Ключевые слова: карбоксиметилцеллюлоза, биоактивные полимерные композиты, желатин, природные поли-
сахариды, пленка, капсулирование, инфракрасный спектры, рострегуляторы, сульфоны, пиперидолы, энергия
Наиболее важной составной частью любой национальной экономики, где производится жизненно
важная для общества продукция и сосредоточен огромный экономический потенциал, является агропро-
мышленный комплекс. Развитие его в решающей мере определяет состояние всех отраслей экономики,
уровень продовольственной безопасности государства и социально-экономическую обстановку в
обществе [1].
Использование биополимеров, изготовленных из биологических ресурсов, которые возобновляются,
по оценкам специалистов являются экологически безопасными и экономически выгодными. Большое
значение они имеют и в сельском хозяйстве. Качество семян сельскохозяйственных культур часто ухуд-
шается под влиянием неблагоприятных факторов, вследствие биологической неполноценности, наруше-
ния оптимальных условий выращивания, травмирования в процессе уборки урожая и последующей
обработки, поражения патогенной микрофлорой и повреждения грызунами. Проблема улучшения
качества посевного материала для увеличения урожайности, а также обеспечение прироста урожайности
при уменьшенном количестве удобрений постоянно привлекала внимание исследователей. Повысить
качество зерна и семян можно путем применения современных технологий, различными факторами
влияния на процессы прорастания, стимулирование развития ростков и защиты их от неблагоприятного
воздействия окружающей среды [2].
Предпосевная обработка семян сельскохозяйственных культур, способствующая созданию оптималь-
ных условий на этапе прорастания, стимулирующая появление полноценных проростков и всходов с
повышенной энергией прорастания, обеспечивающая защиту всходов культивируемых растений от
вредителей и болезней, усиливающая адаптацию развивающегося растительного организма к меняющим-
ся условиям среды, становится важнейшим элементом современных технологий [3].
Природные полисахариды. Желатин.
Представляет собой твердый измельченный белковый продукт в виде гранул, крупинок или порошка
светло-желтого цвета, без запаха и вкуса, во много раз тяжелее воды. Имеет свойство разбухать в холод-
ной воде, а в теплой растворяться. Обладает большой желирующей способностью и высокой вязкостью.
Это продукт переработки коллагена, распространённого в природе белкового вещества, образующего
главную составную часть соединительной ткани позвоночных, особенно в коже, оссеине костей и в
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Естественно-географические науки», №4(42), 2014 г.
сухожилиях. По аминокислотному и элементарному составуон близок к коллагену. Главнейшие кислоты:
глицин (около 27%), пролин (около 16%), оксипролин (около 14%), глутаминовая кислота (около 12%),
аргинин (около 9%), лизин (около 5%).
Элементарный состав: 48,7-51,5% углерода; 6,5-7,2% водорода; 17,5-18,8% азота, 24,2-26,8%
кислорода; 0,3-0,7% серы. В желатине около 15% воды и около 1% золы. Лучшие сорта слабо окрашены в
жёлтый цвет, плотность 1,3-1,4 г/см³. Благодаря наличию в желатине кислых (карбоксильных) и основных
(амино) групп он имеет амфотерный характер.
Существуют два вида желатина: А и В. Желатин типа А получают при обработке коллагена свиных
шкур, кислотой. Желатин типа В получается из костей крупного рогатого скота после их щелочной обра-
ботки. Желатин типа А имеет меньшую вязкость в сравнении с желатином типа В. При этом, желирую-
щие свойства обеих типов одинаковы.
Основным сырьём для производства натурального желатина служат кости крупного рогатого скота,
отходы кожевенного производства (обрезки шкур, мездра), связки и сухожилия [4].
Одним из способов создания оптимальных условий для прорастания семян является предпосевная
обработка семян с использованием метода капсулирования полимерными формами препаратов химичес-
ких средств защиты растений [5].
Капсулирование это способ покрытия поверхности семян тонкими водорастворимымиполимерными,
полифункциональными пленками, обладающими заданным комплексом физико-химических свойств
(высокая адгезия к поверхности семян, регулируемая сорбционная емкость, способность к комплексо-
образованию с различными физиологически активными веществами) [6].
В качестве пленкообразователей нами были выбраны композиции на основе КМЦ (карбоксиметил-
целлюлоза) и желатина. При работе исследовались физико-химических свойства и набухание полученных
полимерных композитов.
