Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019
could talk to students as equals, together, to choose the necessary grammatical or textual material, as
well as the controlling materials.
Now the task is complicated by the fact that prospective graduate students know everything about
their profession in their own native language, but we require that they talk about their profession in the
target language, realizing that students are at the initial stage of in their learning. When creating the
textbook the "Language of Occupation: the Art," we decided to try to work in a different format.
The effectiveness of the learning system significantly increases with the use of the pedagogy of
cooperation, focused on the involvement of the learner in the educational process, as well as the joint
work of the teacher and the student. The pedagogy of cooperation focuses on educational partnerships,
and suggests a number of principles:
Teaching without coercion is to make the student a co-author of the lesson, to instill in him or
her the confidence to remove the feeling of fear is natural for every first-time learner of a new language.
The teacher needs to put before the students a challenging goal, to point out its exceptional difficulty,
and to inspire confidence that the goal will be achieved. Thus, we made the proposal for the joint
preparation of the training manual on the "Language of Occupation: the Art." This work motivated
Afghan students to study sophisticated terminology, to study subjects about art, and to work up texts in
their native language. Tests were translated and adapted, and prepared for the study and analysis of the
lexical, grammatical, syntactical, elements of the language, but without coercion and according to their
own will. However, this process was not uncontrolled. The logic of the occupation, its structure,
purpose, and fundamental tasks allowed the teacher to skillfully guide the enthusiasm of the students in
the process of language acquisition.
The idea of support includes subject-verbal information reference signals, which means the
development of memory, logic, and spatial thinking. It is not a scheme, and the set of keywords, signs,
and other reference signals are specially arranged and show the logic of the studied material in the form
of a compact shape (sometimes colored) reference circuit, which greatly facilitates the memorization
and understanding of the material and eliminates the possibility of cramming. For us, its use in the
classroom consisted of an animated model of the Russian sentences, the preparation of sentences for
modals, the preparation of virtual constructions in real sentences, and the use of the new language
3. The lack of negative assessments in the classroom prevents splitting students into achievers
and under-achievers. This applies particularly to the Afghan students. It is these students who have
received a higher education at home, and who have worked in a university as teachers. There is no need
to demonstrate their ignorance of a given subject. The lack of negative assessments makes the
atmosphere in the classroom easier and motivates the students. 4. The idea of free choice allows for the opportunity to develop individual qualities of language
learning for the student, as the student can create a task that he is interested in solving. Shatalov gives
the disciples a hundred tasks, and they chose to resolve any of them in any quantity. This freedom of
choice is the easiest way to develop creative thought. In our case, this freedom is in the choice of themes
and texts together.