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Бегманова Т. А.- Шетел тілі екі шетел тілі БББ магистранты

Ғылыми жетекшісі: Есенкулова А.Р.

Түйін. Қазіргі уақытта жалпы орта білім беретін мектепте құзыреттілік тәсілді қолдану қажеттілікке ғана емес, әр мұғалімнің басты мақсатқа жету үшін алдына қоятын негізгі міндеттерінің біріне айналды. Қазіргі уақытта оқу пәндерінің саны едәуір өсті. Барлық пәндерді оқушылар өздерінің ақыл-ой қабілеттері мен физикалық мүмкіндіктерін ескере отырып, мүмкіндігінше игеруі керек.

Резюме. Использование компетентностного подхода в средней общеобразовательной школе в настоящее время стало не просто необходимостью, а одной из основных задач, которые каждый учитель ставит перед собой для достижения главной цели. В настоящее время количество учебных дисциплин значительно увеличилось. Все предметы должны быть усвоены учащимися максимально с учетом их умственных способностей и физических возможностей.

Currently, such concepts as "competence approach", "competence", "competence" are increasingly used in the pedagogical literature of Russian higher education, which is quite expected, given the fact that all these definitions are inextricably linked with a new stage in the evolution of the education system as a whole. During the analysis of the results of training, the main requirements for a competent person in professional activity are determined, but now these requirements are undergoing significant changes. An interesting fact is that if earlier requests to an employee were fixed, their volume was determined and limited by the direction of professional activity, now the requirements are becoming very dynamic, unstable and diverse. Education should provide the student with the opportunity to form the required qualities of a wide range so that in the future the student will be able to satisfy the requests presented to him by his future employer. To solve this problem, the ideology of the competence approach is of great importance. During those few years of the existence of this phenomenon, many works have already been carried out on the analysis of its essence, on the methods of its planning and implementation, on the description of its functioning and analysis of the results of activities by such famous scientists as N. Chomsky, E. F. Zeer, A.V. Khutorskoy, A. N. Dakhin, A. G. Bermus, I. A. Winter, O. A. Donskikh et al. Despite this, there is no consensus on the content of the key terms defining the essence of this approach. In this chapter of our work, we considered it appropriate to separately consider some important elements of the competence approach, to give different points of view regarding the significance and relevance of the phenomenon of the competence approach, as well as to identify its advantages and disadvantages.

