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Combined tune 
Most grammatical sentences are prosodically expressed by a combination of intonation-groups. 
These combinations have a specific function of a double nature: on the one hand, they present 
information in the form of relatively separate semantic items, and on the other hand, they make up a 
communicative whole (entity) out of these separate parts. Utterances which are composed of more 
than one intonation-group form a combined tune
Communicative function of intonation 
One of the functions of intonation is to show the aim of communication, i.e. to indicate the type of a 
speech act, or, in other terms, the communicative type (a statement, a question, an imperative, an 
exclamation) or subtype of an utterance (e.g. a reply or an announcement as subtypes of a 
statement; an instruction or an order as subtypes of an imperative; an alternative question with a 
complete/incomplete list of choices or a certainty/uncertainty disjunctive question within 

interrogative utterances). Often, intonation is the only marker of the speaker’s communicative 
Compound Tunes 
Expressiveness of speech is often the result of using more than one kinetic tone in an intonation-
group, since kinetic tones are by their nature more expressive and colourful than static. Intonation-
groups having more than one kinetic tone are called compound tunes (as opposed to simple tunes, 
with one kinetic tone on the nuclear syllable). 
Comparison with the pitch patterns shows that there is a clear resemblance in form and function 
between what has been defined as a compound tune and some of the types of heads, particularly, 
between the Ascending Head and the Low Rise + High Fall compound tunethe Sliding Head and 
the Fall + Fall compound tune, the Scandent Head and the Rise + Rise compound tunes, while 
other possible combinations of kinetic tones resemble the so-called heterogeneous heads
However, in a compound tune the departure from a static pitch pattern of the prenuclear stress is 
rather more vivid. It can be regarded, therefore, as an intensified variant of one of the above head 

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