Deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics Give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics Ask simple questions to get information about a growing range of general topics
Tasks, audio materials
Correction work
6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics
6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics
6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world
6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives
6.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics
WB p.23 A project
Animals. Talking about animals. Animals description. P.32