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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Ключевые слова: дискурс, глюттонический дискурс, коммуникация, кулинарные программы, 
социальные медиа. 
The term “discourse” is one of the most common issues in modern linguistics and other 
humanities. However, a unique definition does not exist. The first to use the term “discourse” was 
the American linguist Z. Harris in his work “Discourse Analysis”. The term became popular only in 
1970, when the works of such European linguists as 
Teun A. Van Dijk
, V. Dressler, J. Petofi and 
others were published. After 10-20 years, tutorials and reference books of such scientists as 
“Discourse, Consciousness and Time "by W. Chafe, two-volume work" Discursive Studies: 
Interdisciplinary Introduction "edited by Teun A. Van Dijk [1, p. 22]. 
Teun A. Van Dijk
, the author of numerous monographs on discourse, provides several 
definitions of discourse, which can be summarized as follows:
1. Discourse as a communicative event. Discourse that occurs between the speaker and the 
listener in the process of communicative action in a specific temporal, spatial context. This 
communicative action can be speech, writing, verbal and non-verbal components. 
2. Discourse in the narrow sense. Here the discourse is the text of speech or written, taking 
into account the presence of only the verbal component. In this sense, the term “discourse” means a 
completed or ongoing product of a communicative action, its written or oral result, which is 
interpreted by the recipients. 
3. Discourse as a genre. Here, the notion of discourse is used to designate a particular genre, 
for example: “news discourse”, “political discourse”, “scientific discourse”. 

4. Discourse as a social formation. This is the most abstract meaning of the concept of 
“discourse” - when it refers to a specific historical period, social community or to an entire culture. 
Then they say, for example, “communist discourse”, “bourgeois discourse” [1, p. 42]. 
T.M. Nikolayeva adheres to a broader understanding of the term discourse. According to T.M. 
Nikolayeva, the five most important tasks of discourse are:
1) a coherent text;
2) oral and spoken text;
3) dialogue;
4) a group of statements related by meaning; 



At the moment, there are several synonymous names for this discourse, such as: “culinary 
Gluttonous discourse began to be studied relatively recently, although the question of food has 
always been relevant. Interest in the field of nutrition as a cultural and linguistic phenomenon in the 
ethnographic and linguistic sciences arises in the nineteenth century. M.V. Kapkan notes that 
nowadays studies related to gastronomic culture are fragmentary. P. Gyro and other foreign 
researchers speak in part of the food habits of various nations [
, p. 5] 
The first attempts to analyze the gastronomic culture were made by the school “Annals” or 
“New historical science”. Particular attention to gastronomic culture, as well as the study of the 
food industry is manifested in the 1960s – 1970s and gets the development in the works of 
researchers such as K. Levi-Strauss, R. Barth and M. Douglas. Currently, the issue of the 
characteristics of gastronomic discourse has not received sufficient coverage. 
Among Russian researchers, A.V. Olyanich was involved in this problem, naming this 
phenomenon "gluttonic". In scientific use, the term “gluttonium” (from the Latin gluttire - “absorb, 
swallow”) became known due to the work of A.V. Olyanich on the theory of presentation discourse. 
A.V. Olyanich under “gluttonia” means linguocultural and ethnocultural specificity of nominations 
related to cooking [6, p. 394]. The scientist notes that the linguistic signs of glutton discourse form 
an aggregate, which is divided into frames. 
They are stored in the human mind in the form of 
menus, recipes, rules of conduct and rituals. “Food (nourishment) and the discourse connected with 
it represent a sign system in which “cultural capital”, national self-identification, personal 
identification and subjective attitude (taste), gender characteristics and social (class) characteristics 
are concentrated” [9