В ИК-спектрах желатина и КМЦ (рисунки 1 и 2) присутствуют основные полосы обоих реагентов:
900-1000 см
проявляются валентные колебания связей С-С и С-Н, 2600-2850 см
,метилные группы СН
поглощения 1730 см-1 к с=о альдегида; 2730 см-1 к с-н альдегидной группы и полосы 2960 и 2940 см-1
к колебаниям с-н в метильной и метиленовой,3100, 3600 см
(ОН-группы, последняя в виде широкой
полосы, по-видимому, вовлеченная в водородную связь); Соотношение углерода и водорода в брутто-
формуле и сплошное поглощение короче 220 нм указывают на наличие в соединении системы с
сопряженными связями. Вероятнее всего, это бензольное кольцо. Небольшая интенсивность полосы с
мах = 260 нм и ее коротковолновое положение свидетельствуют о том, что электроны неподеленной
пары аминогруппы не находятся в сопряжении с бензольным кольцом.
В продуктах взаимодействия (рисунок 3) по сравнению с исходными реагентами заметно полоса
поглощения с = 1600-1840 см
переходом карбонильной группы. Присутствие карбонильной группы
подтверждается и наличием интенсивной полосы в ИК-спектре с
= 1720 см
. Кроме того, в соедине-
нии присутствуют только алифатические протоны с
.Том же числе полосы погло-
щения при 3480 и 3490 см
, где обычно проявляются валентные колебания связей N–Н первичной
аминогруппы NH
и 1160-1130 см
, где обычно проявляются валентные колебания связей SO
Рисунок 1. ИК спектр КМЦ
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жаратылыстану-география ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(42), 2014 ж.
Рисунок 2. ИК спектр Желатина
Рисунок 3. ИК спектр желатина +КМЦ
ИК-спектры исходных и синтезированных соединений записывали на спектрометре «JascoIR-810»
(Япония) в таблетках с КВrв диапазоне 400-4000 см
В исследований нами были рассмотрены особенности растворов полимеров, которые готовили такой
концентрации, при которой они находятся в легкотекучем состоянии золя, что является необходимым
условием для формирования пленки оптимальной толщины на поверхности семян.
Экспериментальным путем было установлено, что для КМЦ-М (модифицированной) оптимальные
концентрации водных рабочих растворов равны 0,3-8%, а для желатина 0,07-8%.
Таким образом, проведены исследования синтеза полимерных композитов на основе природного
полисахарида желатина. Полученный композит дальнейшем будет использоваться в качестве полимерной
матрицы для синтеза полимерных рострегуляторов. В качестве активные вещества будет изучено
производные пиперидолам.
1. Комплекс мер по устойчивому развитию агропромышленного комплекса Республики Казахстан на 2009-2011
2. Ержанов К.Б., Визер С.А., Курманкулов Н.Б. Научный вклад лаборатории химии физиологически активных
соединений в развитие химии ацетиленовых и гетероциклических соединений. // Хим. журн. Казахстана. − 2005. −
№ 4. − С. 208-239.
3. Жубанов Б.А., Мейірова Г., Бойко Г.И. «Полимерныеростстимуляторы растений». - Алматы, 2007.
4. Жало Ф.Н., Мазуров В.И. Биохимия коллагеновых белков. - М., 1994
5. Пред.патент. «Стимулятор роста растений», Айтхожина Н.А., Лесова Ж.Т., Пралиев Қ.Ж., Ержанов К.Б.,
Курманкулов Н.Б., Блохина О.М., Галиева Л.Д., Султанбаева А.С. КZ № 20864, 16.03.2009, бюл. №3.
6. Кулаков И.В., Исабаева Г.М., Фазылов С.Д., Нуркенов О.А., Мулдахметов З.М., Султанова З.К. Синтез и
ростстимулирующая активность N-аминогликозидов на основе (1,3,5-триметил-1-Н-пиразол-4-ил)метанамина //
Изв. НАН РК – 2009, №5, С. 26-29.
