Ключевые слова: нефть и нефтепродукты, фиторемедиация, пшеница, люцерна
Cleaning of soil contaminated by oil using phytoremediation processes Mukasheva A.A., Orazbaiev A.E., Doszhanov E.O. Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abstract. (Аңдатпа) Studied stages of degradation processes of oil and petroleum
products in the soil. Сonsidered the methods of phytoremediation - one of the biological methods
that cleans oil-contaminated soil and without damaging the environment. Presented at several
stages of phytoremediation processes. At the same time, given a brief description for objects of
current processes. It is a wheat and Lucerne. And said about rational advantages of this method
from an economic standpoint.
In addition, presented facts, as far as, this pollutants negatively affects on disappearance of
mesofauna in the soil. Presents the chemical consist of the oil imported from the western parts
(Zhanazhol field) of our republic and transformation current fuel in the soil.
Presented some biological methods for solving problems as the prevention and reduction of
soil contamination from oil and petroleum products.