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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Кілт сөздер:мнемотехника, ассоциация, ассоциативті байланыс, ассоциативті эксперимент, 
есте сақтау, оқытудағы мнемотехникатәсілдері. 
Резюме: Статья рассмартивает разработку и применение психологически обоснованной 
методики использования мнемотехнических приемов и средств организации нового лексического 
материала, направленных на управление процессом запоминания новых слов и его облегчения в 
рамках сознательно-практического метода и коммуникативного подхода в обучении иностранному 
языку. Целью статьи является апробация данной методики, доказательство её эффективности в 
управлении процессом запоминания лексики иностранного языка. Методы исследования: анализ 
научной и учебно-методической литературы; эксперимент по апробации и проверке предложенной 
Ключевые слова:мнемотехника, 
эксперимент, запоминание, мнемонические приемы в обучении. 
In English-language linguodidactics, the problem of vocabulary assimilation was raised in the 
early 70s, but until now the understanding of the psychological aspects of mastering a foreign 
language dictionary is very fragmentary. At the same time, more and more attention is being paid to 
various strategies for memorizing lexical units of a foreign language. 
In science, there is a contradiction associated with the fact that a number of authors, in 
particular J. C. Vygotsky, S. Ya. Rubinstein, did not consider it possible to use mnemonics in the 
educational process, since, in their opinion, it does not contribute to the development of the 
learners. At the same time, modern researchers - A. K. Kolechenko, M. A. Ziganov, E. D. 
Safronova and others, argue the opposite, Modern pedagogy actively introduces psychological 
methods, techniques, and technologies into the educational process. 
Our research suggests that mnemonics can be successfully applied in the educational process 
of not only primary school, but also a college. Thus, the relevance of the study is due to the need to 
study the pedagogical potential of mnemonics in the lexical support of students. 
Mnemonics is a technique of memorizing new material through certain associations. The goal 
of mnemonics is to transform new material into a form that is simpler and easier for our brain to 
perceive. Along with this, mnemonics makes it possible not just to learn new material, but to save it 
in long-term memory and easily use it in the future. 
The word mnemonic “mnemonic” comes from ancient Greek and means memory or one that 
has to do with memory or memorization. The goddess of memory in ancient Greece was called 
Mnemosyne. In ancient Greece, there were two types of memory: innate memory (which is used 
automatically and unconsciously) and artificial memory (one that needs to be constantly worked on 
and developed) [1, 134]. 
Mnemonics is a kind of art of memorization. Mnemonics uses a variety of tricks and 
techniques to make it easier to absorb and remember new information. These can be specific sound 
or visual associations, the use of acronyms, acrostics, rhymes, unusual stories, and many other 
techniques that help beginners learn English.These methods are based on influencing the 
psychology and receptivity of a person.
There are various mnemonic associations for learning English words with specific examples. 
One of the techniques of mnemonics is sound associations – the use of similar-sounding words. For 
instance, you need to remember a number of words and their definition: 
Keraunophobia-fearof lightning. Part of this word (phobia) we already know. To remember 
the second part and the meaning of this word, we need to find a word that would be consonant with 
the first part of keraunophobia:Karen is afraid of lightning. 
Belonephobia – fear of needles, pricks: Balloons are afraid of needles. 
Latrophobia – fear of doctors: I atrophy when I see doctors. 
It is scientifically proven that the more ridiculous the created story, the better the word is 
remembered and stored in the memory for longer. In practice, the advantage of associations in 
comparison with classical memorization is justified, especially if the student actively works with 
their own associations or other possible relationships [4, 81]. 

