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Аулебаева Г. У.- Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі БББ магистранты

Ғылыми жетекшісі: PhD доцент Спатай А. О.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада жаңартылған білім беру бағдарламасы білім мазмұнының жаңаруымен қатар, критериалды бағалау жүйесін енгізу және оқытудың әдіс-тәсілдері мен әртүрлі құралдарын қолданудың тиімділігін арттыруды талап етеді. Қазіргі таңда қазақ тілі-мемлекеттік тіл, қарым-қатынас тілі – орыс тілі және ағылшын тілі – әлемдік кеңістікті тану тілін оқытуда жаңа идеяларды әр сабақта жан-жақты қолданып, жаңаша оқытудың тиімді жолдарын тауып, жүйелі түрде қолдану-заман талабы болып отыр. Оқыту жүйесі өзгерді. Шындығында мұғалімнің алдында оқушыларға білім мен тәрбие беруде үлкен жауапкершілік тұр. Әрбір оқушыны оқытып тәрбиелеуге байланысты мәселелерді өздігімен және шығармашылық ынтамен шешуге қабілетті жаңашыл мұғалім қажет.

Резюме. В данной статье обновленная образовательная программа наряду с обновлением содержания образования требует внедрения системы критериального оценивания и повышения эффективности применения методов и различных средств обучения. В настоящее время казахский язык-государственный язык, язык общения – русский язык и английский язык – является требованием времени для всестороннего использования новых идей на каждом уроке, поиска эффективных путей нового обучения. Изменилась система обучения. На самом деле перед учителем стоит большая ответственность в образовании и воспитании учащихся. Требуется учитель-новатор, способный самостоятельно и творчески решать проблемы, связанные с воспитанием и воспитанием каждого ученика

In recent years, there have been major changes in teacher education, which cover almost all aspects of the educational process. The question of the use of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages is increasingly being raised. There are new methods and forms of teaching, which, in turn, represent not only various technologies of information exchange and transmission, with the help of which the educational process is carried out, but also one large system of teaching methods aimed at developing students ' communicative knowledge, improving speech skills.