Мақалада капсульдеу үшін желатин негізіндегі табиғи полисахаридтердің композиттері синтезделген. Алынған
полимерлік композиттердің физико-химиялық қасиеттері зерттелген. Бұл жұмыста КМЦ және желатиннің ИҚ-
спектрлері зерттелінді. Желатин мен КМЦ ИҚ-спектрлерінде екі реагентің де негізгі жолақтары: 900-1000 см
лықта валенттік байланыстар С-С және С-Н , 2600-2850 см
, метил топтары СН
, жұтылу аймағы 1730 см
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Естественно-географические науки», №4(42), 2014 г.
альдегид тобы; 2730 см
с-н альдегид топтардың және 2960 және 2940 см
метил және метилен топтары, 3100, 3600
ОН топтары қатысатындығы анықталды. Өнімдердің әрекеттесу нәтижесінде бастапқы затпен салыстарғанда
карбонил тобының өтуімен = 1600-1840 см
жұтылу жолақтары байқалды. ИҚ-спектрлеріндегіинтенсивті жолақтар
= 1720 см
карбонил тобының бар екенін көрсетеді. Сонымен қатар, қосылыста алифатты протондар
=3700,2940 және 1380 см
аралықта байқалады. Соның ішінде жұтылу жолақтары 3480 және 3490 см
әдетте N–Н байланыстарының валенттік тербелістері көрінетін аймақта, біріншілік аминотоптар NH
және 1160-1130
аралықтарында SO
топтарының валенттік тербелістері пайда болды. Жұмыста тұқымдардың беткі қабатын
жабу үшін қажетті қалыңдықта болатын үлдірлерді қалыптастыру үшін қажетті жеңіл ағатынағатын полимерлер
ерітінділердің онтайлы концентрациялары анықталды. КМЦ-М үшін сулы ерітніділердің онтайлы концентрациясы
0,3-8%,ал желатин үшін 0,07-8% екендігі анықталды. Модифицирленген КМЦ-М үшін тұтқырлық өсуі ең жоғарғы
концентрация мәні 0,75% .
Түйін сөздер: карбоксиметилцеллюлоза, биологиялық полимерлік композиттер, желатин, капсулдеу, инфра-
қызыл спектрлер, өсуреттегіштер, үлдір, сульфондар, пиперидолдар, өсу энергиясы.
The newfilm-formingcompositions forcapsulationonbased natural polysaccharidegelatin was synthesized. The physico-
chemicalproperties of thepolymer composites were studied.In the present study investigated the IR spectra of CMC and
gelatin. Identified in the IR spectra of gelatin and CMC present major bands of both reagents: 900-1000 cm
appear stretching
vibrations of C-C and C-H 2600-2850 cm-1 band metilnye CH
absorption 1730 cm
c = O
; 2730 cm
to с-н
aldehyde groups and bands 2960 and 2940 cm
fluctuations in the methyl and methylene, 3100, 3600 cm
(OH group,
the latter as a broad band seems , involved in a hydrogen bond). In the products of interaction compared to the initial reactants
noticeable absorption band with = 1600-1840 cm
transition carbonyl group. The presence of the carbonyl group is
confirmed by the presence of an intense band in the IR spectrum with c=o = 1720 cm
. Further, the compound contains only
aliphatic protons
= 3700, 2940 and 1380 cm-
.The same number of absorption bands at 3480 and 3490 cm
, which is
usually manifested stretching vibrations of N-H primary amino NH
and1160-1130 cm
, which usually appear stretching
vibrations of the SO
group sulfones. In this paper we investigate the features of polymer solutions, which prepared a
concentration at which they are in a free flowing state of sol, which is a prerequisite for optimal film formation thickness on
the surface of the seeds. It has been found that CMC-M (modified), the optimal concentration of aqueous working solutions
are 0,3-8% and 0,07-8% gelatin.
Keywords: carboxymethylcellulose, bioactive polymer composites, gelatin, natural polysaccharides, encapsulation,
infrared spectra, rostregulyatory, envelope, sulfones piperidoly, germination energy.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жаратылыстану-география ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(42), 2014 ж.
UDC 634.0.68
Ogtay Zangilanly – Researcher, Instituteof Geography, the Republic ofAzerbaijan
Platanusis a
comprising a small number of
species native to the
Northern Hemisphere
. They are the sole living
members of the family
.All members of Platanusare tall, reaching 30-50 m (98-164 ft) in height. All except
forPlatanus kerriiare
, and most are found in
or other
in the wild, though proving
tolerant in cultivation. The hybrid
London Plane
has proved particularly tolerant of urban conditions.
