Issn 2226 1176 индекс 75756

particularly strong visualizations. Often gaps in this

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particularly strong visualizations. Often gaps in this 
basic knowledge of the course let student down and 
do not allow him to move on a successful level of the 
training further. 
Psychologists recommend the following formu-
la for successful learning [6]: M + 4P, where M - is 
motivation and four P stand for: accept, understand, 
remember and apply information. In order to ap-
ply information you need to acquire a special skill 
in solving problems. Do not consider the tasks of 
the descriptive geometry as a troublesome obstacle. 
Life itself is a continuous task. 
Resolving of the tasks is natural reality, it re-
quires work of own soul and it determines types of 
human behavior and creates conditions for forma-
tion of his character and certain type of personality

Resolving of complicated tasks on descriptive 
geometry will deliver intellectual joy soon. Obvious-
ly, learning cannot be easily and happily, it is real 
work and toil. 
The Mother of learning is not repetition, but ap-
plication. Therefore, theoretical material should be 
fixed via resolving of tasks on a given topic using the 
interactive whiteboard and test items during study-
ing graphic disciplines. [7,8]. The performance of 
the training and testing tasks is particularly impor-
tant and under mistaken execution of the program 
can send students to the topics of educational mate-
rial for which training has gaps. 
It is necessary to solve the problems in 
descriptive geometry that form the competence of 
mental rotation of objects, which are directly related 
to spatial imagination [9]. 
Thus, we propose to the students some tests 
during the study of engineering graphics, which can 
help more efficiently to mentally move objects in a 
plane and space. As well as, the test helps consolidate 
information during cognitive activity and diagnosis 
of acquired knowledge.
Conclusions. The experimental results show 
that using of different kind of problem tasks, tests, 
questionnaires, interactive whiteboards allow 
enhancing the effectiveness of learning, activating of 
the independent cognitive activity of students and 
helps them be creative in training and education of 

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