Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Айтбаев Е. А., ученик №40 школа-гимназия имени Алпамыс батыра

Научный руководитель: магистр педагогических наук Космуратов А.У.

Түйіндеме. Бұл мақалада әдебиеттерді зерттеу ақпараттық коммуникациялық технологияларды пайдалану жағдайында мамандардың кәсіби құзыреттілігін шет тілі арқылы қалыптастыру көп өлшемді құбылыс екендігін көрсету туралы айтылға.

Резюме.В статье обсуждается литература, показывающая, что формирование профессиональной компетентности специалистов по иностранному языку - это многомерное явление в использовании информационных и коммуникационных технологий.

In order to consider the teaching methodology compiled in English, focusing on the knowledge of the nature of the surveyed sentences and their voice rhythm, it is mandatory to know which textbooks and guidelines will be implemented at the present time.

Two years ago, i.e. in the 2004-2005 academic year, when analyzing the mistakes made by students in the course of classes, their systematization and identification of the main types, students studied on the basis of the proposed textbook Arakin "practical English course". This textbook at that time and at the present time is one of the most valuable textbooks. Since this textbook contains in-depth materials aimed at fixing, developing, and training grammatical, phonetic, and lexical phenomena[1]. However, it should be noted that each textbook should be not only in-depth material, but also the ability to apply them in the practice of life. The priority aspect of this tutorial is to provide material, so there is not much time left for communication exercises. But, in addition to theoretical information about the phonetic rhythm, which is close to our research work, various types of exercises indicate the value of the textbook.
Currently, many educational institutions consider phonetic, grammatical, and lexical aspects simultaneously, i.e. during practical training. There are a lot of effective aspects of this method, and the most important thing is that at the time when the lexical material is issued, we are talking about its pronunciation, its application, and grammatical nature.
Based on the results of the work carried out for the purpose of generalization and analysis of textbooks, English language textbooks (English File, etc) are intended for teaching, giving great importance to conversation [2]. However, such textbooks were not made in comparison with the purpose of providing information about the features of the Kazakh language and the difference from English. One of the main principles that we believe in such textbooks is the principle of commitment to the native language. In addition, it should be remembered that such textbooks are used not only in Kazakh groups, but also in Russian groups, And this leads to many misunderstandings and mistakes of students. All this is due to the discrepancy in the teaching methods in these textbooks. Therefore, in our opinion, when studying the English language of voice rhythm for students of the Kazakh language, it is necessary to have a specially developed methodology.
On the basis of the purpose for the development of special techniques, first of all, the framework methodology, based on today's realities and needs, focusing on such documents and information as the concept of a foreign language, given the life experience of students, age characteristics, social status and ability, based on the latest innovative technologies, you must consider the native language of the students to determine the initiative of teaching a foreign language, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the properties of the student as a person and his features in the process of perception of language and speech as a person, assimilation.
The main goal of studying any foreign language is to teach students to communicate in a foreign language and achieve results. In real communication, students must fully and clearly Express their thoughts and speak freely, and therefore, be based on the communicative principle in the study of a non-native language. The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to form and develop a person of intercultural communication who is able to communicate on equal terms with a representative of a foreign language with a higher education in the field of Philology [3]. and the student can not achieve this goal regardless of the attitude, i.e., during classes, not to communicate with other people. After all, participation in it is a well-known tool for language development. When developing this method, it once again proves and reveals the role of the principle of communication.
In the process of learning a language, obviously, the influence of the native language is not shown, and the possession of a second language is inextricably linked with the native language, so the principle of orientation to the native language is not ignored. Explain any material, especially if this material is related to the student's native language, he tries to make it clear to the students [4.] Therefore, it is not possible to present a new phenomenon in a foreign language without paying attention to the language features of the native language. When familiarizing with new material, the Student begins to search for an equivalent in their native language, i.e. similarities. Therefore, the main principle of the approach to the native language has a special influence on the conscious memorization of language materials. Only with conscious memorization, knowledge is stored in memory for a long time, which is later automated.
Each national language appears, develops and functions in a certain historical and cultural environment. This means that each language is not only a product of a particular culture, but also a part of it. Of course, ignorance of a foreign language, the history and culture of this language is an empty word, so in the learning process
it is impossible not to rely on the principle of linguistics.
