Искакова Ш. Г

part, lost, studying, leaving, seeing, understanding, answering, repeated

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part, lost, studying, leaving, seeing, understanding, answering, repeated, 
Exercise 209.
Replace participle constructions by the subordinate clauses.
1. He went home, having looked through all the letters received that day. 
2. Having collected all the material, he was able to write his article. 3. Having 
arranged everything, he went home by the 10.30 train. 4. Having lost his friend` 
s address, he couldn’t send him a telegram. 5. Having read a lot of books on this 
question, he was able to make a very interesting report. 6. Having worked in the 
garden the whole day, he felt very tired. 7. Having slept a few hours, he felt well 
again. 8. Having studied the question in detail, he was able to answer all the 
questions asked by the professor. 9. Having found out that he was still in 
Moscow, I rang him up. 10. Not having received an answer from him he decided 
to write to him once more. 11. Having found out that the next train would leave 
only at seven o’clock in the evening, I decided to go by the morning train. 12. 
Having learned English well at the Institute of Foreign Languages, she could 
speak without difficulty to the members of the British workers` delegation.13. 
He left the room having switched off the light. 14. Having fulfilled his task, he 
returned home. 15. Having thrown the ball into the water, the boy could not get 
it back. 
Exercise 210.
Define the forms and the functions of the Participles.
1. All the workers taking part in this work must be at the factory at 8 
o’clock in the morning. 2. Having a lot of time, I decided to walk to the station. 
3. While crossing the bridge, I met my brother. 4. Being very tired, I went 
straight home. 5. Being very angry with him, I didn’t want to talk to him. 6. 
While going up the hill, he fell and hurt himself. 7. He took all the letters and 
telegrams lying on the table and went to the manager’s office. 8. The answer 
received from the factory greatly surprised them. 9. While going home, I saw 

Helen talking to somebody. 10. Thinking that Comrade P. was busy, we didn’t 
ring him up. 11. Being a very experienced worker, he was able to do this work 
in a work. 12. Yesterday he showed me the list of books and magazines received 
by our library. 13. While waiting for a tram, I saw Comrade D. 14. The stories 
published in this magazine are very interesting. 15. We have already received all 
the machines ordered at this plant. 16. The teacher took home all the 
composition written by his pupils. 17. She lay on the sofa reading a book. 18. He 
gave the letters to the secretary asking her to send them off at once. 19. There 
are very interesting figures illustrating the development of our radio industry. 
20. She wrote him a friendly letter thinking him for his help. 21. The boys stood 
on the bank throwing stones into the river. 22. He said this looking her angrily. 
23. Not knowing what to do, she applied to us for advice. 24. He sat at the table 
looking through the correspondence received the day before. 25. They sat in 
silence looking at the setting sun.

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