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Full Blast
87,4% of these skills while it is 64,4% with 
63,3% with 
As is the case with communication skills, there 
was much less emphasis on collaboration skills in 
the workbooks compared to the student’s and the 
teacher’s books, apart from the 
English Plus 
This was mainly because of the fact that group work 
and project tasks were presented in the student’s 
books while the workbooks included more of indi
vidual works.
However, as it is suggested collaboration skills 
are important in learning together. Therefore, activi
ties designed to practise what is learned should not 
only include individual works, but pair and group 
works as well.
Based on the collaboration skills analysed in 
the current study, it can be said that the majority of 
them were found in group and pair works, but evalu
ation of others’ contribution and sharing of tasks in 
a group work were the ones which are included the 
least in the coursebooks, but also were two of the 
collaboration skills identified in Cambridge Frame
work for Life Competencies in Education .
In order to find an answer to the third sub-
question of the main research question, a 12- item 
evaluation checklist was used. Regarding the critical 
thinking skills identified in the evaluation checklist 
items, all four coursebook series presented exam
ples to some degree. The overall evaluation of criti
cal thinking skills found in coursebook series was 
87,3% in 
Full Blast, 
85,4% in 
English Plus 
and 82% 

Proposed in Bloom’s revised taxonomy six cat
egories of critical thinking which are ‘remember’, 
‘understand’, ‘apply’, ‘analyze’, ‘evaluate’ and ‘cre
ate’ were analysed in the coursebooks as well as 
skills to develop synthesising information and ideas, 
identifying problems, evaluating options, providing 
reasons to the decisions and reflecting on one’s own 
learning. The findings have shown that all course
book series included examples of these five critical 
thinking categories in every unit while the ‘evaluate’ 
category was missing in some units. In the available 
literature, the first three categories are regarded as 
‘lower-order thinking skills’ while the last three are 
the examples of ‘higher-order thinking skills’. In 
their study Razmjoo and Kazempourfard (Razm
joo and Kazempourfard ,2012:175) [24] concluded 
that learners’ language proficiency level affected 
the thinking skills; that is, the higher the language 
level was, the more instances of higher-order think
ing skills were presented. However, the coursebook 
series analysed in the current study, despite being 
primary coursebooks and having lower language 
proficiency levels, included a great many examples 
of higher-order thinking skills as well as the lower 
Another critical thinking skill that existed in 
each unit of the coursebooks was reflecting on learn
ing experiences. Regarded as one of the indicators 
of critical thinking in P21 Framework Definitions 
(2015), learners’ reflection on their learning experi
ences and processes helps them improve their think
ing and learning skills. Provided in self-evaluation 
and task evaluation parts in the coursebooks, re
flection on student’s learning was managed in all 
coursebooks to a certain degree.
The answer regarding the fourth sub-question, 
which aimed to analyse the inclusion of creativity 
skills in the coursebooks, was found out through 
an evaluation checklist that contained 7-items. 
These items mainly intended to look for the ex

An analysis of elt coursebooks in terms of 21
century skills
amples of creative activities and idea creation 
techniques in the coursebooks. In addition to 
these creativity skills, some attitudes and values 
regarding creativity skills were addressed too, 
such as creating new content from one’s own idea 
or other resources, expressing feelings and iden
tity, providing real-world limits to creative tasks 
and being open to new ideas.
According to the findings of the current study, 
creativity skills are mostly included in the course
books. The two course book series 
English Plus 
Full Blast 
were found to include the same 
number of examples of creativity skills in over
all evaluation with 92,5% even though the course 
components showed different results. In the 
series, the overall evaluation of creativity skills 
was 87,8%. Similar to the findings of other skills 
presented previously, creativity skills were dealt 
with less in the workbooks but most in the teach
er’s books since workbook activities were rather 
mechanical and teacher’s book notes provided idea 
creation techniques and real-world limits to the 
creative tasks.
The analysis has shown that each coursebook 
series provided tasks that students were required to 
use their creativity skills to a certain extent. 
Regarded as the knowledge of creativity in 
KSAVE Framework , using idea creation techniques 
in creative tasks was not addressed in each unit of 
the coursebook series. Some of the coursebooks in
cluded a few idea creation practices in the student’s 
books while some included guidance in the teach
er’s book on how to help student’s use idea creation 
techniques. However, being suggested as one of the 
very first knowledge category to create new con
tent, enough emphasis was placed on idea creation 
techniques in the coursebooks. The other creativity 
skill that was included less in the creative tasks was 
guidance around real-world limits to the task itself. 
This creativity skill was addressed to both in P21 
Framework and KSAVE Framework as a part of the 
creative efforts and knowledge.
Providing model tasks and guiding students 
along the limits of the task with questions were some 
implicit examples of this skill found in the course
books. However, guiding students with explicit 
instructions would also be needed as suggested in 
these two frameworks.
As for the main research question aiming to find 
out the extent to which the 21st century skills were 
included in ELT coursebooks, two different evalu
ation types were used; external coursebook evalu
ation and internal coursebook evaluation. The in
ternal evaluation findings were gathered after each 
of the 4Cs was analysed. Once ‘communication’, 
‘collaboration’,‘critical thinking’ and ‘creativity’ 
skills were investigated and the examples of these 
skills were calculated, the overall evaluation of the 
21st century skills was done. According to the over
all evaluation of the findings, the 
Full Blast 
included 21st century skills up to 81,3%, which was 
followed by the 
English Plus 
series with 79,3%. As 
for the 
series, the overall inclusion of 21st 
century skills was found to be 69,4%.

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