They are often known in English asplanesorplane trees. Some North American species are calledsycamores (especially
Platanus occidentalis
), although that term also refers to either the
Ficus sycomorus
, the plant originally so named, or the Great,
or Sycamore Maple,
Acer pseudoplatanus
The flowers are reduced and are borne in balls (globose heads); 3-7 hairy
may be fused at the base, and the petals
are 3-7 and are
. Male and female flowers are separate, but borne on the same plant (
). The number of
heads in one cluster (
) is indicative of the species (see table below). The male flower has 3-8
; the female
has a superior ovary with 3-7
. Plane trees are wind-pollinated. Male flower-heads fall off after shedding their pollen.
After being pollinated, the female flowers become
that form an aggregate ball. But The fruit is a multiple of
achenes (plant systematics, Simpson M. G., 2006).Typically, the core of the ball is 1 cm in diameter and is covered with a net
of mesh 1 mm, which can be peeled off. The ball is 2.5-4 cm in diameter and contains several hundred achenes, each of which
has a single seed and is conical, with the point attached downward to the net at the surface of the ball. There is also a tuft of
many thin stiff yellow-green bristle fibers attached to the base of each achene. These bristles help in wind dispersion of the
fruits as in the
The leaves are
. In the subgenusPlatanusthey have a palmate outline. The base of the leaf stalk (petiole) is enlarged
and completely wraps around the young stem bud in its axil. The axillary bud is exposed only after the leaf falls off.
The mature bark peels off or exfoliates easily in irregularly shaped patches, producing a mottled, scaly appearance. On old
trunks, bark may not flake off, but thickens and cracks instead.
Keywords: the Platanus, the Platanus occidentalis, the Platanus orientalis, the platanus forest, rare trees, the maple forests.
Being of the vegetable kind, the platanus is considered to be the memory of the relict flora of the third period
of the Cainozoic era the history of which is too ancient. On the rocks of the third period of the Mesozoic
Cretaceous period the remains of these trees were found.
The platanus is considered to be one of the most ancient kinds of the flowering plants. For its beauty,
appearance and rare bioecological factors the Platanus is called the pearl, the grand stock of the tree flora of the
east, and for its huge, elegant head is called the enormous tree of the south.
Having a large and dense head it drops its leaves in winter. The stock is very tenacious (the height is 40-50 m;
the circle of the stock is 18 m). The leaves are of changeable order, dactylic, with long footstalk. The florets are
homogeneous. The staminate flowers are yellow, and situate in the axillary flower group. And the carpellary
flowers are rather big, and congregate in the reddish round-head. Sometimes they are of 2-7 long flower petiole,
drooping form. For both flowers are in the same tree, it is a monoecious heterogenous plant.
The fruit of the platanus consisting of a lot of nutlets and staying in a hanging form the whole winter and it
adds savor to the tree. It droops leaves in winter and blossoms in April-May. The fruit (seed) matures in
September-October. In spring of the next year the round fruits shatter and the nutlets fall on the ground, and they
are winnowed far away by the wind. As the rind of the stock of the old trees are virescent, scale form and torn off,
the stock of the tree become motley. The planatus is fast growing and longevous tree. 80% percent of the trees
braird from the root suckers. The platanus begin to afford from 10-15 years, and the most fruitful period is in 150-
200 years. The planatus may live 2000-2300 years. The light, hard line wood is used in veneer wood, parquet,
furniture manufacturing, packaging, shipbuilding and other fields. It is used in landscaping as an ornamental tree.
10 kinds grows in North America (from Canada to Mexico) and from the east costs of the Mediterranean Sea
to India-China. In the former USSR in the eastern and northern Transcaucasia – in Azerbaijan, the Crimea,
Central Asia the Platanus orientalis L. spread. In the north of Ukraine and on the costs of the Black Sea of the
Caucasus the Platanus occidentalis take an advantage. The Platanus occidentalis make a forest in the North
America in a wild form. In Byelorussia and in the north of Ukraine, in Northern Caucasus and Central Asia hybrid
(scion budding) platanus are cultivated.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Естественно-географические науки», №4(42), 2014 г.