Focused imagination is memorizing material that uses vivid images. This technique is 
considered to be the next one that increases the strength of memory. Here we are talking about 
images that are as close as possible to the natural perception.During each mnemonic method, visual 
images and associations are usually applied. All the systems described above have their own 
Visual associations can be material, have associative images, and can be easily imagined in 
person’s own imagination.As a rule, visual memory in humans is much better developed than other 
types of memory. For example, person writes the new words that he or she can't remember, along 
with the translation in the most prominent places, and when encounter them, person will remember 
them immediately [10, 150]. 
This method is based on the features of information perception and memory operation. The 
idea is to create such a vivid image for each foreign word that the expression is instantly imprinted 
in the memory. For example, person is studying new words on the topic of "Clothing" with English 
cards, and he or she needs to remember the word T-shirt. To memorize this expression, person 
needs to create an associative series that will easily sink into his or her memory. 
First, we come up with a similar-sounding Russian phrase: “Тима шьет футболку (Tima 
sews a T-shirt)”. We managed to create not only a sound combination, but also insert a translation, 
which will further facilitate memorization. So, now we imagine “in all colors” and details the image 
of our phrase: What does Timalook like? What does he sew with? What color is the T-shirt? What 
is drawn on it? The answers to all these questions should form such a clear and vivid picture that at 
any mention of T-shirt, the image of a T-shirt that “Тима шьет (Tima sews)” immediately appears 
in head. 
Despite the long description, our brain comes up with associations and images in just seconds. 
The student's task is to consolidate this association by working out a clear connection between the 
English word, the Russian sound and the “picture” with the translation designation. 
Using the cards to quickly learn English words is very simple – person needs to place them in 
places that are strategically important to him and carefully pay attention to them every time he 
passes by. Kitchen, bathroom, areas next to the TV, bedside table, extractor hood, windows - all 
these are great places for cards. 
When learning a language, one should take into account that new words are better 
remembered and saved if there is a focus on them, listening carefully to the pronunciation and 
usingthem in communication, which means that immersion in the language is important [8, 310]. 
Mnemonics and English are closely interrelated, since the use of mnemonic methods is 
possible not only in working on a lexical unit, but also in mastering other speech operations in 
English. That is why, we created special English cards, which can be especially useful to improve 
grammar of the learners, because the cards contain main irregular verbs of English language. The 
name given to this project is “English cards with Zayn”, which significance can be connected to the 
character Zayn, in relation to whom the associations can be done. Cards have visual image of Zayn, 
who expresses different movements according to the verb on the reverse of the card, which also 
contains transcription and translation of the given verb. 
As part of this work, we tested mnemonic techniques in English lessons in college. The paper 
describes a scientific experiment that was conducted in Republican Higher Medical College. After 
evaluating and analyzing the results, it was concluded that mnemonic techniques as a way to 
replenish the vocabulary show high efficiency. This conclusion is based on the results expressed in 
the form of ratings received for dictionary dictation and test work. According to the results of the 
experiment, 45.5% of students improved their academic performance, the other 47.5% of students 
showed consistently good results, their academic performance remained exactly the same as it was 
before the use of mnemonic techniques, 7% worsened their average score. 
Based on the results obtained, we have developed methodological recommendations for 
teachers on the use of mnemonic techniques in English lessons at all stages of training.The use of 
mnemonic techniques in teaching English is a very promising direction in modern methodology. 
Teaching methods based on the use of mnemonic techniques are actively implemented in the 

educational process, used for the compilation of textbooks and lesson plans, the development of 
special training courses. A modern teacher should be proficient in mnemonic techniques, so that the 
effectiveness of teaching and learning new material is always at a high level, and students have an 
interest in learning English. 
It is important to note that the use of mnemonic techniques does not negate the use of other 
teaching methods. The teacher can easily combine mnemonic techniques with other techniques and 
techniques to improve the effectiveness of the learning process. Also, mnemonics are easily 
integrated into the learning process, without causing lag from the program.Mnemonic techniques 
are a modern tool that is increasingly used in teaching English. The introduction of mnemonic 
techniques already at the initial stage of training,will allow students to develop a love for learning 
English by facilitating the process of memorizing new foreign words, as well as improve the quality 
of training and allow students to improve their knowledge and grades. 

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