increasing the effectiveness of 
the learning process. c) non-linearity of information provided. Unlike printed manuals, where the 
material is presented as a sequence of sections, the full content of the information resource is hidden 
from the user. When he/she opens the program, the user gets only a general idea of its structure. To 
get acquainted with the content of the program requires sequential review of training material or 
performance of basic operations, which also helps to increase motivation and develop students' skills 
of independent cognitive activity. In this case, modern teachers should keep in mind that the new 
learning technologies also have a number of drawbacks. First, there is a widening gap between the 
rate of progress in new information technology and the rate at which untrained users have mastered 
The majority of those wishing to learn a foreign language do not yet have the computer skills 

to easily use the resources offered. Secondly, not all programs have an intuitive interface, a developed 
help system, the presence of effective feedback from the user, allowing him to assess the correctness 
of the material. A significant disadvantage is also the lack of real consideration of the program 
material and the characteristics of a particular study group, the lack of continuity of the taught 
material, which can complicate the learning process. In addition, the creation of Internet information 
resources aimed at teaching a foreign language is often done by people who are experts in software 
development, but do not know the language and culture of the countries that speak the language well 
enough to pass on the knowledge to others. As a result, in their work can be found not only factual 
inconsistencies with the phenomena of real life, but also elementary grammatical errors. In this 
connection, improving the skills of foreign language teachers themselves in working with computer 
programs, the global network and creating their own web sites is of great importance. However, 
having access to Internet resources alone is not a guarantee of fast and high-quality language 
There are many descriptions in the scientific literature of how inaccurate [3, p.3], or more 
accurately, methodologically illiterate work with Internet resources has contributed to the formation 
in students of not false stereotypes and generalizations about the culture of the country of the studied 
language. It is also important to take into account the age characteristics of students. Senior students 
in foreign language lessons, as well as in other lessons, have a higher level of active thinking, focus 
on solving logical problems, the desire for logical systematization and generalization. At this age, it 
is important for students not to master individual facts, details, but to understand the essence of the 
actions performed, they are interested in the synthesis of the particular and the general, the 
relationship of a specific action to the overall scheme of activity [4]. New technologies, corresponding 
to the interests of modern high school students and capable of taking into account all of the above 
psychological features of this age group with the right methodological approach, are, in our opinion, 
the most appropriate way to increase the level of motivation and quality of teaching a foreign 
language. Thus, it is obvious that the modern educational process is already unthinkable without the 
use of information and communication technologies. They have a number of advantages. The 
computer promotes the development of cognitive activity and the formation of the student as a subject 
of educational activity, greatly facilitates the search for new information. At the same time, we must 
remember that despite all their positive qualities and great potential, ICTs can be used effectively in 
the educational process only when certain methodological principles are followed, in conjunction 
with other types of learning and according to a well-designed plan. Otherwise, ICT will not have a 
positive impact on learning and can be harmful, provoking a distorted perception of information by 
students, causing a negative attitude towards this type of learning. ICT is a relatively recent addition 
to the foreign language teaching system, and the methods of its application are constantly evolving. 
In this regard, the modern teacher needs to constantly improve their knowledge and skills in this 
important area of pedagogical activity.
Reference links 
1. Kobleva S. Ya. Considering age-specific psychological features of high school students // 
Bulletin of Adygeya State University. - 2006. - № 1. - P. 180-181.
2. Kozhevnikova T. V. Computer technologies in the study of foreign languages // Modern theories 
and methods of teaching foreign languages. - Moscow: Examen, 2006. - P. 126-27.
3. Sysoev P. В. Modern educational Internet-resources in teaching a foreign language // FLS, 2008. 
- № 6. - P. 2-9.
4. Tsaturova I. A. Computer technologies in teaching foreign languages. - Moscow: Vyssh. shk. 
2004. - 95 p. 

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