Филологические науки

particular person in a computer network united under one address in the

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particular person in a computer network united under one address in the 
form of the site­business cards and the site­portfolios. The site of this kind 
– is the opportunity to declare about you, about your business or talents 
therefore it is suitable for business and creative people who need to present 
themselves to wide audience in an attractive and available look. One of the 
main features of the personal site is the exclusive and attractive design, and 
also the most important and necessary information in the summary of the 
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92

ИзвестИя КазУМОиМя
­ Forums are one of the ways of information exchange in the Internet. 
With the expansion of the Internet there were new simpler services, such 
as social networks and blogs that reduced the importance and frequent 
attendance of forums. 
Nevertheless, the forum is not on the last place among other Internet­
discourse genres and it is characterized by a certain thematic sign. The 
scope of communication is defined by interests and bents of communication 
participants. The communicative purposes of a forum can be various and 
include the following aspects: to express yourself, to find the friend, to 
support emotional contact, to communicate. Depending on the purpose 
of communication is defined the sphere of communication which is 
characterized, first of all, by the role positioning of communicants (status 
focused or personal focused). The author’s image is defined by a cumulative 
great number of the participants of communication both who are present 
now, and allegedly present at a retrospective and prospect. Usually the 
forum should be considered as a type of communication with the mode of 
asynchronous time possessing an oral and written text type. Soviet linguists 
mark out the following stylistic features of a speech genre of forum: 
subjectivity and estimation.
As well as each language society, participants of any genre of the 
Internet­discourse use different means of language. To consider lexical 
features of the Internet­discourse, we decided to take the blog as a basis, and 
to consider lexical features of it. The substantial plan of the blog is like the 
chronicle of author’s private life including elements of abstract reasonings 
on the subjects interesting the blogger. A number of linguists speak about a 
special kind of language of the blog. It is explained by a variety of reasons:
Firstly, the sphere of functioning of this language is accurately delimited 
from other spheres of communication as it is carried out by means of 
technical electronic means. 
Secondly, language means of blog’s language are characterized by a 
certain set of unique lexical and grammatical characteristics which can be 
easily allocated, formalized and form a uniform pragmatical complex. 
The situation of establishment and maintenance of contact leads to 
communicative innovation, by doing this communication original and 
unique. Creativity of the language identity of blog’s author constantly 
grows in communicative space. And this growth goes on all language 
levels that make Internet discourse language unique research object for 
linguistic studying: in blogs we observe frequent use of “language game” 
however often this innovation is expressed in a deviation from graphic and 
grammatical language norms. 
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92

1) We can observe such type of abbreviation as acronyms (the 
abbreviation formed of initial letters of words) in blogs:
AFAIK – (англ. as far as I know) насколько
AFAIR – (англ. as far as I remember) насколько
AFK – (англ. Away from keyboard) отошёл (имеется ввиду, что 
пользователь в данный момент не у компьютера); 
BTW – by the way (кстати).
2) Also the blogger very often uses reduction or truncation in the speech 
that is one of the popular ways of the Internet discourse slang: 
Apocopes (truncation of final part of the word of initial unit):
Comp – computer; 
App – application; 
Sync – synchronize; 
Admin – administrator.
3) Also bloggers use interjections, such as: 
“Hmmm”, which are satellites of the emotional sphere of the blogger.
4) The emotional saturation in this environment is reached by the 
following means: 
(a) graphic verbal means (use of capital letters, repetition of punctuation 
signs, smilies and other): HE IS A WIZARD; CLEAN AFTER YOURSELF; 
(b) special program graphic means which are inside of the software 
cover, for example “emoticon” (when the graphic representation of “mug” 
(often color) which expresses a certain emotion is added to any text message 
or a remark).
5) Many bloggers possess good lexicon and dexterously know the literary 
language. So they skillfully use phraseological units and Americanisms:
The fly in the ointment; 
Road warriors; 
Stack up; 
6) Use of epithets and comparisons makes the bloggers’ speech bright 
and emotional: 
Smooth, minimal, professionalism; this device downloads sites almost 
as far as you can blink.
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 82 - 92

ИзвестИя КазУМОиМя
It is also possible to find many words expressing emotions in the text: 
It’s a bit ironic.
7) Bloggers often resort to the use of informal colloquial lexicon that 
makes statements clear for each reader of his blog, for example:
Cranky – strange; 
To latch onto – to understand;
To crack up – to laugh a lot at something.
8) The author always finishes his speech with graphic means, such as, 
)))))), Bye­bye).
To sum up, I would like to admit that Internet­discourse continues 
to be formed nowadays, and it possesses the characteristic linguistic 
and extralinguistic features defining its uniqueness. The lexicon of the 
Internet­discourse has some features of technical slang, but also it is filled 
with common lexicon, it is formed by the principles of informal lexicon 
formation. Among various forms of Internet – communication, I decided 
to stop on that fact that the most popular one is blog (or Internet ­ diary).
Thus, nowadays, the special communicative segment in the Internet­
space is developed and is still forming now, which possesses the characteristic 
linguistic and extralinguistic features defining its uniqueness continues. It 
is obvious that the speech of Internet­discourse occupies the special niche 
in a language continuum therefore in further researches it is expedient to 
carry out its system analysis, to define balance between oral and written 
component, and also to plan prospects of further development. 
Having carried out the analysis of blogs, I came to conclusion that 
the blog is the website which contains the dated multimedia records with 
possibility of leaving comments to them and viewing of any of them on 
the separate web page. The analysis of blogs’ lexicon shows that users 
often use various language means in their speech: interjections, reductions, 
abbreviation, phraseological units, slang, informal lexicon, incomplete 
offers, epithets, comparisons and others. Also authors of blogs use various 
graphic means which make their speech more emotional and clear for all. 
All these language means make bloggers’ speech brighter and interesting to 

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