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Results and discussion
Meanwhile, it was decided to analyze the attitude 
of university teachers to cross-curricula connections 
in teaching physics in tandem with informatics. We 
conducted a poll among teaches of physics at Abai 
Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The re
sults of a poll are demonstrated in Figure 2. 
attitude to
in teaching
physics in
tandem with
attitude to
in teaching
physics in
tandem with
with cross‐
in physics
have the
same level.
Difficult to
answer the
Figure 2 –
The assessment of using programs for teaching
physics in tandem with informatics

G.А. Sugurzhanova, А.M. Kudaibergenova
52% – Positive attitude to cross-curricula con
nections in teaching physics in tandem with infor
0% – Negative attitude to cross-curricula con
nections in teaching physics in tandem with infor
20% – Programs with cross-curricular connec
tions and programs without connections in physics 
have the same level.
28% – Difficult to answer the question.
Thus, the analysis allows us to conclude that the 
educational program for teaching physics in tandem 
with informatics in higher educational institutions 
is an important link of the learning process, which 
helps to achieve the educational goals. The princi
ples and criteria for the selection of educational ma
terial identified in the research process are reason
able and make it possible to implement a program in 
accordance with the stated objectives. To implement 
the program, it is necessary to choose a particular 
teaching method. 
The best method to train future teachers of phys
ics in tandem with informatics is to organize the 
research projects. Nowadays, research and project 
activities are very popular in higher educational in
stitutions due to their efficiency (Leontovich V. A., 
2006:63-71) [11]. For a full-fledged existence in in
tensively changing environment, person has to dem
onstrate the research behavior. 
Such situation is justified and supported 
by foreign scientists and methodologists as well. 
Bridget Somekh (2006) allocated eight method
ological principles of research activity: research is 
represented in flexible cycles, involving the collec
tion of data about the topic of investigation, analysis 
and interpretation of those data, planning of strategy 
in order to bring about positive changes and evalua
tion those changes through data collection. Research 
is conducted by a collaborative partnership of par
ticipants and researchers; action research involves 
the development of knowledge and understanding 
of a unique kind; research starts from a vision of 
social transformation and aspiration for grater so
cial justice for all. Research involves a high level 
of reflexivity and sensitivity in mediating the whole 
research process; Research involves exploratory en
gagement with a wide range of existing knowledge 
in order to test its explanatory power and practical 
usefulness. Research engenders powerful learning 
for participants through combining research with re
flection on practice; Research locates the inquiring 
in understanding of broader historical, political and 
ideological contexts that shape and constrain human 
activity (Bridget Somekh., 2006:6-8 [12]. 
Stphen Kemmis, Robin McTaggart and Rhon
da Nixon (2014) stress that «…research involves 
the investigation of actual practices, not practices 
in the abstract. It involves learning about the real, 
concrete, particular practices of particular people 
in particular places. Through research people can 
come to understand how their educational practices 
produced particular cultural-discursive, material-
economic, and social circumstances that pertain at 
the particular place at a particular moment in a his
tory, and how their practices are reproduced in inter
action in a particular setting because of persistence 
of these circumstances and their responses to them» 
(Stephen Kemmis, 2014:21[13]. 
Craig A. Mertler (2017) points out: «…students 
are the consumers of the educational research. It 
is essential for them to have a basic understanding 
of key terms and essential concepts related to the 
notion of research. Research involves the applica
tion of the scientific method to educational topics, 
phenomena, or questions in research answer. Edu
cational research is typically carried out through the 
specification of the topic, about which a concern ex
ists. It clarifies the specific problem, on which the 
research will focus; formulate research questions 
or hypothesis concerning the main problem; carry 
out procedures by which data are collected, ana
lyzed and interpreted; state the findings determined 
as a result of the data analysis; draw the conclusion 
related the original research question». (Craig A., 
2017:6) [14]. 
David Coghlan (2019) defines research as «…
an emergent inquiry process in which applied be
havioral science knowledge is integrated with ex
isting organizational knowledge and applied to ad
dress real organizational issues. It is simultaneously 
concerned with bringing about change in organiza
tions, in developing self-help competencies in orga
nizational members and adding to scientific knowl
edge» (David Coghlan., 2019:5) [15]. The analysis 
of the works confirms that the research skills are the 
main components of the future professional activity, 
which must be formed and developed for the new 
format of specialists.
This requires the training, which includes the 
motivating factors of research behavior (search 
activity) and the mechanism for its implementa
tion – thinking. Research activities include not only 
search activity, but also analysis of results, assess
ment based on the dynamics of the situation, fore
casting and modeling, testing results in practice, 
new assessment (Savenkov A. I., 2008:11-21) [16]. 
Modernization of the process of teaching physics in 
tandem with informatics requires the acquisition of 