In the article of M.Kirpichnikov and K.Akhundov “Small Platanus forest in North Karabakh”
(M.Kirpichnikov and K.Akhundov “Platanus grove in North Karabakh: News of Azerbaijan SSR AS, 1949, №
11) is shown that the grandious platanus trees (Platanus digitata Gord) are the real ornament of the north regions
of the USSR [1]. In 1891 the scientist Nidens who was learning the natural dispersion of platanus trees indicated
that the platanus trees are found in a wild (natural) form from the east costs of the Mediterranean Sea, particularly,
from Asia Minor and to the Hymalayas in the east (Nidens – F.Platanaceace in Engler und Prantl,
Nat.Pflanzenfam. 11-2a, 1891). He shows that in the west of the Mediterranean Sea and Central Asia the platanus
trees were planted by people.
In the book of “The floras of the USSR” of the outstanding Russian scientist I.V.Palib in his book gave a
systematic classification of the platanus trees and indicated that these platanus forests were spread in eastern and
southern Transcaucasia in a wild form (I.V.Palibin – Platanaceace in the flora of the USSR, IX, 1939; Note about
the classification of the Caucasus platanus. Bot.journal, The USSR, XXX, N-2, 1945) [2].
Under the supervision of the academician V.N.Sucachev in the dendrologically written source Lenkaran was
shown by mistake to be the area of spreading wild platanus trees. Reliably, this was written in the result of
misunderstanding. (Sucachev V.N. – Dendrology with the foundations of the forest geobotany. State forest
technical publishing house, 1938) [3].
The expedition studying the vegetable kingdom of the north Karabakh supervised by the academician
A.A.Grosshein was informed by A.V.Shelkovnikov and in summer of 1948 they came to the area where the
natural platanus forest spread (i.e. to the wild platanus forest Razdara in the area of Zangilan region – O.Z.). The
expedition delegation indicates that the platanus trees here are 25-30 m height and the diameter is up to 2, 5 m.
The trees are in good condition. They are approximately of the same age (150-200 years). Though the platanus
trees are covered with upper heads their lower part is light. The second growth is almost unseen. There is not
underwood here. The platanus trees get thick in the freshet. Along the freshet they are replaced by nutwoods.
Along the bank of the river the willow trees spread large. A lot of raspberry bushes are found here. The fallen
leaves of the platanus form a floor on the potholes. No moss covered the soils. Green moss grow on the lower
parts of the tree stocks. Availability 61 kinds of grass plants together with different tree kinds in the platanus forest
indicate these lands to be very fertile. We think that the expedition members couldn’t walk the forest wholly at
that time. Because there are platanus trees here with 35-40 m height and 3-5 m diameters. Though the expedition
members saw the platanus trees spread along the river valley, they didn’t write of this river to be Besitchay.
From the article “Natural platanus trees in Azerbaijan” of the well-known naturalist I.S. Safarov (Reports of
Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences, vol. 9, №1, 1953) it becomes clear that no news in the past sources related
to the spreading of the forests about the existence of the endemic platanus trees in Azerbaijan SSR [4]. Even
though in the book of “Trees and shrubberies of the Caucasus” by the well-known scientist on the silviculture
Ya.S.Medvedyev (Tbilisi, 1919) was given detailed information about all trees and bush kinds of the Caucasus, no
news was given about the natural (wild) platanus forest growing in Azerbaijan territory. Until recently in different
sources the platanus trees were supposed to grow and braird naturally only in Asia Minor and Himalayas, and
these valuable platanus trees to be cultivated, planted only by people in other parts of the Earth.
That’s why brairding and growing the platanus trees naturally on the south-east slopes of the Minor Caucasus
Mountains, in the territory of Azerbaijan SSR is of great importance for both silviculture, and botany sciences.
The south-east slopes of the Minor Caucasus Mountains are characterized by the xerophyte plant cover and the
hydrophilic compounds are spread along the mountain rivers valley. The most interesting among them is the
platanus forest stretching along the Besitchay valley which begins from the south-east slopes of Zengezur ridge
and flow into the Araz River.
In the article above is indicated that “In Azerbaijan SSR in Zangilan region the natural (wild) platanus trees
grew at 12-15 m distance along the Besit River beginning from the east slopes of the Zengezur ridge. In the north
part woodlands of xerophyite type consisting of pistachio, oak, hackberry, buckthorn, rhamnaceous, hawthorn,
alycha, and others, and in the south the woodlands consisting of oak, hornbeam, ash tree and others join to these
platanus trees.
