Шығыс Қазақстан облысы, Аягоз қаласы, «Д. Бабатайұлы атындағы жалпы білім беретін орта мектеп»кмм

Warm-up Ex. 1 - 2 p. 78 (Revision of vocabulary)

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Ex. 1 - 2 p. 78 (Revision of vocabulary)
Revision of Grammar. To be going to
( +, -, ? forms )
Ex. 3 - 4 ( do ex. individually)
Do this task in a table: Ex. 5 p.78


? Question

You will listen to a text and complete the sentences:
1. Arctic
2. a scientist
3. weather
4. June
5. cold
6. warmer
7. O degrees
8. satellite
Choose the correct responses to the sentences:
Ex. 6 p.78

Additional exercise from Workbook

Student's book p.78
PPT Jeopardy

Student's book p.78

A mind - map
" To be going to"

a graph organizer

CD 2.21.

Student's book p.78

Workbook p.54

5 min

Home task.
W.B. p.55
FEEDBACK: Your impression!
Sts write their impression of the whole unit and share ideas with their classmates.
3 – new words you have taught at the lesson;
2 – adjectives to describe the lesson
1 – one activity you like


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
Task format: Learners can contribute at their own language level for this activity, as it is relatively open-ended. This gives each learner a chance to be successful.
Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher summary provides support for progress and achievement, and challenge to thinking and setting future objectives.

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
*Self-assessment worksheet
*Observe learners when participating in discussion. Did
*each learner contribute to the discussion? If not, why not?
Learners managed to understand the rules and do the tasks.
Learners managed to understand the rules and do the tasks.

Health and safety check
Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking on this lesson lies in understanding grammar point of these rules in English language and it is based on clarity, accuracy, precision, depth, breadth, and fairness.

Task format: Learners can contribute at their own language level for this activity, as it is relatively open-ended. This gives each learner a chance to be successful.
Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher summary provides support for progress and achievement, and challenge to thinking and setting future objectives.

Oral assessment and support

Learners work in groups, apply skills and knowledge to a practical and cooperative task, and produce their own materials.

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