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Алпамысова Д.С. – магистрантка группы МШТ(М)-21-2

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Назарова Г.Ж.
Резюме. В данной статье автор рассматривает теоретические аспекты формирования и развития лингвистических компетенций обучающихся в процессе обучения иностранному языку. Государственный образовательный стандарт основного общего образования, действующий в настоящее время в Казахстане, основан на положениях системно-деятельностного подхода как основного инструмента формирования компетенций и развития личности учащегося.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада автор шет тілін оқыту процесінде білім алушылардың лингвистикалық құзыреттіліктерін қалыптастыру мен дамытудың теориялық аспектілерін қарастырады. Қазіргі уақытта Қазақстанда қолданылатын негізгі жалпы білім берудің мемлекеттік білім беру стандарты оқушының жеке басының құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру мен дамытудың негізгі құралы ретінде жүйелі-белсенділік тәсілінің ережелеріне негізделген.

The state educational standard of basic general education, currently in force in Kazakhstan, is based on the provisions of the system-activity approach as the main tool for the formation of competencies and the development of the student's personality.

In the new activity paradigm of education, the focus is on the child, with his unique personality, needs, abilities and capabilities. A teacher is an organizer, a consultant who provides pedagogical support for his activities [1].
The concept of system-activity approach is based on the idea of personality in the process of learning (L.S.Vygotsky, P.Y.Galperin, D.B.Elkonin and others.).[2,3,4].
As they reveal psychological conditions and mechanisms of the process of assimilation of knowledge, forming a picture of the world and given the overall structure of the educational activities of students.
One of the provisions of the activity approach is that a person 's psychological abilities are the result of the transformation of external objective activity into internal mental activity through successive changes.
It follows from this that the personal, cognitive and social development of a child in the learning process in general and in teaching a foreign language in particular depends on the nature and organization of his learning activity.
In addition, the activity approach substantiates the position that the content of education contributes to the formation of a certain type of thinking - empirical or theoretical.
L.S.Vygotsky believed that learning exercises its leading role in the intellectual development of students, first of all, through the contents of acquired knowledge.[2]
Modern multimedia means of training, combining text, sound, video, animation, three-dimensional models and images in a digital format, and create conditions to improve the efficiency of foreign language teaching by improving the perception of authentic language data for account activation scope of emotions and feelings; increase motivation.
Audiovisual information is addressed to the personality of the student, forms his dialectical thinking, scientific worldview, conviction, creates conditions for personal development and self-development.
You can be sure that the use of information - communication technologies, multimedia resources, and Internet network resources at the process of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students in the foreign language teaching allows to expand the boundaries of class, to create a qualitatively new conditions for increasing the efficiency of the educational process.
V.V.Davydov believes that the main “components” of activity are actions [5].
Action is a process subordinate to the achievement of a certain result that exists in the form of a goal. Actions differ primarily in their goals. If the activity is directed to the motive, then the action is to the goal. V.V.Davydov considering activities as a complicated structure, which implies implementation of the set connected between an action.
When the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students in the process of foreign language teaching function of teaching and multimedia tools of learning is not limited only to the scope of restructuring the content of the educational process, since technical means in practice, learning a foreign language have an impact on the whole structure of the educational process.
At the first stage of working with a multimedia source of information (for example, hypertext), one gets acquainted with its structure, mastering the techniques of interacting with it, that is, an electronic resource acts as a subject of educational activity. In this case, students usually have to subordinate their actions to the logic given by the resource.
At subsequent stages of this, or any other multimedia resource use student has as a means of solving specific training tasks, following its own logic, and in accordance with the intended purpose, and electronic resource acts in the role of the didactic conditions and means of formation of foreign language communicative competence in the process of foreign language teaching.
Such a transformation of an object into a means also determines the development of the student's activity and thinking, presupposes a restructuring of habitual actions, forms and methods of activity.
Carrying out search necessary foreign language information for solving communicative tasks the learner is necessary to make the operations structuring time and attention: formulating the topic of information sought, to determine the amount of time it takes to communicate with a multimedia resource, choose the key foreign words from a combination of the words that are most relevant to the desired topic; follow the optimal route of movement by links, determine the semantic core of foreign language information and the most important details.
You can highlight a few key stages of work with foreign language multimedia information in general and to solve communication problems in the process of learning a foreign language in particular:
1. Conversion of information in accordance with the educational task
2. Searching for information and evaluating its results
3. Formulation of search criteria
When working in a multimedia-mediated information environment in order to implement foreign language communication in situations of intercultural communication, perception becomes selective, purposeful, analytical and synthetic activity.
All the main parameters of attention are qualitatively improved: volume, stability, intensity, the possibility of distribution and switching; it turns out to be a controlled, arbitrary process.
In connection with the development of independent thinking, the transition to the initiative of cognitive activity during the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students in the process of learning a foreign language are enhanced individual differences in the intellectual activity of students, created the conditions for activation of the creative abilities of students and the development of motivational sphere, which fully corresponds to the objectives and principles system-activity approach to teaching.
The formation of foreign language communicative competence in the process of learning a foreign language contributes to the individualization of the educational process in relation to the available opportunity to have students actively influence on their own process of learning, adapting it according to their individual abilities and preferences.
Didactic games and multimedia tools allow students to repeat the language material as much time as necessary in accordance with the individual peculiarities of perception and academic style, to focus attention on that block of educational material, which is of greatest interest in terms of its assimilation; in the course of project activities in a foreign language, they make it possible to independently choose the material on the studied topic that corresponds to their academic needs and interests. Students become active participants in the educational process, which is one of the main conditions for the implementation of the principles of the system-activity approach in education.
Didactic games and multimedia teaching aids in the practice of forming students foreign language communicative competence in the foreign language teaching contribute to an increase in the proportion of students' independent work when choosing channels for obtaining information, the sequence of its application, expressive means and ways of presenting the results of educational activities.
In the practice of forming a foreign language communicative competence of students in a multimedia educational space, discourse is an example of the implementation of the intention of a speaker or writer in a specific situation of multimedia- mediated intercultural communication, a communicative action.
In contrast, from the text, the discourse in situations multimedia mediated intercultural communication addressed to the partner for communication and implemented necessary in a given situation, linguistic and non-linguistic means, that is due to the social essence of language, implying the presence of the addressee of the question.
Taking into account the existence of synergistic effects, characteristic for multimedia mediated information space, it can be surely stated that the language area of the open multicultural information society is not an external factor, and the participants of the communication process.
S.K.Gural in his work on discourse analysis, considers language as a complex, developing system with the organized spontaneous generation of new meanings and meanings taking place in it, as a social formation reflecting the traditions and culture of its carriers. In a complex communication system, language self-development occurs, accompanied by the birth of new elements of the system [6].
For productive interaction in the context of multimedia- mediated intercultural communication, it is not enough to teach students the basic types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing).
In complex nonlinear systems, the result of the sum of actions is not equal to the sum of their results [6].
Close in meaning to the concept of "universal educational actions" are the concepts of "general educational skills", "general cognitive actions", "general methods of activity", "oversubject actions". All of them essentially mean one thing - "the ability to learn."
According to scientists, "the ability to learn" presupposes the mastery of generalized methods of action (general educational skills) that ensure independent effective implementation of educational activities.
Approaches to the formation of universal educational actions among students in basic school are actively considered by A.G.Asmolov and others [1].
In this study, according to a particular above the component composition of foreign language communicative competence of students in the foreign language teaching, in its basis in addition to the content "willingness" and "ability" is a unit of universal educational actions, which we believe mandatory condition, the aim and the result of the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students in a multimedia educational space.

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