Before we begin to consider the competence approach as a whole, it is necessary to disclose the definition of the concept of "educational competence", which carries some difficulties. Firstly, there is no single content of the definition of educational competence, and different scientists give their own interpretations, which in some cases may be similar, or may differ significantly from each other. The way out of this situation is the selection of the most commonly used definition options in pedagogical practice, during the analysis of which it is possible to identify common elements that characterize competence. The second problem in this aspect is the existence of such a concept as "competence", which is very often identified with "competence". Despite the fact that these concepts are closely interrelated and one follows from the other, they cannot be equated and replaced by one another.The uncertainty of the concept of "competence" is due to the variety of aspects of its understanding: general linguistic, psychological, pedagogical. For example, if you find and compare this concept in the dictionaries of S. I. Ozhegov and "Vocational Education", the former defines competence as "a range of issues in which someone is well aware", and the latter as "a range of issues in which this official has knowledge, experience".If you think about the essence of these definitions, then in the first case it is not entirely clear what is included in the concept of "well-informed", since the degree and level of awareness is assessed differently in each situation. The second definition reveals a little more clearly the content of the requirements for a competent person, but does not fully characterize them.Professor E. Zeer made a great contribution to the differentiation and description of these concepts. In his works, he defines competence as "the integrative integrity of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure. Professional activity, the ability of a person to put his competence into practice." An important role in the structure of competence is played by experience, which is a fusion of all separately acquired skills, abilities, and decisions made. By competence in this case, E. Zeer understands "the totality (system) of knowledge in action." It is the practical orientation of knowledge that distinguishes this system from general, fundamental knowledge. The theoretical aspect is not excluded, it is an important component of competence along with applied knowledge, obeying them and orienting them. Nevertheless, the mechanism of competence generation differs significantly from the mechanism of theoretical knowledge formation, which is manifested in the purpose of ordinary knowledge for memorization and reproduction, while competence implies the use of acquired knowledge at its own discretion to solve non-theoretical problems.I. A. Winter in her works gives a more complex and complex definition of "competence" and "competence". In her opinion, competence includes "some internal, potential, hidden psychological neoplasms (knowledge, ideas, programs (algorithms) of actions, systems of values and relationships), which are then revealed in human competencies as actual, active manifestations." Thus, it is obvious that competence cannot be realized without the help of competencies.To better understand the relationship "competence-competence", let us turn to the work of T. A. Razuvaeva. She cites the results of a study by the American scientist N. Chomsky, who compared the terms competence/performance in language teaching. These terms are distinguished as "potential speaker-listener knowledge" about the language (competence) and the use of language in the practice of communication and human activity" (performance).
The use of a competence-based approach in secondary schools has now become not just a necessity, but one of the main tasks that every teacher sets for himself to achieve the main goal. Currently, the number of academic disciplines has increased significantly. All subjects should be mastered by students as much as possible taking into account their mental abilities and physical abilities. It is not possible to achieve this goal without using something new and non-standard in the lessons.
The purpose of my work was: the development of the student's personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn; the development of a system of knowledge, skills, experience in various activities; protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.
Tasks: competence-based school teaching children
-to achieve the full assimilation of the program material by each child;
- to develop students' mobility and ability to think independently, to teach reasoning;
-to preserve the health of schoolchildren for the period of study in the middle and senior level;
- to develop the psychological, personal, psychophysiological and psychosomatic spheres of the personality of students, forming the ability to self-development and maintain health on their own.
General principles of the competence approach:
1. The meaning of education is to develop students' ability to make decisions independently based on their experience.
2. The content of the training is the actions and operations related to the skills that need to be obtained.
3. It is necessary to create conditions for the formation of students' experience of solving problems independently.
4. Evaluation of learning outcomes is based on the analysis of the level of education achieved by students, i.e. at the level of their competencies.
Simply put, knowledge in training ceases to play a major role (memorized, well done!). Knowledge is certainly important, but the main task of education is to teach the student to use this knowledge to solve various problems. The objectives of education from the point of view of the competence approach are as follows:
1. Learn to learn, i.e. learn to define the goals of cognitive activity, choose sources of information, find optimal ways to the goal, evaluate the results and independently organize their activities.
2. Learn to explain the phenomena of reality, their essence and causes, using the appropriate scientific apparatus.
3. Learn to navigate the key problems of our time (economy, politics, intercultural interaction, etc.).
4. Learn to navigate the world of spiritual values.
5. Learn to solve problems related to the implementation of various social roles.
6. Learn to solve problems common to various types of professional activity.
Thus, learning takes on a completely new form.
The principles laid down in the competence approach should eventually teach independent, self-confident individuals. Individuals with sufficient competencies for further life, for self-realization and disclosure of their potential. Therefore, I began to introduce methods and forms of competence approach into my practice.
The general concept of the competence approach
According to the classification of A.V. Khutorsky, there are 3 main types of competencies:
1) key competencies:
value-semantic, general cultural, educational and cognitive, informational, communicative, social and labor, competence of personal improvement;
2) general subject competencies;
3) subject competencies.
The main means of forming key competencies in learning a foreign language are various technologies, forms and methods.
There are no completely incompetent forms and methods of educational work. But some forms by themselves do not work for the development of key competencies:
1) teacher's monologue;
2) frontal-individual survey;
3) informative conversations;
4) independent work with the textbook according to the teacher's assignments;
5) film demonstration;
6) traditional control work.
Competence-based methods are those that have not only educational, but also life justification.
This is the problematization of content in the context of today's and tomorrow's life of students,
2) organization of extracurricular activities,
3) the use of competence-based methods and forms of training:
a) the project method;
b) development of critical thinking;
c) the method of debate;
d) game technology (language, role-playing games, dramatization);
e) case study;
(e) Problematic discussions;
g) pair and group work;
h) language portfolio;
i) use of audio-visual means, multimedia technologies, Internet resources.
2. Competence-based methods and forms of training.
Discussions, conversations, problem-oriented role-playing games, project activities are those activities that encourage students to think independently orally or in writing.
Let's take a closer look at some competence-based methods and forms of training:
Real, life, natural situations
Students should be able to solve real communicative tasks:
1) thank you for the lesson - "Thank you for the lesson".
2) offer help - "Can I help you?"
3) clarify homework - "What was your home task?"
4) complain about a sneak, an abuser - "He's been telling on me! He is a sneak".
Real communication with Classroom English begins.
Real communication is possible when creating a language environment, constant monitoring and a situation of success:
1) Creating a language environment -
Classroom English and Warming Up create many opportunities and situations for real communication. It is not enough to use phrases yourself, it is necessary to ensure that students respond adequately to them.
2) Constant monitoring -
English Police - mutual monitoring reception (The student keeps track of who spoke more English and Russian);
Competition - reception in competition mode;
3) The situation of success - the principle "You can express it in English, even if you don't remember the vocabulary and grammar." - one of the fundamental principles of the situation of success, as well as the words of approval.

1. Verbitsky A. A., Larionova O. G. Personal and competence approaches in education. Problems of Integration M.: Logos, 2009.
2. Zimnaya I. A. Key competencies as the effective-target basis of the competence approach in education. Author's version. - M.: 3. Research Center for Quality problems of training specialists, 2004.
4. Raven J. Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation /Translated from English - M.: Kogito-Center, 2002.
5. Khutorskoy A.V. Competence approach in teaching. Scientific and methodological manual. -- M.: Publishing House "Eidos"; Publishing House of the Institute of Human Education, 2013. -- 73 p. : ill. (Series "New standards").

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