Аманжолов оқулары-2016
Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция
8-9 желтоқсан 2016 ж.
Международной научно-практической конференции
Аманжоловские чтения-2016
8-9 декабря 2016 года
Ӛскемен ∙ Усть-Каменогорск
ӘОЖ 001(063)
Қ 14
Редакция алқасы:
Бас редактор
Қуандықов Ә.А., экономика ғылымдарының докторы, ректор
Бас редактордың орынбасары:
Ердембеков Б.А., филология ғылымдарының докторы, профессор,
стратегиялық даму және ғылыми жҧмыс жӛніндегі проректор
Қ 14
«Қазіргі қазақстандық ғылымның мәселелері мен келешегі»
«Аманжолов оқулары-2016»: Халықар. ғыл.-тәж. конф. мат. жинағы =
Мат. Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. «Аманжоловские чтения-2016»
«Проблемы и перспективы современной казахстанской науки». –
Ӛскемен: С. Аманжолов атындағы ШҚМУ «Берел» баспасы, 2016. – 378 б.
– 2-бӛлім.
ISBN 978-601-314-097-1
ISBN 978-601-314-099-5 (2-бӛлім)
Жинаққа, Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігінің 25 жылдығына орай
«Қазіргі қазақстандық ғылымның мәселелері мен келешегі» тақырыбындағы
конференциясының материалдары енгізілген. Мақалар жоғары оқу және арнайы орта
орындарының оқытушыларын дайындау жҥйесінде білімнің мазмҧнын жаңартудағы
мәселелер, жаратылыстану ғылымы және технологияларының ӛзекті мәселелеріне
Конференция материалдары екі бӛлімнен тҧрады.
В сборнике представлены статьи Международной научно-практической
конференции «Аманжоловские чтения-2016» на тему «Проблемы и перспективы
современной казахстанской науки», посвященной 25-летию Независимости
Республики Казахстан. Статьи посвящены проблемам обновления содержания
образования в системе подготовки педагогов в средних специальных и высших
учебных заведениях, актуальным проблемам естественных наук и технологий.
Материалы конференции состоят из двух частей.
ӘОЖ 001(063)
ISBN 978-601-314-099-5 (2-бӛлім)
© С. Аманжолов атындағы ШҚМУ, 2016
ISBN 978-601-314-097-1
UDС 81’1’373.611
S.Amanzholov East-Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk,
The policy in the field of a language acts as one of the major aspects of the
economic and social modernization happening in the Kazakhstan society. The
attention to this component of a state policy is obvious and deserves the most
thorough studying and analysis as in our republic the unique project initiated by the
president of Kazakhstan, trinity of languages is realized. "Kazakhstan has to be
perceived around the world as the highly educated country, the President emphasized
at various times, the population of which uses three languages. It is: Kazakh — a
state language, Russian — as language of international communication and English
— language of successful integration into global economy".
Deprivation of the child of game practice is a deprivation of his main source of
development: impulses of creativity, signs and tokens of social practice, wealth and
microclimate of the collective relations, activization of the process of world
cognition. For children game is a continuation of life, where fiction is a truth side.
"Game is the regulator of all living positions of the child. It keeps and develops
"childish" in children; it is their school of life and "practice of development".
Communication in any language demands a big lexicon which collects within several
years. Hence it appears that it is necessary to begin studying language from early
childhood. It has caused the seeking by teachers of the new methods allowing
children to learn foreign languages effectively and qualitatively, and, above all with
interest. Considering that interest is the best incentive to learning, it is necessary to
use each opportunity to relieve to the child by means of game activity in the process
of teaching foreign language.
Game is the kind of activity, most available to children, a way of processing of
the impressions received from the world around. There are brightly shown features of
thinking and imagination of the child, his emotionality, activity, the developing need
for communication in a game.
An interesting game increases intellectual activity of the child, and the child can
solve more difficult problem, than in class. But it doesn't mean that classes have to be
given only in the form of a game. Game is only one of the methods, and it yields
good results only in combination with others: observations, conversations, reading
and others.
Game is the main method of teaching children with impaired mental function at
younger school age.
While playing, children learn to put their knowledge and abilities into practice,
to use them in different conditions. Game is an independent activity in which children
enter communication with peers. They are combined by a common goal,
collaborative efforts to its achievement, the overall experiences. Game experiences
leave a profound trace in consciousness of the child and promote formation of good
feelings, lofty ambitions, and skills of collective life.