The main task of a foreign language is to teach practical mastery of a foreign language, to form basic knowledge, that is, the ability to carry out foreign-language and international communication with native speakers. The search for new pedagogical technologies is associated with the lack of motivation among students to learn a foreign language. Very often, there is no positive motivation, because when learning a foreign language, students face some difficulties and do not assimilate the material due to their psychological characteristics. Experience shows that the use of various, modern, fresh sources and means provokes students ' interest, increases their motivation to study. Pedagogical technology is a set of techniques, a field of pedagogical knowledge that reflects the characteristics of the deep processes of pedagogical activity, the features of their interaction, the management of which provides the necessary efficiency of the educational process.
Thus, it is currently impossible to imagine the educational process without the use of innovative pedagogical technologies. Such technologies are firmly established in the modern education system.
Today, a foreign language teacher has a lot of opportunities, which helps to conduct their classes more interesting and informative. These opportunities encourage students to be more active. Compared to the traditional method of teaching, new implementations in teaching inevitably change the role of the teacher. Its task becomes-to increase the independent work of students, support in the development of personality. Such training allows you to increase motivation to learn, significantly increases interest in learning, and also gives good results in the formation of communication skills compared to the traditional method.
The purpose of this study: to develop students ' creative abilities. Know your native language, learn to respect and respect other languages. Teach students to search.Knowledge of the state language is a duty, learning other languages is a right. Currently, English is taught in the 1st grade in schools according to the updated program. Basically, the goal of early English language learning is to master the basics of communication in English. Teaching English from an early age increases the communicative development of students, allows you to stimulate the interest of students, allows you to speak many languages at once. And the knowledge of English, which is unofficially established as a world language, increases the competitiveness of the nation. Knowing English now is a requirement of the time.
To understand the main role of motivation in teaching a foreign language, teachers in educational institutions need to know its basic methods and techniques, structure.
When considering the problems of motivation and finding a way to form it, it is not always possible to comprehend it, since the formation of motivation is manifested in the process of each lesson in the fact that it is not transmitted from teacher to student. The formation of motivation is, first, the manifestation of a sense of inner enthusiasm for the lesson and the independent further development of the motivational value environment, realizing everything.
On the question of where to start, I need a good tutorial. After all, a properly selected textbook increases the interest of students in the subject. Currently, there are a lot of textbooks in English, currently the 1st grade is studied according to the textbook "Smile".
A special feature of this book is a textbook and disks for developing speaking and listening skills, a workbook with writing tasks and a book for the teacher with an indication of the plan of each lesson and various techniques, with visual aids on the topic.
The effectiveness of teaching a foreign language depends not only on the students, but also on the learning strategy. When these strategies are combined, maximum efficiency can be achieved. The most important factor for achieving this goal is the following: improving the effectiveness of the teacher's pedagogical activity in relation to the student or student and the relationship in the conditions of socio - psychological cohesion in the classroom.
In language lessons, the development of listening, reading, writing, and speech skills of students should be carried out during the lesson, and more attention is paid to listening, speech of students, than to writing, since at this age most children remember by ear, sight. The help of parents in primary school is also very important. If they repeat at home every day the words they learned today in the lesson, then in the next lesson the children will be free to use them, without forgetting about it.
To achieve these goals, it is necessary to improve and develop the speech skills of younger students and use game forms in the classroom. After all, the game is an organized lesson that requires the strength of mood, thinking. Each time the game offers to make a decision, because there is a goal to win. When solving these issues, mental creativity is formed. Students with low training in the language, and not in the knowledge obtained in the subject, can be the first in the game, as their resourcefulness, concentration are shown in the game. For example, if I take one lesson for the 1st grade, then "About myself" is a representation of myself and my family. On this topic, the student meets with family members. In the process of acquaintance, he completely masters the string "This is “and the pronoun "my". Also, from the disc to the textbook, students learn to listen, repeat, and speak visually.
When selecting the content of educational materials, it is advisable to take materials that are quickly memorized, emotional, and rich in color. It is advisable to include specific characters in the lesson materials. In the course of working with students, the teacher has the opportunity to use video lessons, not just texts from the textbook.
Communicative tasks related to communication in another language are of great interest to students. If you use a lot of words in your speech, children will learn better. Dialogues in English lessons help you learn new words, and as a result, communicative methods are one of the most popular methods of learning. Despite the large number of different methods of teaching English to primary school students, there are some difficulties. When teaching English in primary school (grades 1-2), it is based on age characteristics: in particular, it quickly gets tired, does not pay attention, and the level of memory decreases. At the same time, the main difficulties in developing communication skills can also be attributed to the following motivational problems:
Lack of language and speech tools for students in solving the tasks set.
Students do not participate in the collective lecture in the classroom for some reasons.
Students do not tolerate the duration of communication in a foreign language, especially when it comes to students with low academic performance.
In this regard, it is necessary to give tasks that do not require much effort, taking into account the physical and psychological characteristics of children. At the initial stage of teaching English, dances and different types of movements are used for each lesson (toning moments).
In the process of using them, each student is assigned the goal of preserving the language material. The use of syllables and verses of poems contributes to the preservation of basic grammatical patterns in everyday practice. At the same time, the learning process develops interest in the subject and develops into an exciting game.
In conclusion, the main goal of the program" trinity of languages " is to increase the competitiveness of the state language – Kazakh-to the level of Russian and English. The desire of the younger generation to learn three languages: Kazakh as the state language, Russian as the language of interethnic communication and English as an international language is a requirement of the time, a necessity for future generations.
Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate the experience of trilingualism within the framework of the multilingual education program and raise it at the world level. This will allow students to expand their participation in international projects, strengthen scientific ties with foreign colleagues, and gain access to sources of information in foreign languages. Today's generation needs to be given a high-quality education and upbringing, combining the national spiritual heritage with the world's best ideas, in order to raise the future of the country's high-profile, broad-minded citizens.


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