These mentioned principles are reflected in our proposed methodology. Based on these principles, we will be able to form a personality of cross-cultural communication, teaching students the ability to correctly use the subtleties of voice in English.
In our case, we are talking about teaching Kazakh-speaking students the rhythms of the voice of the requested sentences in English. Paying attention to the results of analysis, research and experiments, it is necessary to pay attention to the conscious, cognitive assimilation of information provided by students, in order to prevent mistakes made by students in the course of speech under the influence of the peculiarities of the Kazakh language. Taking this data, you need to turn it into a habit and adapt it to use in the practice of life. The main goal of this method is to develop skills in accordance with psychological data based on three stages: analytical, synthetic and automation of activities. Familiarization with prosodic material and the stages of its consolidation are considered in a suitable method.
For the first time, students are introduced to the rhythm of the voice in English in practical classes, while the teacher explains to them the nature of the intonation of the English language and the features of its use in speech. And students are faced with the task of speaking English with the correct rhythm of the voice. At first, students do not cope with the peculiarities of their native language and cannot correctly perceive and use the English rhythm.
Therefore, the process of teaching the Kazakh language to students of voice rhythm in English begins with the preparatory stage. This stage was named by G. K. Tusupova " preliminary-preparatory” in the methodology of formation of sound skills in German for students with Kazakh language of instruction [5]. At this stage, the teacher needs to select phonetic material from the General lesson material in accordance with the loud rhythm of the requested sentences. And in the next stage, they inform about the rules of pronunciation and features of pronunciation of the requested sentences in English, fix the material with the help of relatively developed exercises with the Kazakh language in order to prevent mistakes caused by the influence of the native language, train language phenomena. Thus, the stage of practical application of the acquired knowledge and accumulated skills begins, forming skills. At this stage, students must speak fluently and correctly apply the rhythm of the voice of the requested sentence in the process of communication.
Due to the fact that students do not have a native language in the study of a foreign language, phonetic features prevent them from forming the ability to speak, translate from their native language into a foreign language, as well as fear, restricted character, anxiety and fear that does not allow mistakes in their minds. However, these factors can be combated.
To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the language material in the Kazakh audience using the methodology, first of all, prepare students for psychological training, select the most important and effective materials that will be implemented at the preparatory stage. The activity of the teacher at this stage plays a very important role, since in the process of organization, teachers teach the student consciously the ability to control themselves, their actions, and words. At this stage, the teacher leads to the systematization of rules, giving examples of features of the intonation of a sentence – a speech phenomenon, including a given sentence. Of course, this task can be difficult for young students, since it is not possible to analyze the changes and properties of the components of the voice rhythm of the sentence.
Therefore, the teacher begins to give General information about these phenomena, and, of course, explains some similarities and features, comparing with the Kazakh language, showing by example. It should be noted that the rhythm of the voice plays an important role not only in speech, but also in the understanding of speech. Then students consciously apply their efforts not only to speech, but also to understanding, develop the ability to encode and decode. The information provided in the approval exercise is conducted for the purpose of. The teacher coached him specifically to prevent rather than to deal with mistakes made by the students. The types of interrogated sentences should be considered separately, individually, compared with each other, and only then their personal characteristics have a strong place in the minds of students, i.e. the image of the intonation structure is preserved in their memory. As a rule, teachers explain all types of requested sentences in English language teaching, do not pay special attention to them, their features are explained superficially.
Experimentally showed that the process of interpretation of intonation structures should be carried out in the following sequence: 1) interpret, 2) give examples, 3) recognize, 4) give examples, 5) use analogies, 6) act by analogy [6], in the first interpretation of intonation features, it is necessary to graphically indicate the direction of movement of the tones of the voice. As practice shows, the intonation of the scheme is very effective in the interpretation of the tonal motion, syntagmatic selections, determining the rhythm and stress.
According to A. S. Granitskaya, the interpretation of the material should use the intonation scheme of the phrase, help in the interpretation and conducting of words, do not agree with this, this approach contributes to the perception of verbal, auditory and visual perception.
