Журнал жылына 4 рет жарыққа шығады (наурыз, маусым, қыркүйек, желтоқсан) иб №15211

Qualitative research on the impact of education in China on graduates

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Qualitative research on the impact of education in China on graduates
of foreign students from Central Asian countries
China provides various scholarship programs to countries along the Belt and Road route. In this re-
gard, the number of young people from Central Asia and developing countries willing to study in China 
is growing. The current trend in the training of young specialists in China raises the question: : How does 
the experience gained while studying at universities in China affect on the lifestyle and activity of gradu-
ates from Central Asian countries? The purpose of our research is to to help us understand the role of Chi-
nese higher education in the training of young specialists from Central Asian countries. The study used 
qualitative analysis as the main method for obtaining answers. The online interview method was used. 
The mini-research participants were 16 graduates from Central Asian countries: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, 
Uzbekistan. At the analytical stage of the research, the “Grounded theory” method of Strauss Corbin was 
applied. As a result of the study, four directions were identified that indicate the impact of education in 
Chinese universities on the life and work of graduates from Central Asian countries: (1) Cross-cultural 
integration; (2) Self-knowledge and self-formation in the environment of an international environment; 
(3) Language capabilities: improving language skills in learning Chinese and other languages; (4) Impact 
on employment. The authors of the study found that getting an education in China for graduates from 
Central Asian countries provides a flexible opportunity for employment in an international environment 

П. Ташматова, Ма Феньчи
or in business. On the other hand, it contributes to the preparation of integrated leaders with experience 
of cross-cultural cooperation. Research supported by Postdoctoral Program of International Training for 
Young Talents in Guangdong Province and Guangzhou University School of Education. 
Key words
: education in China, graduates, Central Asian countries, international education, impact.
П. Ташматова*, Ма Феньчи 
Гуанчжоу Университетінің Білім беру Институты, ҚХР, Гуанчжоу қ. 

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