Ключевые слова:драма, пьеса, обьект, театр, жанр, материал, cодержание THE PROBLEMS OF DRAMATIC DISPUTES IN THE PLAYS OF K. MUKHAMEDZHANOV B.Sh. Kozhekeyeva Cand. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor
Kazakh State Women‘s Teacher Training University,
The article emphasizes the fact that in the comedies and dramas of K. Mukhamedzhanov, the unity of
artistic integrity and ideological content preserves the data of the national consciousness.In the article were taken
into account the views of researchers, viewers and colleagues of the playwright Mukhamedzhanov, who produced
an attractive comedy. To determine the relationship between the playwright and the life material of K.
Mukhamedzhanov, interesting information was taken from the play "In a foreign country" and "We are not angels"
. As a vital material, he in all three of his dramas approached from a national point of view. One distinguishing
feature is that the three types of vital material in these three dramas are different.
Key words: drama, piece, object, theatre, genre, material, content Редакцияға 12.03.2019 қабылданды.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019