p. 508]. A.Yu. Zemskova and L.R. Yermakova adhere to the same views, 
noting that gluttonous discourse is “a complex communicative phenomenon that corresponds to the 
linguistic reflection of the physiological needs of the human body in the area of food preferences” 
[3, p. 14].
M.V. Undrintsova gives the term “gluttonium” a broader definition characterizing it as a 
discourse. “Gluttonic discourse is a special kind of verbal social discourse in combination with 
socio-cultural, religious and ethical, linguo-philosophical properties, the aim of which is to achieve 
gluttonic communication” [7, p. 86]. 
Gluttonic discourse is one of the types of embodiment of the specifics of the national 
language in the process of communication related to the process of nutrition. The 
of food 
consumption is nationally determined, reflects the ethnic, religious, cultural characteristics of 
people. Differences in existing gastronomic norms cause problems for intercultural communication 
and translation, respectively. 
Often the translation of the lexeme is not enough to understand the gastronomic picture of the 
world of another nation. When translating, one has to resort to various transformations, comments, 
adaptations in order to convey the meaning of the original word to the reader. Gluttonous discourse 
in its form and structure contains a large set of extra-linguistic properties. It reflects cultural, 
linguistic, religious, ethnic and ideological pictures of the world and is part of the gastronomic 
picture of the world [16, p.202]. 
Its socio-cultural values are the formation of norms of morality, etiquette, the compilation of 
worldview and even taste preferences of the consumer. Gluttonous discourse is one of the main 

types of communication, is one of the basic elements in everyday communication, and also has an 
individual and even status character. The process of gluttonic communication incorporates an 
extensive system of interrelated linguistic signs with a gastronomic orientation. 
“The linguistic signs of food, its characteristics and actions/states associated with prey, 
preparation and consumption, form a special cognitive and informative communicative environment 
in which communication is subject to the laws of discourse” [
, p. 168]. Gluttonous discourse is one 
of the main social discourses, in which situations associated with the extraction, processing, 
preparation and consumption of food, receive a verbal form [
p. 3]. 
Gluttonous discourse includes textual structures associated with the nutrition process, which 
takes into account participants, conditions, ways of communication, the environment in which the 
conversation takes place, the place and time of communication, goals and motives, as well as genre 
and style of speech. Speaking about linguistic signs or gluttonyms (signs of food and its 
components) that are part of glutton discourse, it is necessary to highlight important 
communicative-sign functions: denotative; directive; qualification and evaluation and presentation. 
1) Denotative function is to create an image of food, its qualitative characteristics, as well as the 
place and method of its preparation in the mind; 2) Directive - describes the process of cooking; 3) 
Qualification and evaluation function represents the social attitude to the process of cooking and 
eating, and also forms cultural priorities in the process itself [15, p.136]. In order to describe a 
specific type of institutional discourse, it is advisable to consider its following components: 
1. members
2. chronotop 
3. goals
4. values (including the key concept),
5. strategies 
6. material (subject)
7. types and genres 
8. precedent (cultural) texts
9. discursive formulas [
p. 242]. 
The participants in the gluttonous discourse in this case are representatives of the food 
industry - chefs, cooks, waiters, as well as people who study gastronomy, viewers, readers of 
culinary programs, blogs, customers of food establishments. The chronotope of the gastronomic 
discourse is the typical setting for the gluttonicdialogue - cuisine, restaurant; for written dialogue - 
cookbooks, blogs, recipe books.Many Russian philologists and linguists, such as: E.A. Gashimov, 
D.Yu. Gulimov, N.N. Danilova, A.V. Zanadvorova, N.E. Kamovnikova were engaged in the study 
of culinary text and language as a special type of communication. V. Pletnev, V.V. Pokhlebkin. 
Thus, we have considered various concepts of the notion “discourse”; definitions of "gastronomic 
discourse", "gluttonous discourse"; discourse type classification developed by V.I. Karasik. We 
reviewed the works of Russian and foreign authors who studied gluttonous discourse as a special 
type of verbal-social communication [14, p.235]. 
Now the world of culinary art has become even closer and more accessible. 
It is not secret 
that TV programmes serve as social communication, with the help of culinary TV programmes we 
can observe what persuasive words do jounalists and participants of TV programme use and how is 
food, identity, and new Kazakh culture (nation building)is changing.
Kazakhstan's culinary programs: “Cooking with Adele”, “Delicious Secrets” of Channel 31, 
“Asbolsyn” on “Kazakhstan” TV channel and others. Nevertheless, the deserved leadership in the 
domestic rating belongs to the “Kitchen Magic” of the Khabar TV channel. As in many programs of 
this format, success predetermined the choice of the lead - charming, smiling and endlessly positive 
Diana Snegina. Knowing the sense of excellent cuisine, Diana herself adheres to the principles of a 
healthy diet.
The new, and most importantly, the first Kazakhstan TV channel about gastronomy “Kitchen 
Magic” is a storehouse of the best recipes from the canons of the gastronomic tradition to new 

