NAZARBAYEV S., students
ALMATOVA B.G. associate professor
Aktobe Regional University named af. Zhubanova,
Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan
Көптеген зерттеушілер ұңғымаға құмның шығуын үйкеліс күштерінің әсерімен
және сұйықтықты ұңғымаға сүзу кезінде пайда болатын қысым градиентімен
түсіндіреді. Қысымның жоғары градиенттері және цементтейтін материалдың
беріктігінің жеткіліксіздігі кезінде құмтас дәндері негізгі массивтен бөлініп, ұңғымаға
шығарылады. Борпылдақ құмтастардан құралған өнімді қабаттарды игеру кезінде ПЗП-
да жылжымалы құм аймағы (пластикалық аймақ) пайда болуы мүмкін. Бұл жағдайда
ұңғыманы пайдаланудың алғашқы айларында қарқынды бақыланбайтын құмның пайда
болуы байқалады, бұл құмның сілтіленуімен және қабаттың төбесінде қуыстың пайда
болуымен немесе гетерогенді қабаты бар бұзылмаған (неғұрлым берік) қабатпен
байланысты. Пластикалық аймақтың қалыптасуы мен сипатына көптеген факторлар
әсер етеді: бұрғылау нәтижесінде пайда болған бұрын пайда болған кернеулерді тау-кен
қазбасына қайта бөлу; құм түйірлерін бекітетін цемент материалына бұрғылау
ерітіндісінің әсері; кумулятивті перфорация кезінде төменгі шұңқыр аймағына соққы
жүктемелері; резервуарлы сұйықтықты таңдау қарқыны және тағы басқалар.
During the operation of oil wells, sand jams are formed in the trunk, which in some cases
reach the perforation intervals of the production column and lead to a decrease in the flow rate,
and in some cases to the complete cessation of fluid flow from the reservoir. The process of
formation of sand jams is particularly intense in oil fields, the productive horizons of which are
represented by weakly cemented sandstones and clay-sandy rocks. The need to wash sand plugs
creates technical problems associated with the need for installation and dismantling work, as well
as the need to use special equipment for washing the wellbore. In addition, the process of
formation of traffic jams and subsequent work on their elimination lead to a decrease in oil
production and reduce the economic efficiency of oil production by well rod pumps. One of the
ways to clean the cased borehole from sand plugs is with the help of tubeless hydraulic drills.
The fight against the formation of sand jams is one of the oldest problems of the oil
industry. Cork in Wells is formed mainly during the operation of oil wells in the fields of
Azerbaijan, Krasnodar Territory, Turkmenistan, water wells drilled on the senoman horizon of
Western Siberia, as well as during the implementation of thermal effects on the field.
Sand (rock particles) are removed from the layer to the borehole barrel under the influence
of filtration pressure at a certain filtration rate or pressure gradient, usually as a result of the
destruction of loose, slightly cemented rocks. The removal of sand from the reservoir leads to a
violation of the stability of rocks in the face zone, the collapse of rocks and, as a result,
deformation (destruction) of operational columns and, most often, the failure of Wells. Sand
entering the well, settling on the bottom, leads to the formation of a cork, which significantly
reduces the current flow rate of the well. Removing the plug from the face is labor-intensive and
is associated with the inevitable costs of oil production. Sand removed from the tank also leads to
wear and tear of operational equipment.
Existing methods of combating Cork formation can be divided into three groups: 1)
Prevention of sand ingress into the Well; 2) removal of sand from the face to the surface and
adaptation of equipment to work in sand-reflecting Wells; 3) elimination of sand plugs.
By reducing the flow to a certain permissible level, the destruction of rocks can be
prevented, and the filtration rate, pressure depression and, as a result, the tension in the Rock is
reduced. However, in the case of cemented rocks, the operation of wells in such modes is often
economically unprofitable. Therefore, mainly various slaughterhouse filters are used or fix rocks
in the lower pit area.
To avoid the destruction of rocks, you can reduce the flow rate to a certain permissible
level, while reducing the filtration rate, pressure depression and, as a result, stress in the rock.
However, in the conditions of poorly cemented rocks, the operation of wells under such
conditions often turns out to be economically unprofitable. Therefore, various bottom-hole filters
are mainly used or the rocks are fixed in the bottom-hole zone.
