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Бектемир А.Т. –магистрантка группы МШТ 21-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Гурбанова А.А.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада білім берудің коммуникативті- бағдарланған бағыты аясында шет тілінің (атап айтқанда, ағылшын тілінің) грамматикалық материалын меңгеру тиімділігін арттыру жолдары, тәсілдері қарастырылады. Ағылшын тілінің грамматикасын оқытуда тиімді әдіс-тәсілдерді қолданудың теориялық алғышарттары мен әдістемелік негіздері зерттеліп, сөйлеу грамматикалық дағдысын қалыптастыру принциптері сипатталды.

Резюме. В данной статье проводится поиск путей, способов повышения эффективности усвоения грамматического материала иностранного языка (английского языка в частности) в рамках коммуникативно - ориентированной направленности обучения. Изучены теоретические предпосылки и методические основы использования эффективных методов при обучении грамматике английского языка, описаны принципы формирования речевого грамматического навыка.

The prospects for socio-economic and spiritual progress are laid down by the current system and the quality of education, in particular, by how correctly the role of each subject in solving the most important problems of the life of modern society is defined.

The rapid entry of Kazakhstan into the world community, integration processes in various areas of politics, economics, culture, ideology, mixing and movement of peoples and languages raise the problem of intercultural communication, mutual understanding of communication participants belonging to different cultures.
In this regard, the role of international education is increasing in modern society. And here the subject "foreign language" due to its specificity has more opportunities than other subjects of the school and university cycle. Now, more than ever, it is necessary that people speak foreign languages as a means of international communication.
No exception is a foreign language, which is objectively a social value. Its inclusion in the secondary school curriculum is a kind of social order of society, because at present our society needs more than ever that people speak foreign languages.
The practical purpose of language acquisition is its use to deepen one's knowledge in various fields of science, technology, social life, the development of a person who is able and willing to participate in a dialogue in the language being studied at the level of free communication, which must be carried out competently.
Naturally, all this cannot but affect the methodology of teaching English, cannot but pose new problems in the theory and practice of teaching English.
There is another important factor to keep in mind. With the development of science-intensive technologies, the role of information and knowledge is growing at all levels and in all spheres of social development.
It is important to note that it is no longer enough for a specialist to have information in their native language. You need to be aware of the development of your field in world practice.
Hence the increasing importance of teaching English, the formation of communicative competence. The problem of teaching English as a means of communication thus acquires particular relevance in modern methods.
The main goal of teaching a foreign language is free communication. Free communication includes competent oral speech. Literate oral speech implies knowledge of grammar, i.e. grammatically correct design of oral-speech statements.
In the process of learning a foreign language, students acquire skills in all types of speech activity - listening, speaking, reading and writing. But mastering these types of speech activity is impossible without such an important aspect as grammar.
Perhaps none of the aspects of language teaching has been the subject of such intense discussions and discussions over the years as grammar.
The study of foreign languages involves the mastery of such aspects as grammar, phonetics, written and oral speech. The question of the role and place of grammar in teaching foreign languages is one of the most discussed and was solved in the history of methodology in the most controversial way.
Some methodologists believed that it was possible to learn a foreign language only through grammar, which was the starting point and goal of learning. Others were convinced that grammar was not worth doing at all, and excluded it from the program. This contradiction is caused by different understanding of the term "grammar" [1].
On the one hand, there is now a more objective approach to assessing the importance and place of grammar in teaching a foreign language: now it is not a goal, but one of the important means of teaching a foreign language.
On the other hand, students most of all do not like to study grammar in foreign language lessons, and there are great difficulties in studying it.
Starting a study on the grammar of the English language and the features of its learning, it is necessary to define grammar as a whole.
In A.A.Bykov’s reference dictionary “Anatomy of terms”, the concept of grammar is defined as “the science of correct writing” [2].
From this explanation, we see that grammar as a concept has historically been related only to written speech and not to oral speech.
Adhering to the rules at that time was required only for the unambiguous presentation and interpretation of written documents; the norms of oral speech were absent, which allowed a wide variety of oral speech expression.
The word "grammar" has many meanings. In linguistics, its two meanings are distinguished:
• grammar - the grammatical structure of the language, ie. the structure of words and sentences inherent in a given language. A native speaker knows the grammatical structure intuitively, and comprehends it at school;
• grammar - the theory of language, a certain section of linguistics, which summarizes our knowledge of the grammatical structure of the language, "a set of rules on how words should be combined into sentences" [2].
Grammar is one of the most important aspects of teaching a foreign language, since full communication is impossible without knowledge of the grammatical structures of the target language.
Grammatical competence is part of communicative competence. Grammar competence is considered by scientists as the level of mastery of the basic language code: grammar rules, vocabulary, word formation, sentence structure, or as the ability to produce an unlimited number of linguistically correct sentences [3].
The structure of grammatical competence includes productive and receptive grammatical skills.

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