Among the platanus trees are found the small groups of nut trees. Their height is up to 25-26 m, and diameter
is 75 cm.
The age of the platanus trees is 250-300 years on the average. The heights are 30-36 m, the diameters are about
1,5-2 m.
In the place of those platanus trees are seen the platanus trees sparsely grown of the seed. Their ages are rather
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жаратылыстану-география ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(42), 2014 ж.
The platanus tree is one of the indispensable tree kinds in vegetation work. The giant platanus trees growing in
Jabrail, Aghdash, Goychay, Zagatala Ganja, Shamkhor and other regions make these places rather beautiful.
The platanus is fast growing tree. It is propagated by layering. It is recommended to plant rooted layers. And
such layers should be made in the special greenhouses.”
In the book of “Rare trees and bushes of Azerbaijan forests” (Baku-1984) by the correspondent member of
Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences, Agriculture D.Phil I.S.Safarov and candidate of agricultural science
K.S.Asadov was given the following information about the platanus tree on page 56:
“The east platanus, being the representative of the ancient flora of the Cretaceous period remained on the
valley of Besit river in the south-east of Minor Caucasus in Azerbaijan SSR. Here in the territory of Azerbaijan
SSR the length of the platanus forests is 12 km, the width is 60-200 m, in the area of 120 hectare. The overgrown
platanus trees passes to the Armenia SSR territory stretching to the source of the river 7-8 km. Thus, on the Besit
river valley the platanus tree stretches 20 km. The number of the very old and large size trees on the valley of
Besit river and its upper inflows Khachinchay, Shikhavuzchay (Shikakhokhchay) (these inflows are in the
territory of Armenia now) reaches to 1200 and a lot of brushwood spread around. The platanus trees sprig the
whole life. A lot of soboles (40-100 pieces and more) grow in the bole part of all large stock trees. When the trees
fell down while they are old these soboles grow and replace the maternal tree.”
In the map given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (vol.1, 2nd edition, p. 446, Moscow, 1949) (Azerbaijan and
its neighbor countries – in the first half of the 19th century) there is no a country called Armenia and in its place
there was Iravan khanate which belonged to Azerbaijan [5].These territories were called Western Azerbaijan. All
geographical toponyms here (the names of mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, forests) were of Azerbaijan-Turkish
origin. After the Armenians settled in Azerbaijan lands they perverted the geographical toponyms and armenized
them. After the Soviet government was established, a new “Armenia” government with 29,8 thousand km2
territory was established in the place of Iravan khanate of 9000 km2 territory belonging to Azerbaijan in the result
of presenting of Azerbaijan lands to the present “Armenia” under the Soviet leadership.
In the Military-Topographic map of the Caucasus Military Circle made in 1917 (Caucasus Calendar) were
shown the Caucasus, Asia part of Turkey and Iran territories, and no country called “Armenia” is found here,
During Azerbaijan People’s Republic (1918-1920) the Platanus forest with about 120 hectare area in Zangilan
belonged to Azerbaijan entirely. In 1920 after the Soviet government was established in Azerbaijan some part of
Zengezur lands were given to the present “Armenia”. In the result of it some part of the Platanus forest in the
valley of the Besit river the platanus trees spreading sparsely along the inflows of the Besit river Khachinchay and
Shikhavuzchay valleys remained in the territory of Nerkin-Hand, Sav and Shikhavuz (Shikakhokh) villages of
Gafan region of the present “Armenia”. The upper part of Shikhavuz village was called “Apple garden” and the
territories near it were called Boghazyurd (sometimes Pirchivanyurd). The Zangilan people came to this table to
rest until recently.
In the platanus forest stretching like a corridor in a gallery form there are nut, araz oak, fig, pomegranate,
oleaster, medlar, apple, pear, alycha trees together with raspberry, hawthorn, brier, and other bushes.
