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Abdullaeva Nargiza Zakirzhanovna

Central Asian Innovative University

Түйін. Мақалада құндылық-семантикалық құзыреттілік жайлы айтылған. Бұл жағдайда біз оқушының дүниетанымы, шешім қабылдау кезінде басшылыққа алатын құндылық бағдарларының бірегей жүйесінің болуы, жауапкершілікті сезіну дәрежесі, моральдық сенімдер туралы айтып отырмыз.

Резюме. В статье рассказывается о ценностно-смысловой компетенции. В данном случае речь идет о мировоззрении школьника, наличии уникальной системы ценностных ориентаций, которыми он руководствуется при принятии решений, степени ответственности, моральных убеждениях.

Since the objective of our work is to identify the essence of the competence approach to teaching a foreign language in secondary school education, it is necessary to highlight the issue of the composition of key competencies, which are emphasized during training.

The key competencies in learning a foreign language are divided into two large groups: general and communicative. During the analysis of the literature on this topic, we identified such general competencies as:
Educational cognitive competence. According to Yu. I. Misheneva, this competency “includes elements of logical, methodological, educational activity correlated with real objects” [1, p. 2]. This competence includes “knowledge and skills of goal-setting organization, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity ...” [1, p. 2].
Value-semantic competence. In this case, we are talking about the student’s worldview, about the existence of a unique system of value guidelines, which he is guided by when making decisions, about the degree of awareness of responsibility, about moral convictions.
Information competence. The essence of this competency is revealed in the student’s ability to carry out various types of actions on information: to extract it from various sources, including sources in a foreign language, as well as from the outside world; be able to highlight the necessary information relevant to the task, to be able to use this information and protect it.
Competence of personal self-improvement. The competency under consideration implies the purposeful comprehensive development of the student, constant self-esteem and self-regulation of his activity [1, p. 2-3]. Of greatest interest to us is the structure of communicative competence. The student’s ability to spontaneous speech activity is the main goal of teaching a foreign language, respectively, the content of key competencies is of particular importance.
Communication is a fundamental component of communicative competence, because only in communication does it find its manifestation and only in communication can we assess the degree of its formation. However, the communication process is not homogeneous, especially when it comes to the practical use of a foreign language. L. Yu. Minakova and O. A. Obdalova give an interesting classification of possible areas of communication, which, in turn, was previously given by I. I. Khaleeva (see figure 1) [2, p. 145].

Figure 1. Classification of possible areas of communication

A very large contribution to the study of communicative competence was made by V.V.Safonova, her classification of the elements of this competency is very common, so we will consider it in more detail in figure 2:

Figure 2. Classification of the elements of the competency

Thus, we can say that the competence approach is prudently implemented in the process of teaching a foreign language. The content of key competencies tells us that a great emphasis is placed on the formation of students' ability and ability to actively use the knowledge gained in various communicative situations.

So, the competence approach arose as a result of the modernization of education, which is undergoing changes caused by new socio-economic reasons. At the moment, greater preference is given to the comprehensive development of the student, which is not limited to narrow specialization. Moreover, the theoretical preparation of the student in our time is not a key factor, and more emphasis is placed on the practical application of the acquired knowledge to solve various kinds of problems. Thus, it became necessary to introduce a new approach to learning, which was the competence approach. To understand the essence of the competence approach, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the basic terms that appear in the theory of this approach: competence and competence. There are no universally accepted definitions of these concepts, however, scientists studying this issue were able to highlight the characteristic features of competence and competence. So, competency is a complex of knowledge, skills and experience that, in their practical implementation, determine the student's competence.
The competence approach has appeared in the practice of education relatively recently, and its integration into the education system has been accelerated, which was facilitated by the presence of certain prerequisites. Thus, the emergence of a market economy has changed the system of requirements for an employee - universality is becoming a key quality. Also, the student needs to be able to self-learn in the conditions of constant updating of the flow of information [3]. Knowledge, the acquisition of which was previously considered the main ultimate goal of training, is given a practical orientation in the competence approach. The active learning model, which underlies the competence approach, is built up in several stages: 1) educational and cognitive activity, 2) quasi-school educational activity, 3) educational and school educational activity, 4) school educational activity. The student's level of education with a competence approach is assessed by his ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve problem problems [4].
The competence approach is closely connected with other pedagogical approaches, constantly interacts with them, as a result of which they acquire their positive properties. Thus, a competence approach complements the knowledge
providing the acquired theory with a practical orientation; cultural approach is used to determine the content of education with a competence approach; the emphasis on the requirements of the individual and activity as the driving force of learning in the interaction is increasing competency-based and personal-activity approaches. However, the integration of the competence approach has not yet been fully implemented for a number of reasons that are due to the tight timeframe for its formation, and as a result, the pedagogical community did not have enough time to develop a common position on this issue [5].
In our study, the most interesting is the structure and composition of competencies in teaching foreign languages. Thus, two large groups of competencies were distinguished: general and communicative. The general competencies included such as educational, cognitive, value semantic, informational and competence of personal self-improvement. An important point is to consider the structure of communicative competencies, the elements of which are linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, sociocultural, social and strategic competencies. Their unity ensures the formation of the student's communicative competence.


  1. Misheneva Yu. I. Competence approach in teaching foreign languages / Yu. I. Misheneva //Concept, 2014. - No. S8. - S. 31–35.

  2. Minakova L. Yu. Competence approach in the implementation of professional oriented projects in teaching a foreign language / L. Yu. Minakova, O. A. Obdalova // Vestn. Tom. state Secondary school, 2012. - No. 365. - S. 143–148. 

  3. Manushin E. A. Model for training an elite school children / E. A. Manushin, A. A. Dobryakov // Secondary school education in Russia, 2007. - No. 8. - P. 3–16

  4. Kuznetsova E. M. The implementation of the competence approach in linguistic education in Russia / E. M. Kuznetsova // M. V. Lomonosov and the multilingual information and educational space: in 2 hours: materials of Intern. scientific conf. (Arkhangelsk, November 15–16, 2011). Arkhangelsk: CPI NArFU, 2012. - Part 1. - P. 213–216.

  5. Matukhin D. L. Competence approach in the system of higher professional education / D. L. Matukhin, G. A. Nizkodubov // Language and Culture, 2013. - No. 1 (21). - S. 83–89.

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