Исследование и разработка подсистемы электронного документооборота университета 6М070300 Информационные системы Реферат

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Аушарипова Дарина Еркеновна

List of keywords: Electronic document management, e-university, university document management, standards of document management, model of document management, RSA encryption, digital signature, local-area network of the University, document-oriented database, local replica.

The relevance of the study. The period of transition towards the information society is accompanied by the computerization of education based on new technologies: automated systems are implemented in the process of information storage and processing, the main part of which are the new information technologies.

Document management of higher education institution is one of the most labor-intensive processes that requires considerable labor and time costs. And it is important to note that the presence of completely properly developed documents is one of the most important indicators of the success of the department as a whole. Control measures of the Ministry of Education concerning licensing and accreditation of the institution first of all include checking the status of documentation.

The main burden of supporting the processes of the University associated with the document management is born by Methodists and managers. As a rule, every document in department is stored in two forms: electronic - a computer file on the hard disk of the department computer and in hard copy in printed form, stitched into a specific folder of documents in accordance with the classification. At the same time, the number of such folders is significant, and the number of stored documents, at least for an order of magnitude larger.

Despite the severe classification, searching documents has a certain complications. Moreover, it concerns searching electronic copies of documents. Searching a certain parts of the document is even more daunting task. The analysis and searching the information from other sources that has logical and informational links with the current document is especially complicated.

The most effective way to solve these problems is to develop an information system based on relational database of documents, which automatically maintains the logical links and data integrity, which significantly reduces the likelihood of errors in the analysis of the information contained in the documents and the development of new documents on the basis of available information.

In line with the title the dissertation work examines the issues of the automation of processes related to document management of our university that determines its relevance.

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