Исследование и разработка подсистемы электронного документооборота университета 6М070300 Информационные системы Реферат

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Аушарипова Дарина Еркеновна

The structure and volume of work. The thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusion, list of references and applications. The main part of the work is presented on 171 pages of typewritten text and contains 51 pictures, 12 tables, 40 sources of literature.

In the introduction the relevance of dissertation topic is described, the aim and objectives of the research are formulated, the practical value and the application of the results are shown.

In the first chapter comparative description of the concepts of electronic and distance learning are made, three models of e-university university such as: (1) the bimodal model (on-off-campus model), (2) remote (off-campus) model (these models are taken from the Rumble, 1986; Reddy, 1988) and (3) model of the consortium are studied.

The analysis of existing electronic document management information systems, - Action Metro, AutoPilot, Documentum, Panagon, DOCS Open / Fusion, PD Accord, BOSS-Referent is made.

The consumer characteristics that should be considered when choosing a software product are described: reliability, compatibility, ease of use, modularity, access.

The advantages and disadvantages of content management systems are investigated. The criteria of choosing the e-learning environment LMS \ LCMS (Learning Management System) is described.

The main organization that develop the engineering in the areas of information in education and development of industry standards –ADL, AICC, ALIC, ARIADNE, CEN / ISSS, EdNA, DCMI, CEN / ISSS, EdNA, DCMI, GEM, IEEE, IMS, ISO, PROMETEUS are reviewed.

The main conditions of system architecture justification are studied.

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