Game figures prominently in the system of physical, moral, labor and esthetic
education. The child needs the vigorous activity promoting increase of his vitality,
satisfying his interests, social requirements.
Game has a great educational value; it is closely connected with learning at
classes, with supervision of everyday life. Children learn to solve game tasks
independently, to find the best way of the implementation of conceived thing, to use
their knowledge, to express them by the words. Quite often game is the cause for the
message of new knowledge, for expansion of an outlook.
Using games at the foreign language lesson is justified by huge value of game
for the mental development of children at any age. Mental processes become more
active, and the motivation of pupils to foreign language learning increases in a game.
Game develops intellectual and volitional activity. Being difficult, but at the
same time fascinating occupation, it demands the huge concentration of attention,
trains memory, develops the speech. Game exercises enthrall even the most passive
and low prepared pupils and this fact positively affects their progress.
Game as a method of teaching, as transferring of skills of the senior generations
to younger people was used from antiquity. At the modern school staking on
increased activity and an intensification of educational process, game activity is used
at the foreign language lessons in the following cases:
As an independent method for mastering of a certain subject.
As an element (sometimes very essential) of some other method.
As the whole lesson or its part (introduction, an explanation, consolidation,
control or exercise).
At the organization of out-of-school activity.
Using game method, the task of the teacher consists, first of all, in organizing
cognitive activity of pupils in the course of which their abilities, especially creative
would develop.
Game always assumes a certain stress of emotional and intellectual forces, and
also ability of making decision (where to turn, what to say, how to win?). The desire
to resolve these issues sharpens cogitative activity of players.
Game, being an entertainment, a kind of rest, is capable to develop into training,
into creativity, into model of human relations that are shown in a work. Game only
externally seems carefree and easy. And actually it authoritatively demands that the
player gives it a maximum of his energy, mind, stamina, independence.
According to Konysheva A.V., using of game techniques of training makes
teaching and educational process more sapid and with higher quality for the reason
Game involves in vigorous cognitive activity each pupil individually and all
together and, thereby, it is an effective controlling mean of educational process.
Training in a game is carried out by means of pupils’ own activity having
the nature of a special type of practice, in the course of which 90% of information is
Game is a free activity offering an opportunity of a choice, self-expression,
self-determination and self-development for its participants.
Game has a certain result and stimulates the pupil to goal achievement and
realization of a way of goal achievement.
Teams or certain pupils are initially equal in a game(there are no bad or good
pupils: there are only players); the result depends on the player himself, level of his
preparation, abilities, stamina, skills, character.
Using of game method of teaching, promotes implementation of important
methodical tasks, such as:
Formation of psychological preparation of pupils for speech communication.
Ensuring of a natural need of multiple repetition of a language material.
Training of pupils in the selection of the necessary speech version that is
preparation for situational spontaneity of the speech in general.
Realization of game techniques and a situation at the task form of a class is
carried out by the main directions:
Didactic aim is set before pupils in the form of a game task.
Educational activity submits to the rules of a game.
Training material is used as its tool, the competition element, which transfers
the didactic task to the game, is entered into educational activity.
Successful implementation of a didactic task is bound with a game result.
The psychological theory of activity within A.S. Vygotsky's views, A.N.
Leontyeva allocates three main types of human activity: labor, game and educational.
All these types are closely interconnected among themselves. In common practice of
the last years and in science the game concept is comprehended in a new way, as
social, serious category. Therefore, games start to enter into didactics more actively.
Didactic value of a game was proved by K.D.Ushinsky. The pedagogical
phenomenon pupils’ game is interpreted in A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky,
D.B. Elkonin's works, etc. Also practical researches of such scientists as N. P.
Anikeev, O. S. Anisimov, V. V. Petrusinsky, L.S. Vygotsky, G. A. Kulagin, V. F.
Smirnov, etc. are valuable.
The brilliant game researcher B. D. Elkonin believes that game is social by its
nature and direct saturation and is projected on reflection of the adults’ world.