Taking these opinions into account, you can perform exercises to differentiate and identify the voice rhythm of the requested sentence. For example, a) determine which type of the requested sentence is characteristic, paying attention to the movement of tones in the sentence, b) determine what is the difference between the tone of pronunciation of one question in Kazakh and English, b) put the intonation scheme of this sentence, and so on. In addition, one of the best ways to learn voice rhythm in English is to use technical tools. Currently, each University has special computer rooms, so it is possible to devote part of the learning process to this.
At the main stage of studying the voice rhythm of the surveyed sentence, the main attention of the student is in the movement of music in the voice rhythm, since there are prosodic and phonetic differences in English compared to Kazakh. The psychological basis for teaching students the Kazakh language of voice rhythm in English is to create an atmosphere of communication. Therefore, the lesson focuses on the use of tape recorders and other technical tools in determining the movement of melodies, splitting into syntagmas, knowledge of the places where the impact falls, the ability to make failures in the necessary places. It is very convenient to a certain extent for creating a language environment, so that students can understand the word written on the tape, and act in accordance with it.it is widely used for independent preparation and work of the student.
In addition, in our opinion, the types of exercises aimed at differentiation and identification can be used to work with all the components of a loud rhythm.
When fixing the features of rhythm and accent, developing the ability to use them correctly, you can implement them with the help of exercises. For example, the response to it with the requested sentence is given in parallel, and the response emphasizes the actual word. Tasks for students: focus on the underlined word, focus on the necessary words in the query.
According to the results of experiments and research, Kazakh language students are very effective at correctly dividing into syntagmas, teaching self-control, a dialog word in English, as it has the ability to ask the listener the information they want to know depending on the situation, and begins to feel a little free. In a dialog, the speaker is in a language situation. [50, 78] in addition, students should clearly understand and understand their role in the division into syntagmas. If the student does not show independence, psychologically prepared and directed to language activities, the teacher does not achieve any results.
In addition, repeat an important place in the exercises to apply the rhythm of the voice, i.e. repeat the teacher's word or a word recorded on a tape recorder. You can record duplicate words of the student on the tape, the student can compare their word and figurative Word, and sees their shortcomings with their own eyes. With this training, the student's auditory ability develops and begins to adapt to the speech characteristics of the listener [5].
In most cases, you can use exercises aimed at training and developing visual perception. They get the opportunity to listen to yourself reading out loud. Recognizing this text, you can divide it into syntagms, first reading it, with which intonation rhythms should be read, which punctuation marks are placed, and also into syntagms. All this contributes to the fact that they consciously read and come to a conclusion. One of the exercises aimed at learning the rhythm of the voice is the exercises for speech. In it, students can ask what topic they would like to ask, hold themselves freely, do not hide emotions, emotions, feelings, speak with gestures, ishara, feel like a real relationship.
Combining the types of exercises, you can give the following General characteristics:
* find out what voice rhythm, tone, feeling, in which case the polled sentences are pronounced on the tape or the teacher.
* transmit via transcription by reading the requested sentences.
* type the requested sentences from the training material and pronounce them with the correct voice rhythm.
* expressively read passages shown according to the voice rhythm scheme, in accordance with the rules.
* translation from the Kazakh language into English and Vice versa using the correct rhythm of the voice.
* creating a dialogue on a specific topic.
* retell the listened material as a sample.
* ask questions correctly, paying attention to the rhythm of the voice on the given answers.
* create a story on various topics.
* record and re-listen students ' words on the tape.
* exercises for differentiation and identification.
* give laboratory tasks. [52]
In the course of performing the exercises, it is necessary to repeat the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. Only then will the acquired knowledge be remembered for a long time. In exercises aimed at forming skills for the correct use of loud rhythm, it should be noted that the sound, of course, should always be comparable to the laws of the Kazakh language. We think that L. V. Shcherba's word about the help of the native language was pronounced:"... After all, we are interested in the thought itself, and it is extremely difficult to focus our attention on the shell of this thought, on the language form. And it is only the contact of one language with another on the basis of comparisons – how the same thought is expressed differently in different languages-that naturally stops the nose on the means of expression and makes a person attentive to the subtle nuances of thought and feeling”[6].
An example of a method for teaching voice rhythm in a polled sentence.

  1. Каушанская В. Л. және т.б. ағылшын тілінің грамматикасы. 1973 M.

  2. Kaushanskaya et. al. A Grammar of the English Language (practice book) L. Prosveshcheniye 1967

  3. Shubin U. P. "Language communication and foreign language training", M. 1972

  4. Rogova G. V. "Methods of teaching English", L., 1995

  5. Passov E. I., Tsarkov V. B. "Concepts of communicative training", Moscow, 1993.

  6. Zaremskaya S. I., Slobodchikov A. A. "Development of students 'initiative speech", Moscow, 1983

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