Table 1 – The aim of “Education”
“Education” is aimed at
1) personal and state
educational requirements
2) international quality
standards determined by the
interests and goals of the
Considering the basic ideas of the “Education”
concept, we can say that the main educational goal is
changing, now it states not only in knowledge edu-
cation, but in the provision of conditions for person-
al self-determination and self-realization. The crite-
rion for the implementation of the new educational
model becomes the surpassing reflection or degree
of “knowledge of the future”. In the new educational
paradigm the student becomes the subject of cogni-
tive activity, and not the object of pedagogical in-
fluence. Dialogue relations between the teacher and
the learner determines the basic forms of the edu-
cational process organization. The result comes out
as an active, creative activity of the student, much
more excelling the simple reproduction.
The formation of a new educational paradigm
presupposes the solution of a number of basic con-
tradictions between the developing culture and the
traditional way of human education, between the
integrity of culture and the branch-wise principle
of its representation through a variety of subject
areas in education. The traditional educational sys-
ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. «Педагогикалық ғылымдар» сериясы. №2 (51). 2017
Characteristics of the Concept of «Education»
tem is based on the transfer of cumulated knowl-
edge, alienated from the dynamics of the culture
development, alienated from the life of the indi-
vidual and society. It does not take into account
the growing need for the lifelong development of
a human being in a dynamically changing modern
One of the world’s leading trends aimed at solv-
ing these contradictions is the transition to lifelong,
open education that forms the basis of the informa-
tion society and can be viewed as a rational synthe-
sis of all known forms of education. The implemen-
tation of the principles of an open education leads
to qualitative changes in all elements of the peda-
gogical system, including the nature of knowledge
itself, the forms and methods of the organization of
education, the role of teachers and students in the
educational process. Accordingly the essential fea-
tures and functions of the new educational system
are changing (Table 2)
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