Designating game as "the arithmetic of the social relations", D.B. Elkonin interprets
game as the activity arising at a certain stage, as one of the leading development
forms of mental functions and methods of cognition of the adults’ world by the child
Game is a kind of common practice, effective reproduction of the vital
phenomena out of the real practical installation. It always appears in two temporary
dimensions: in the present and the future, giving immediate pleasure, and also it
serves as satisfaction of the imminent actual needs of the personality. It is modeled
life situations; properties, qualities, states, abilities, skills necessary to the person for
realization of social, professional and creative functions are fixed in a game [1].
Game is an ancient achievement of culture. It exists as much as the society
exists. And life of each certain person is also followed by game. Nowadays, game
became not only an independent kind of activity, but also it universal tool practically
in all spheres of social life: economy, policy, management, science and, without a
doubt, in education [2].
In game activity the formation of mental processes of the child is carried out:
transition from visual and effective to image thinking is carried out, abstraction
factor, ability of generalization, voluntary attention are in progress. Game training
can't be the only method in educational work with children. It doesn't form the ability
to study, but develops cognitive activity of schoolchildren.
Pupils show interest and remember only that information which touches their
emotional world, has for them personal significance. Teacher needs to organize the
educational activity in such a manner that cognitive processes of pupils have been
intensified [3].
Researches in psychology and methods have shown that success of a foreign
language acquisition is defined not only by cognitive processes, but also the
emotional sphere of the personality. The humanistic concept of K. Rogers in relation
to teaching foreign languages has found the reflection in works of Ch. Karan and
other researchers. They looked at the person, first of all as at an emotional being, and
among the qualities that are important for learning foreign language distinguished
motivation, level of anxiety and self-evaluation, constraint (relaxedness) and risk
proneness. The motivation is the trigger of any activity. Progress in activity increases
the motivation. The low self-evaluation quite often leads to constraint, "diffidence"
and is connected with the fear of mistakes that negatively influences language
acquisition. The level of anxiety at assimilation of a foreign language stands in slight
interrelation with a self-evaluation, constraint, and risk proneness. In this regard
personal and situational anxiety can be distinguished. If the first exhausts an
organism, being an obstacle in learning, then situational anxiety creates the
intellectual passion in learning. Using games at the foreign language lesson is
justified by huge value of game for the mental development of children at any age,
especially for the pupils experiencing difficulties in learning foreign languages owing
to development features of cognitive processes [4].
The game method as a strategy in language education is considered as a free
learning activity that gives students opportunity to train and use languages with
practical purpose and to use their creative skills in joyful atmosphere.
Games are one of the best training activities and also an active break. Many
games provide repeated use of language forms. By making the language convey
information and opinion, games provide the key feature of drill with the opportunity
to sense the working of language as living communication.
Language games are connected with notion of information and opinion gap. We
speak or write because we want to pass on information or convey an opinion which
we think the receiver might be interested. Very often in the language learning process
there is no information gap at all and opinions are rarely questioned. The teacher
usually asks a question which the learner knows the teacher can answer. The teacher
is more interested in the form than in the content of what the learner says. In the
opposite, the information gap stimulates and motivates students to use language in
order to find information and express your opinion.
The following is an example of one of the best known of the information gap
games. Describe and draw a picture: One person has a picture and does not show it to
his partner. There is an information gap. The first learner then tries to describe the
picture so that the second learner can draw it. Language is used to bridge the gap. The
picture drawn by the second learner is then visible evidence of whether the gap has
been closed.
The essential ingredient of a game is challenge. It is very important that games
are based on speech and reflection activity. For example, if the teacher asks students
to describe a house in the forest (given on a picture) it does not stimulate them for
speaking activity because there is no challenge to student’s imagination and thinking.
This is not a communicative task. If the teacher says: Imagine who does live in this
house and what happens now there – It is a communicative task based on thinking
and speaking challenge and activity. It is typical then for a language game. Challenge
is not synonym with competition but many of the games are competitive and need
cooperation or team work to solve problems. This kind of games dives an opportunity
to develop speaking skills as well as students’ social skills especially in group work.
The problems have to be related to the students’ age and interests. For example,
appropriate discussion with teenagers is on following themes: Are adults always
right? How much does one need? What is the most beautiful place on earth etc.
The form of class organization is very important in language games. The teacher
has to decide which of the form is appropriate: class, individual, pair and group work.
Good organized games mean that each learner has sufficient speech practice in using
Эльконин Д.Б. Психология игры. - М., 1998.