On the own initiative of the well-known naturalist, academician Hasan Aliyev with the view of protection of
the platanus forest which is a rare natural phenomenon in the territory of Zangilan region there was established
Besitchay State Reserve covering 117 hectare by the decision of Azerbaijan SSR Council of Ministers dated to
July 4, 1974. In October of 1980 the territory of the reserve was lessened 10 hectare and it was 107 hectare, 100
hectare of it covers the forest, the rest 7 hectare is covered by the stony and sandy areas of Besitchay valley. The
total area of the Platanus forest in Azerbaijan territory with the length 12 m, and with the width 60-200 m, is about
120 hectare. The platanus trees get thin stretching to the source of the river, at 7-8 km distance it passes to the
present “Armenia” territory. This platanus forest gets thin and finishes at 200-300 m from the place where the
Besitchay interflows into the Araz River near Baharly village of Zangilan region. Different old platanus trees
planted and cultivated by the people in Azerbaijan are found in other physical-geographical regions and most of
them are reserved as natural phenomenon. Small natural (wild) platanus forests are found in Balaken, Ismailly,
Oghuz, Gabala regions, too. There are 1000-2500 years old platanus trees in Aghdash and Goychay regions.
In some sources the Platanus forest in Besitchay valley is shown to be the first in Europa and the second in the
world, and the biggest Platanus forest is shown to be in the territory of North America – in Canada. But this idea is
not based on any scientific source.
In the writing with the headline “Mixed and broad-leaved forest zone” on pages 226-227 of the book “Canada.
Nature and the natural resources.” by the outstanding Russian scientist A.V.Antipova (M. “Misl”, 1965) is
indicated that “the maple forests predominate among the broad-leaved forests. Even though the maple has got
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Естественно-географические науки», №4(42), 2014 г.
several kinds, generally, the sacchariferous and the red maples predominate. These forests draw the attention of
people visiting this place with their adornment and elegancy. That’s why the maple forest charm the people with
their beauty and the maple is fairly considered a symbol of Canada.”
In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (19th vol., 2nd edition, 1953, p. 567-568) the name of the platanus tree is not
mentioned among the cover of Canada [6]. Taking into account the above mentioned it can be concluded that the
idea of Canada to have the biggest Platanus forest is groundless.
In the book of “The geography of forest resources of the Earth” (Moscow, 1960, p. 354) in relation with the
spreading of the forests is indicated that the hydrophilic conifers, as well as fir (Picea orientalis Link.), white pine
(Abies nordmanniana Spach.), beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests are known to spread widely [7]. Here in the
broad-leaved forests the oak, chestnut forests predominate. The Anadolu plateau is known to have the east
platanus in a natural form together with other tree kinds. But here the east platanus not to be spread in a large areas
no information is given related to the use of these trees either in wood industry, or in other fields.
In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (24th vol., 3rd edition, Moscow, 1976, p. 78) in the headline “The plants of
the USA” is informed that “until the Europeans came here 50% of the area was covered with the forests. In the
70th of the 20th century half of the forests were cut down, the fields were cultivated [8]. The plants of this place
kept their origin appearance only in the highlands. In the north-east of the country in the area of the Big Lakes
along the meadows the coniferous-broad-leaved forests, especially, pine, fir, white pine, lime, ash, maple forests
are spread. In the south and at a height of about 800 km of Appalachian Mountains the coniferous forests are
followed by the broad-leaved forests, and are indicated to have the oak, maple, platanus trees.”
In the book of the well-known German scientist H.Walter “The vegetation of the Earth: Ecological-
physiological property” (Moscow, 1974, 2nd vol., p. 170) under the headline “The properties of the USA forests”
is informed that “In the swamps and south valleys of the USA spread thick forests with sound timber. There are
several kinds of oak, red maple (Acer rubrum L., red maple), cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. et Gray,
cottonwood), platanus or sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L., sycamore), cypress (Taxodium) and other tree kinds
here. In the forest valleys, particularly, in the forests on the large deltas of the Mississippi a considerable part of
high quality sound timber resources of the USA agglomerated.”
As it is seen in the above mentioned sources no considerable information is given about either the large area of
the platanus trees in the USA, or about the use of them in the wood industry or in other fields.
