My future profession is geography - to be a history teacher. I chose this profession by my own decision, because I liked it and to continue the path of our dynasty.
My future profession is geography - to be a history teacher. I chose this profession by my own decision, because I liked it and to continue the path of our dynasty.
Geography and history are interconnected, they teach about the countries of the world, and the most important connection is working with a map in two lessons.
Geography and history are interconnected, they teach about the countries of the world, and the most important connection is working with a map in two lessons.
A teacher is a sacred profession with a great responsibility to beautify the future of the country, to raise the spirit, to educate the younger generation. Must be a qualified seeker, a man of high moral character.
A teacher is a sacred profession with a great responsibility to beautify the future of the country, to raise the spirit, to educate the younger generation. Must be a qualified seeker, a man of high moral character.
Мұғалім- елдің болашағын көркейтіп, рухын биікке көтеретін, жас ұрпақты тәрбиелейтін жауапкершілігі мол киелі мамандық.Ондай мамандық иесі әрқашан да өресі биік болып, сөйлеген сөзінен, ойлар ойынан маржандай тізілген ілтипат пен парасаттың өрнектері, әсемдік әлемі көрінетін, көкірегі жақсылыққа тола, мейірімді, білімі біліктілікке ұласқан ізденімпаз, елжанды, адамгершілігі жоғары адам болу керек.
Requirements for a modern teacher:
Requirements for a modern teacher:
the teacher must be an energetic person and a professional who has a personal point of view and is able to defend it;
the teacher's ability to think pedagogically must be developed scientifically;
the teacher is obliged to independently study and learn the basics of knowledge, to engage the student;
the teacher must constantly replenish his knowledge and increase his creativity, or, as the French teacher Joubert said, "teaching is double reading."
The main task of a teacher is to form a well-educated, open-minded, well-mannered citizen who will serve the country at all times, and who knows the right and the left. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for young teachers to work productively, to realize their abilities and potential. It is necessary to purposefully organize the life, work and postgraduate education of young professionals.
The main task of a teacher is to form a well-educated, open-minded, well-mannered citizen who will serve the country at all times, and who knows the right and the left. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for young teachers to work productively, to realize their abilities and potential. It is necessary to purposefully organize the life, work and postgraduate education of young professionals.