Стронин М.Ф., Обучающие игры на уроках английского языка. М.,
2000. - 231 с.
Минкин Е.М., От игры к знаниям. - М., 2000.- 234 с.
Панфилова А. П., Игровое моделирование в деятельности педагога, М.:
«Академия », 2000
Яковлева И.М. Индивидуальный подход к учащимся как одно из
условий эффективности учебного процесса в общеобразовательной школе (на
примере дидактической игры при обучении иностранному языку): Автореф.
дис. канд. пед. наук. – Курган, 2000.
УДК 780.64
КГКП «Детская музыкальная школа №1» акимата г. Усть-Каменогорска,
«Пианист должен уметь прелюдировать,
разбираться в гармонии, теории музыки,
Карл Черни
«Лучший Способ научиться читать с листа – это
как можно больше читать»
И. Гофман
Одна из самых распространѐнных профессий среди пианистов – это
специальность концертмейстера, искусство которого требует большого
пианистического мастерства, музыкально – художественной культуры и
особого призвания. Слово «концертмейстер» - от немецкого konzertmeister –
мастер концерта. Действительно, концертмейстер в симфоническом оркестре –
это руководитель группы, который помогает музыкантом разучивать свои
партии. Работа концертмейстера занимает значительное место в повседневной
универсальный пианист, который должен владеть обширным объемом знаний в
области музыки. Концертмейстеру ДМШ в его профессиональной
деятельности необходимо:
умение читать с листа фортепианную партию любой сложности;
играя аккомпанемент, видеть и ясно представлять партию солиста
(коллектива), заранее улавливая индивидуальное своеобразие его трактовки и
всеми исполнительскими средствами содействовать наиболее яркому его
владение навыками игры в ансамбле;
умение выстроить единый исполнительский замысел с партнѐром;
умение транспонировать текст средней трудности, что необходимо при
игре с духовыми инструментами, а также для работы с вокалистами и хором;
знаний особенностей игры на инструментах симфонического и
народного оркестра, умение правильно соотносить звучание фортепиано с
различными штрихами и тембрами этих инструментов;
знание основ дирижерских жестов и приѐмов;
знание основ вокала, дыхание, артикуляция, нюансировки.
чутко реагировать на малейшие изменения темпа, настроения,
характера исполнения, в случае надобности быть готовым незаметно подыграть
умение подобрать мелодию и аккомпанемент.
Все эти качества концертмейстер приобретает с течением времени в
результате обширной концертмейстерской практики. Музыкальные
способности, как компонент исполнительской деятельности концертмейстера
включает в себя: музыкальный слух, музыкальную память, метроритмику.
Очень важная роль в аккомпаниаторской деятельности отведена туше
пианиста, которое является «козырем для концертмейстера». Умение
импровизировать, использовать украшение, мелизмы, обогащающие фактуру
произведения – показатель высокого профессионализма аккомпаниатора.
Плохой пианист никогда не станет хорошим концертмейстером, как, впрочем,
хороший пианист не достигнет больших результатов в аккомпанементе, пока не
усвоит законы ансамблевых отношений, не разовьѐт в себе чуткость к партнѐру,
не ощутит неразрывность и взаимодействие между партией аккомпанементе.
Концертмейстер должен быстро и точно поддержать солиста в его
намерениях, создать единую с ним исполнительскую концепцию произведения,
поддержать в кульминациях, но вместе с тем при необходимости быть
незаметным и всегда чутким его помощником. Развитие этих навыков
возможно при развитом чувстве ритма и ощущении ритмической пульсации,
единой для всех участников ансамбля. Возникший в сознании исполнителя
звуковой образ требует немедленного реального воспроизведения. Это
достигается мобилизацией игрового аппарата. Таким образом задействуются
слуховые, зрительные, двигательные, мыслительные и психологические
Особенно важна и ответственна роль концертмейстера при работе с
учениками детских музыкальных школ и школ искусств. Совместно с
педагогом он приобщает ребенка к удивительному миру искусства. Пианист
должен быть технически оснащѐн для того, чтобы справляться с возложенными
на него обязанностями. Зачастую хорошей читки с листа бывает недостаточно
из-за сложной фактуры, очень быстрых темпов и концертмейстеру нужно учить
свою партию так же серьѐзно, как он это делал бы, играя сольное произведение.
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