Most researchers explain the removal of sand into the well by the action of friction forces
and the resulting in this case, the pressure gradient when filtering the liquid into the well. At high
pressure gradients and insufficient strength of the cementing material, the sandstone grains are
separated from the main mass and carried into the well.
When developing productive layers composed of loose sandstones, a zone of mobile sand
can be formed in the PZP. In this case, in the first months of operation of the well, there is an
intense uncontrolled sand occurrence associated with the leaching of sand and the formation of a
cavern near the roof of the formation, or in an undisturbed interlayer with an inhomogeneous
The formation and nature of the plastic area is influenced by many factors: the
redistribution of pre-existing stresses caused by drilling near the mine; the effect of drilling mud
on the cementing material that binds the sand grains; impact loads on the bottom-hole zone
during cumulative perforation, etc.
When sand is carried out in the casing or elevator columns of the well, sand jams can form,
which limit its productivity. To restore the flow rates, the plugs are removed, usually using
gutters or by flushing through a column of siphon pipes that descend into the elevator column. In
cases where traffic jams are very frequent, it may be more advantageous to establish sand
retention facilities at the bottom to maintain constant production. This is the main issue when
deciding whether to prevent the destruction of the bottom-hole zone.
In some cases (Ventura field, California, USA), production was successfully carried out
with simultaneous removal of sand. However, this approach can be dangerous, as it creates the
possibility of breaking the casing and losing the well.
The destruction of casing strings and filters, the removal of sand usually increases with an
increase in the selection of products, with an increase in the water-oil factor, depletion of the
exploited reservoir, etc.
The methods used to prevent the removal of sand into the well are divided into three
- mechanical methods involving the creation of artificial bridges that prevent sand from
entering the well;
- chemical methods based on the injection of substances into the formation, which
subsequently harden and cement the sand;
- combined methods involving the use of mechanical filters and chemical fixing of sand
The technological methods of preventing sand occurrence in wells include, first of all, the
regulation of fluid extraction from the well. In this case, the viscosity of the fluid under reservoir
conditions has a certain value. The higher the viscosity of the fluid, the lower the pressure
gradient can be critical, that is, at which the removal of sand begins.
In practice, it is impossible to implement such a regulation of sampling in order to
completely prevent the removal of sand from the bottom-hole zone into the borehole. After some
time, the sand will accumulate in the trunk, forming a sand plug.
When sand jams form at the bottom of wells, the flow rate of wells decreases or the well
completely stops the supply of products.
To remove the sand plug, direct or reverse flushing of wells is used. In this case, the
following solutions are used as washing liquids: water-methanol, two-phase foams, condensate,
etc. The main disadvantages of the technology of washing sand plugs with these solutions are:
- large hydraulic losses on BDT, in connection with which high wellhead pressures (up to
100-130 kgf/cm2) are observed during the work, which leads to the destruction of the structure of
foam solutions, due to their insufficient stability;
- low speed of the upward flow, which does not always ensure the complete removal of
sand from the well, etc.
To prevent the removal of sand from the bottom hole, anti-sand filters are installed.
Alluvial gravel filters in the open well are installed where the strength of the bottom-hole
zone allows you to expand the well bore. These filters have lower filtration resistances and, as a
result, higher productivity compared to intra-column gravel filters or reinforcement of the
bottom-hole zone with chemical reagents.
In the case of simultaneous operation of several layers, among which only some need to be
equipped with gravel filters, the most preferred are gravel filters made on the surface. Here you
can alternate between conventional filters and gravel filters.
Slotted filters are expensive and not always reliable, so other methods of downhole
equipment are also used to prevent sand from entering the well. For example, the bottom of a
well is sometimes equipped with metal-ceramic, sand-plastic or gravel filters. The latter are
created by filling the annular space between the pipe filter and the walls of the well with gravel. It
is believed that for the formation of a reliable sand "bridge", a layer of gravel with a thickness of
5-6 diameters of its grains is sufficient. The size of the grains and gravel is also determined by the
grain diameter of the 10% fraction of the mechanical composition curve of the formation sand
This list may vary slightly due to the variety of devices and methods used to create gravel
filters, as well as differences in the technical equipment of drilling rigs.
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