ПЕДАГОГИКА МЕН ӘДІСТЕМЕ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ THE COMPONENTS OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF SENIOR STUDENTS AT SCHOOL. S. Baisultanova - English teacher KazNPU named after A bay In recent years the researchers have paid considerable attention to the problem related to the
definition of “communicative competence”.
The structure of communicative competence is multifaceted. Therefore, the interpretation
and definition of this concept depends on the position of the author and the context in which it
operates. For example: According to D. Haymza, this concept combines grammar (rules of
language), socio-linguistic (dialectal speech rules), discursive (rules of constructing meaning
expressed) and strategic (rules of maintaining contact with the interlocutor) competence. [1.13]
J.Sheylz identifies the following components of communicative competence: linguistic,
sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, socio-cultural and social competence. Also the most detailed
communicative competence describes L.F. Bachman including in it: linguistic, discursive,
conversational, pragmatic (practical), sociolinguistic,
[2.24] However, the formation of the
communicative competence of individuals is an urgent problem of pedagogy and the decision is
important for every individual.
The purpose of this article is to disclose the essence of communicative components of the
senior students at school as well as the identification of its components in general pedagogical
The objective involves the following tasks:
Study the state of the problem of forming communicative competence of the
Reveal the essence of the category “communicative competence” and the pedagogical
aspect of its formation in future teachers.
The general pedagogical analyze of the personality traits of future teachers to the
communicative competence.
The communicative competence problem of personality has a special place in the learning
process, on the hand it is a social and includes cultural values, on the other hand individual because
it is based on the individual’s communicative abilities and psychological events related to
communication in the life of the individual. The dynamic aspect of the experience of the processes
of socialization and individualization implemented in communication to ensure social development
of human as well as the adequacy of its reactions to the situation of communication and their
identity. In the communication it plays a special role mastery of social roles: organizer, participant
and other sides of communication.
Analysis of contemporary psychological and pedagogical research indicates the presence of
certain preconditions to address the issue of forming communicative competence of future teachers.
The meaning of the term communicative competence considered in V.I.Baidenko, E.F.Zeer,
I.A.Winter, O.E.Lebedev. L.M.Mitin, L.Peter, J.Raven etc. [3.56]
Researchers have identified the communicative competence as a system of internal
resources required to build the communicative impact in a range of situations of interpersonal
contacts. In their opinion one of the main criteria of formation of communicative competence is an
individual reflection when a person is able to assess its position in accordance with the position and
interests of partners. It is essential that a person had also established the ability to communicate
with someone to analyze its message adequately to respond to them, skillfully using both verbal
and non-verbal means of communication. A.B.Dobrovich considers the communicative
competence as a constant readiness for contact. This is explained by scientists from the standpoint
of consciousness and thinking. The human thinks and this means that he leaves in a dialogue mode
while the human must always take into account the volatile situation in accordance with their