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Әдебиеттер Амандық Қорғанұлы. «

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  1. Амандық Қорғанұлы. «Қазақтар және қазақ тілі туралы»;

2. Қосжанов. Бабыр – Үндістан билеушісі. Zox.kz.;
3. Сейтбекова Айнұр Аташбекқызы. Әбілғазы баһадүр ханның «Түркі шежіресіндегі» араб-парсы сөздерінің қолданылу ерекшелігі.//Филология ғылымдарының кандидаты ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның авторефераты. – 5-6-б.

Seddiqi Mohammad Shafiq (Afganistan)
Kazakh national Technical and Research University
Scientific advisor:Prof.Minlibai Merza Axmatov

Abstract. This article discusses about the sewage, water supply and wastewater treatment systems in Kabul city the capital of Afghanistan. Over the course of the past two decades, investments in wastewater treatment systems, water supply and sanitation services in Kabul City have been minimal. As the result of this lack of investments and insufficient funding, the water supply and sanitation situation in Kabul is very poor. While other donors currently addressing water supply issues in Kabul, the presented project, financed by the World Bank, focuses on sanitation which covers a range of interrelated issues, namely

    1. Solid waste management, including: domestic municipal waste and building and construction waste (rubble and debris), and to a limited extend, hazardous industrial waste and infectious hospital waste,

(ii.) On site sanitation facilities, including: excreta disposal systems and soak pits, and wastewater treatment systems
(iii.) Network systems, including: storm water drainage channels and sewerage.
The Project Area covers the Municipality of Kabul, with a population currently estimated at 2.5 – 3.0 million, fast growing due to the influence of refugees. One of the Project's main objectives is the preparation of a Sewerage Master Plan aiming to develop a number of alternatives that are feasible from the engineering point of view, examine their advantages and disadvantages, and recommend the most beneficial option.
Existing situation:
The Kabul Municipality does not have a centralized municipal sewerage system. A restricted number of sewerage systems only exist in some apartment complexes of the city. Most parts of the generated wastewater are conveyed to on site tank systems. Only the area of Macrorayan is connected to a biological treatment system
Only about 172,200 inhabitants of Kabul are connected to a sewerage system. The existing sewerage and wastewater systems suffer from the unreliable power supply which results in the direct discharge of untreated wastewater into the nearest receiving water.
Only one treatment plant exists for treatment of public, domestic and commercial wastewater for Kabul which serves the apartment complexes of Macrorayan 1 to 4. The Consultant carried out several inspections and it was found that only the first purification stage, the mechanical screening and settling stage was working properly. The biological purification stage and the chemical treatment, a chlorination system, did not work. The effluent is discharged to the Kabul River without disinfections.
The existing situation can be summarized as follows:

  • The Project Area covers the Municipality of Kabul, with a population currently estimated at 2.5 – 3.0 million, fast growing due to the influence of refugees

  • More than 90% of the Kabul Municipality does not have a centralized sewerage system

  • A restricted number of sewerage systems only exist in some apartment complexes of the city. Only the area of Macrorayan is connected to a biological treatment plant.

  • Most parts of the generated wastewater are conveyed to on site systems.

  • From a Population of 3 Million Inhabitants:

  • 330,00 inhabitants are connected to on-site tank systems (cesspits/septic tanks).

  • 175,000 inhabitants are connected to sewerage systems

  • 2.5 Mio are served by traditional vault toilets or pit-latrines (no or low-flush systems).

Existing sewerage and on-site systems:
Principally the present systems can be categorized in 2 categories:

  • Properties with on-site sanitation (2 sub divisions) (i) Dry vaults and pit latrines

  • (ii) Septic tanks (unconnected to a sewerage system –serving a house up to a single apartment block)

  • Properties served by sewerage – all properties discharge to a public sewer system with sewage treated at a remote wastewater treatment plant as well as apartment complexes with more than a single apartment block either connected to the public sewer system or with their own full or partial treatment plant (e.g. septic tank)


  • Dry vault-toilets

The main strategy for these areas will be the improvement of the on-site facilities and the reactivation of suitable disposal variants e.g. for the night soil. Because of the limited water supply possibilities the water consumption will be less than 50 l/cap/d in these areas. Therefore the wastewater amount will be too low to install a sewerage system. In addition night soil collection and disposal has to be organised properly, existing toilets have to be improved

  • Septic tanks and cesspits

A main characteristic of areas, which properties have septic tank systems and cesspits, is the existence of a relatively constant water supply to residents, commercials and public facilities and institutions by water distribution system with house connections or private wells. The standard of living is correspondingly high showing relatively high water consumption resulting in a large quantity of wastewater which needs to be disposed.
The environmental endangerment for the ground water as essential disadvantage of these systems could be solved without greater problems by their connection to a new sewer system.
In the future the centralized collection and treatment of wastewater in these areas is a potential option to be considered because these areas show the following characteristics:

  • High population density

  • therefore possible high connection rate

  • Technical possibilities according to the design criteria’s (e.g. high and constant water demand and therefore high wastewater amount)

For these systems the following strategy can be developed:
- In areas with high population densities and constant water supply – connection to sewerage and a central wastewater treatment plant is considered.
- Proper seepage disposal will be organized, additional suction trucks will be provided to the sanitation department of the municipality
- Seepage disposal and treatment station will be constructed.
Proposed solution and priorities:

  • 6 possible main catchment areas for centralized sewerage systems were selected

  • 3 different locations for treatment plants are required because of the topographical restrictions and the requirement to minimize pumping systems.

As a result of the Consultant’s strategy six possible main catchment areas for centralized sewerage systems were selected, which can treat the collected wastewater in 3 different wastewater treatment plants. 3 different locations for treatment plants are required because of the topographical restrictions and the requirement to minimize the required pumping systems.
Summary: As a result of the Consultant’s strategy six possible main catchment areas for centralized sewerage systems were selected, which can treat the collected wastewater in 3 different wastewater treatment plants. 3 different locations for treatment plants are required because of the topographical restrictions and the requirement to minimize the required pumping systems.
Keywords: wastewater treatment, sanitation, water supply, sewerage system.

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