Конструкциялық материалдар және термоөңдеу Конструкционные материалы и термообработка Constructional materials and heat treatment Учебное пособие для специальности: 5В071200– «Машиностроение»

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Construction low-alloyed steel
Construction low-alloyed steel with the raised content of manganese and 
silicon after hot rolling or heat treatment use for production of welded and 
riveted designs of construction farms, designs of bridges, frames, etc. 
Manganese steel of brands 19G and 14G apply to production of the main oil 
pipelines, steel 35XC, 25G2S-for production of fittings usual and previously the 
strained ferroconcrete designs. 
Low-alloyed steel after rolling considerably surpass in technical properties 
carbonaceous steel. The optimum combination of their properties is reached at 
introduction of several alloying elements. The designs operated at low ambient 
temperatures, carry out from steel, alloyed by nickel. 
Low-alloyed low-carbonaceous steel well cook. Properties of welded seams 
and sites adjoining to them are close to properties of the main metal. Became, 
used for welded designs, contain aluminum or the titan preventing integration of 
grain of metal in an weld-affected zone. The alloying copper, nickel, chrome, 
phosphorus promotes increase in corrosion resistance steel in air-gas and damp 
Machine-building cemented alloyed steel
Steel of this group contain 0,1-0,3% of carbon and 0,2-4,4% of alloying 
Operational properties of products from low - and medium alloy steel are 
defined by a combination of properties of a blanket and a core. Strength 
properties of a layer on a working surface of products are mainly caused by the 
content of carbon in it. On mechanical properties after heat treatment 

(cementation) of steel of this group subdivide on medium solid (Gт≤700 of 
MPa) and there were the increased durability (Gт> 700 MPas). 
Cemented alloyed steel apply to production of the loaded details testing sign-
variable and shock loadings (cogwheels, shaft, cams, etc.). Characteristic 
representatives of this group - steel 15HF, 15H, 20H-differ average durability. 
After training in oil the core of details from such is strengthened by the steel, but 
the surface is sensitive to cuts. Apply them to production of the small details 
operated at average loadings. 
To steel of the increased durability carry in a complex alloyed and 
economically alloyed. Steel 12XH3A, 20XH3A, 20XH4A apply to production 
of details of averages and the big sizes working in the conditions of intensive 
wear at raised loadings (cogwheels, piston fingers, axes, etc.). 
Especially responsible details - cogwheels of aviation engines, ship reducers - 
produce from steel 18X2H4MA, 18X2H4BA which it isn't enough soften at 
Economically alloyed steel of 18HGT, 30HGT, 25HGT is possible to replace 
the nickel chrome. Their main advantage is hereditary fineness that allows 
reducing a production cycle of processing of details. Such steel apply to 
production of responsible details of large-lot and mass production. 

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