Methods of implementing interdisciplinary links between physics and computer science
the theoretical foundations of the subjects, the de
velopment of methodological competence of future 
teachers, their assimilation of universal skills and 
research activities; the analysis of the material with 
its practical orientation. When the process of teach
ing physics and informatics is aimed at organizing 
research and project activities, students are facing 
the analysis of their own activities. Achieved result 
generates reflection, which leads to new ideas and 
creative plans. Project activities require different 
styles of communication, new roles and positions. 
It leads to the development of research behavior, the 
emergence of a research life position.
However, not always the positive results can be 
achieved by students. Engaging in research activities 
involves the assimilation of material of a high level 
of difficulty. Students have difficulties with formula
tion of hypotheses, performing the experimental part 
of the research project. In order to prepare students 
for independent project activities, it is necessary to 
organize project training during lessons of physics 
in tandem with informatics. At the lessons, students 
acquire project skills, gain research experience and 
acquire the skills to plan and monitor research proj
ects. The future teachers themselves select a topic 
of a research project in accordance with program. 
The lessons devoted to research projects must be 
highlighted in long-term planning. When organiz
ing research activities, it is important to set the task 
of research skills development, which include the 
analysis of the facts, interpretations of these facts, 
formulation of the research hypothesis, planning the 
method of the hypothesis testing, presentation of the 
results and conclusion drawing. It is revealed that 
the research projects stimulate cognitive activity in 
the classroom, promote interest in additional study 
of theoretical material, involvement of students into 
meaningful learning (Kozlova G. M., 2010: 29-33) 
To construct a trajectory of using research proj
ect in teaching physics in tandem with informatics, 
it was important to determine the abilities, which 
must be developed among students – future teach
ers. The organizational stage of the model gave rise 
to the formation of the ability to define the content 
of the research problem; to determine the focus of 
the research activity; to set the achievable goals. 
To analyze the current state of a problem; to search 
necessary information; to analyze the obtained in
formation; to highlight the most important facts and 
omit insignificant ones; to systematize knowledge; 
to compare facts and draw conclusions; to evaluate 
critically the information received regional chemis
try. The input stage was necessary to form instru
mental and technological abilities, which involved 
the ability to use various technical devices and com
puter technologies, to extract information from dif
ferent sources, to represent information in general
ized form and to use it efficiently. These skills are 
multifaceted. The considerable intellectual devel
opment, manifestation of such qualities as abstract 
and algorithmic thinking, self-reflection, and self-
determination are required in order to develop such 
abilities (for example, the choice of relevant infor
mation requires the development of personal quali
ties such as independence and criticality). Different 
types of actions are necessary as well: the ability to 
act autonomously, to use interactive modes, to enter 
various social groups and to operate within them. 
The output stage was a stage of a pragma-oriented 
nature, which involved the ability to provide an ob
jective assessment of the problem; to prove the va
lidity of the obtained results during the research and 
the significance of the results; to use new knowledge 
in practice. 
Experimental verification of the proposed tra
jectory has been conducted based on Abai Kazakh 
National Pedagogical University. A total number of 
45 academic hours in natural learning environment 
of the university in accordance with the schedule 
have been given. During the planning stage, we 
have identified control and experimental groups 
with 30 students in each. The model constructed 
by us with the use of digital resources and imple
mented in experimental groups was a variable di
mension of the experimental work. In experimen
tal groups, the learning course and content were 
formed in accordance with the model proposed by 
us, which was presented by three stages and set of 
problem tasks. 
During the third stage, the students had to pres
ent an independent research. The work was carried 
out in mini-groups where each group was engaged 
in implementation of the idea that had been sug
gested by previous stages. The research work was 
realized with the help of few steps, which included 
the step of planning where the discussion of the 
topic in mini-groups took place in order to deter
mine the direction of the research work. The or
ganizational step of the work determined the pe
riods for the problem implementation, methods of 
the research work; allocation of the responsibilities 
among the students within mini-groups. During 
the analytical step, the students realized the inde
pendent research activity of the topic using differ
ent data collection: work with special literature, 
students’ personal experience, consultation with 
experts, observation, questioning, interview and 

G.А. Sugurzhanova, А.M. Kudaibergenova
analysis of the information received. Each student 
created a blog of his topic, which served as his per
sonal diary. 
During the work under the problem, each student 
kept his blog for the analysis of the work and pre
sentation of the interesting facts he found discussing 
the problem with interested users. Next step was a 
step of information consolidation. The students used 
their wiki page for a collective work, where each 
of them posted necessary information, corrected 
and explained the information already added. The 
result of this work was a collective article on the 
topic of the problem. Here, the students were able to 
apply their creative skills to select the most optimal 
method of presentation, which could have different 
formats: screen, brochure or video. 
After the experimental work, a post-experimen
tal diagnostics was carried out. The results of the 
post-experimental diagnostics were based on the 
mathematical data processing. The dynamics of re
search skills development in experimental and con
trol groups after the finishing of physics in tandem 
with informatics course was notably different. The 
students from experimental groups have demon
strated the improvement of all testing parameters, 
while the students from control groups have not 
demonstrated significant improvement of the tested 
abilities (Table 1). 

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