In the writing under the headline “Besit river reserve” on page 265-267 in the book “The reserves of the
USSR, the reserves of the Caucasus” (Reserves of the USSR, Reserves of the Caucasus, Moscow publishing
house, “Misl”, 1990) is indicated that “The reserve which is in the south-east part of the Caucasus, on the Besit
river valley, the length is approximately 15 km and the width is 150-200m, and spread along the valley of the
river. The extension towards the source of the river passes in the west to the forests in the territory of the present
“Armenia”. The wild (natural) east platanus (Platanus orientalis, L.) forest widely spread in the territory of
Azerbaijan is the largest woodland of the world. The reserve is at 600-800 height from the sea level. The climate
of the reserve is characterized by hot summer and temperate drought winter. The average annual temperature of
the weather is 13,3°, average January 1°, average July 25,3°. The frost is from November 23 till March 24. In
spite the summer is hot and the winter is drought, different broad-leaved tree kinds grow normally. The east
platanus sustain unbearable heat (45-50°) and (-20, -25°) frost. The platanus forests of Azerbaijan cover 93, 5% of
Besit river valley reserve. Here the platanus trees at a 900 m height may grow up to 1200 m height in a planted
form. Natural (wild) platanus trees grow in the south-east of the Minor Caucasus and in the south slopes of the
Caucasus chain. The total area of them is 160 hectare. The average of the platanus trees in the reserve is 170. At
present the age of the giant platanus trees here is 1200-1500 years, and the height is 50 m, the diameter is 4 m.
Everywhere in Azerbaijan the platanus trees are reserved as a natural heritage. For the east platanus to be a relict
plant it was included into the Red data book of the USSR. ”
After carrying out some researches we come to the conclusion that the wild east platanus forest (Platanus
orientalis L.) in the territory of Zangilan region of Azerbaijan Republic is the biggest forest of the Earth. This
woodland is the first in the world for its size.
In connection with Armenian-Azerbaijan Nagorno- Karabakh conflict the previous lands of Azerbaijan which
were oghuz-turkish lands Nagorno- Karabakh and 7 regions around it (Lachin, Kalbajar, Aghdam, Jabrail, Fuzuly,
Gubadly, Zangilan) were occupied by the Armenian military units and at present these areas are under the control
of Armenia. As a result of it, according to the information given from different sources, like other historical and
cultural monuments the platanus forest in the territory of Zangilan region which is one of the rare pearls of the
world is cut down, sacked, cut and sold by the Armenians with vandalism. I wrote detailed information about it in
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жаратылыстану-география ғылымдары» сериясы, №4(42), 2014 ж.
my articles “The cry of the platanus forest” in the newspaper “Respublika” dated to September 29, 2002 and “The
scream of the historical monuments” in the newspaper “Respublika” dated to May 31, 2006.
The international organization UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
directly deals with the problems on conservation and protection of the cultural and natural heritage of the planet.
This event is realized under the Paris Convention concerning the protection of the World cultural and natural
heritage which was signed by 164 countries in 1972. The National Assembly of Azerbaijan Republic has ratified
this convention since 1993. The world natural heritage not depending on its location belongs to all people of the
planet. The committee of protection of the heritage of cultural and natural kind of the world and other
international organizations should make a protest against cutting down by Armenians the Besit river State Reserve
which is one of the rare nature monuments of the world and undergoing the terror of it and this vandalism must be
The unpleasant enemy should know that in spite of their wildly cutting down the platanus forest, their roots go
deeper, and they won’t be able to destroy those roots. In the result of reasonable foreign and domestic policy
carried out by the leader of our powering, prospering, developing day by day Republic, the worthy successor of
great leader Heydar Aliyev - Mr. Ilham Aliyev we will get back our lands soon and go back to our native lands
and to our Platanus forest. Those days are not so far.
1. Kirpichnikov M., Akhundov K. “Platanus grove in North Karabakh: News of Azerbaijan SSR AS, 1949, №11.
2. Palibin I.V. Platanaceace in the flora of the USSR, IX, 1939; Note about the classification of the Caucasus platanus.
Bot. journal, The USSR, XXX, N-2, 1945.
3. Sucachev V.N. Dendrology with the foundations of the forest geobotany. State forest technical publishing house, 1938.
4. An article “Natural platanus trees in Azerbaijan” I.S.Safarov (Reports of Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences, vol. 9,
№1, 1953)
5. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (vol.1, 2nd edition, p. 446, Moscow, 1949)
6. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (19th vol., 2nd edition, 1953, p. 567-568)
7. “The geography of forest resources of the Earth” (Moscow, 1960, p. 354)
8. Great Soviet Encyclopedia (24th vol., 3rd edition, Moscow, 1976, p. 78)
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