trends in cooking. Now Kazakhstani spectators will be able to immerse themselves in the magical 
world of culinary art. 
For the first time on Kazakhstan television 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the TV channel is 
distributed on pay-TV networks throughout Kazakhstan: 
• Cable analog and digital TV: ID TV, Alma TV and more than 80 regional cable operators, 
• Satellite TV: OTAU TV, Alma TV 
• Internet TV: Kazakhstan and foreign OTT platforms, YouTube channel. 
The total number of cable and satellite TV subscribers is about 2.7 million. 
Great attention is paid to maximum presence in other media and cross-platform placement: 
• Web site 
• Social media 
• Printed products 
• Offline work with the audience (workshops, presentations, joint shooting, etc.) 
• Most channel audiences consider themselves people with an active lifestyle. 
• Every second purchase is made under the influence of external recommendations 
(advertising, advice, experience, etc.) 
• People love to buy and are constantly looking for new products and sensations.
• Audience, likes to cook, experiment with dishes. At the same time they actively visit 
restaurants and bars. 
In contrast to the background channels with the music "Magic Kitchen" clearly understands 
the need to perform three functions of television: 
• Cognitive 
• Information 
• entertaining 
The magic of cuisine is a unique culinary master class, first broadcast on December 1, 2014. 
The show reveals all the secrets of the mysterious art of cooking. Spectators are waiting for stories 
from the life of Kazakhstan stars and their cooking secrets. The program will reveal the secrets of 
the mysterious art of cooking. Only in “Magic Cuisine” there are exquisite dishes, original recipes, 
master classes by professional chefs and charming hosts. Easy, affordable, tasty - with us you will 

The mission of the channel is to change the approach of our compatriots to quality nutrition and 
cooking through the prism of radio campaigns of the best experts in cooking and dietetics of the 
best producers of the food industry, as well as the best producers of world food shows. Viewers will 
not only find a new or desired recipe, but also learn many new things from the creative work of 
It is obvious that the nominees of gluttonic phenomena reflect the attitude of native speakers to 
these phenomena, which speaks of the dynamic interaction of the linguistic picture of the world and 
gastronomy, which are integral parts of the ethnoculture. The psychology of the people is largely 
based on the fundamental archetypes, which in the field of food culture contribute to the formation 
of the nation's taste landscape, its culinary repertoire and recipes. Generations replace each other, 
and cultural values, modifying in particular, remain unchanged from the point of view of the 
integrative characteristics of a nation. This also applies to gluttonia as an integral part of the 
national culture (ethnic culture). Food itself is the oldest archetype, rooted in the principles of 
security and human existence. Cultural codes of food consumption form the rules of food culture. 
Thus, the gluttonic nominative repertoire as part of the national linguistic culture is not only a 
reflection of the identity of the nation, but also has the ability to influence the formation and 
development of ethnic culture in general. The gastronomic linguistic picture of the world is a 
combination of certain components, which include flavors, gluttonic concepts, gastronomic 
concepts. Verbalized, these components form a complex structural and semantic formation. The 
gastronomic linguistic picture of the world is formed as a result of the evaluation activity of human 
consciousness in the process of cognitive mastering of reality. 

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