Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің ХАБАРШЫСЫ, «Тарих және саяси-әлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3(58), 2018 ж.
Many researchers use the term Islamism with the term “Islamic activism”. Although, according to some
experts, it is more likely to reflect the radicalism of the actions of Islamic groups and movements. This concept
associated with activism gives a concrete answer to the question how this ideology exists and what is its nature.
Therefore the classification of Islamic activism proposed in the framework of this concept, that is, Islamism, is
very useful. This basis is based on the specificity of the mode of action of various Islamic actors:
1. Political Islamism sets itself the task of gaining political power in individual countries. Such organizations
accept the idea of a national state, operate within the framework of constitutions, avoid violence, support reforms,
rather than revolutions. Among them is the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
2. Missionary Islamism is focused on turning to Islam through missionary work. Here an example is the
various Islamic funds, supported mainly by various Salafi forces. This type of Islamism is not aimed at winning
political power, but at preserving Muslim identity and protecting the Muslim faith.
3. Jihadist Islamism is represented by radical and extremist groups calling for an armed struggle under Islamic
banners. Jihadism functions in three forms: internal - confrontation with formally Islamic, but, on the presentation
of its ideologists, “incorrect” regimes; irredentist - struggle for the return of territories under the control of non-
Muslims or under occupation; global - confrontation with the West [9, p. 28].
It’s important to note that the Islamism ideology was influenced and influences the oil policy of rentier states,
for ex. Kuwait, Qatar or the United Arab Emirates. Islamist movements seek to influence government policies of
this wealthiest states of the region [10].
In conclusion, it can be said that at the present time, Islamism is the ideology that permeates Islam as a religion
and is effective in the political sphere. Political Islam is an attempt to search for an alternative to Western
globalism strategy for the survival of an Islamic society, which must be implemented through various methods.
This means that Islamism gradually represents a holistic doctrine that has theoretical and historical grounds,
adequate goals and tasks for the Muslim society, and a significant number of followers. This allows us to call
Islamism an ideology that is global in nature.
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ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3(58), 2018 г.
УДК 371.389 -79
ГРНТИ 03.09.25
Мехралиева У.Т.
Докторант, Бакинский Государственный Университет (Баку, Азербайджан)
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