Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия « Фил ол оги ч ески е науки», № 2 (32), 2010 г. 2.
Knowledge of communication in practice. Natural possession of feedback mechanisms
(identification, reflection). During the interaction to remain positive with respect to all
communicants. Understand the styles of interaction and change their behavior depending on the
situation. Always exactly perceive any infonnation (to be able not only read but understand the
written, to be able to hear and not just listen) and respond (in the correct form), carrying a
permanent self-control.
The aspect of behavior in communication. Compliance with the interaction as well as the
ability to organize effective communication based on the basic ethical and pedagogical principles in
the systems of teacher- student, student-student and teams of students.
Personal - personal qualities emerging in the vocational and social training at school that
involved individual development.
Communicative inclination
The overall level of sociability
Motivation in communication as an essential component of activity, reflecting the
installation of the
Self control in communication.
Possession of feedback mechanisms (identification, reflection).
Typology of personality.
Style of interaction.
The organization and others.
In conclusion I would like to reiterate the importance of forming communicative
competence of senior students at school because it is a part of personal competence. The article was
an attempt to introduce the structure of this quality in briefly. Description of the structure is not
accidental: according to it we can determine exactly what they need to diagnose each student
It is also important to pay attention to the fact that the formation of communicative
competence does not occur “suddenly”, it is impossible to implement even a single discipline.
Communicative competence - it is an integral quality which requires skills in linguistic knowledge,
knowledge of communication and the aspects of behavior in communication.
Nowadays all the lessons of English language are based on communicative methods. Also
there are a lot of literatures and methodological recommendations for teachers that help them to
work with the students at the lesson more interesting and easily. Such as: Prospects Upper-
Intermediate, Rising Star Pre-FCE, Laser Fee and others[5.25].
Anyway modem teachcr of English language has to organize training activities effectively
(both individual and collective), relying on the knowledge and skills of students paying more
attention to the unknown material.