Кафедра языковых дисциплин

өлшемі71,02 Kb.
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4. Put the proper word.
In the prescription department you can see drug, boxes of different …..

  1. powdirs b) powders c) powders d) pawders e) povders

5. Pick out the proper preposition:
In the prescription department you can see drugs …all kinds.

  1. To b) with c) of d) at e) on

6. Pick out the proper preposition:
All medicine are kept…drug cabinets.

  1. in b)with c) on d) of e) by

7. Find the proper word combination:

  1. to write prescription

  2. to heat prescription

  3. to administer prescription

  4. to treat prescription

  5. to indicate prescription

8. Find the proper word combination:

  1. label cabinet

  2. tablet cabinet

  3. vitamin cabinet

  4. prescription cabinet

  5. hard ointment

9. Give the synonym for “chemist’s”:

  1. market

  2. drug store

  3. department

  4. post-office

  5. library

10. Give the synonym for “medicine”:

  1. drug b)root c)fruit d)coke e) water

11. Give the synonym for “medicine”:
a) root b) drug c) stem d) fruit e) solid
12. How many department are there at every chemist’s shop?

  1. two department in a chemist’s shop.

  2. three department in a chemist’s shop.

  3. one department in a chemist’s shop.

  4. four department in a chemist’s shop.

  5. five department in a chemist’s shop.

13. What cabinets are market with the letter “A”?

  1. poisonous

  2. strong effective

  3. liquid

  4. solid

  5. powder}

14. Complete the sentence.
In prescription there is the name of the drug and the …

  1. dose

  2. label

  3. letter “A”

  4. address

  5. occupation

15. Complete the sentence
The directions to the patient as to how he should take the medicine is called ….. or “signature”.

  1. medicine

  2. drug

  3. label

  4. prescription

  5. dose

16. Put the proper word
The pharmaceutist checks up the … of a drug.

  1. Address b) age c) telephone d) date e) dosage

17. Complete the sentence.
… items are sold at a chemist's shop.
a) Medical b) Technological c) Office d) Food e) School
18. Put the proper word.
Lots of drugs have to be ordered at the ….department.

  1. prescreption

  2. priscription

  3. prescription

  4. prascription

  5. preccription}

19. What drugs are in the drug cabinets with letter “B”?
a) strong effective b) Non effective c) less effective
d) solutions e) essential
20. How many departments are there in a chemist’s shop?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 5 e) 1

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